Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 390: Play big!

At this time, hundreds of miles away from the cactus family, a group of people and horses are speeding in the wilderness. Although a group of people are running, the speed is no less than a running horse. The speed is extremely fast in the wilderness. A long dirt dragon was dragged out, so spectacular.

However, soon after the problem appeared, he ran for more than a hundred miles. In the team, some people turned red, breathing like a cow, and breathing hard.

"No! It is impossible for us to run out of the demon world in this way!"

Suddenly, both Baili Feiyan and Luo Yan stopped their paces. The cheeks of the two girls turned red at the moment, and the sweat was dense.

"I feel a huge consumption of mental power!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone except Pei Junlin nodded in approval, because everyone felt a similar situation.

At this time, they are different from when they dived into the demon world before, one by one, they only need to consume a small amount of mental power to cover their breath.

At this time, everyone has at least thousands of high-quality spirit crystals. The terrifying energy that belongs to high-quality spirit crystals is the biggest source of mental energy consumption, because if it is not covered by spiritual power, the breath of high-quality spirit crystals will be exposed instantly, like The lingjing veins move one by one, which attracts the surrounding demons.

But how powerful is the energy of Gaoping Lingjing, which requires spiritual power to continually cover and conceal it again and again. In this way, how many people can sustain the mental power? !!

The Divine Power, although already very powerful, is only physical, and the growth of spiritual power can only be qualitatively improved when it reaches the state of the Supreme Supreme Power. When the Divine Power is strong, the increase is very large. limited.

"So what do we do now?" Nalanhao asked the key points.

Everyone was silent, because it was a very difficult problem. At this moment, they were more than 3,000 miles away from the monster world. They would not be able to rush back in a short time. It would be impossible for them to spend so much energy. Things done.

Moreover, the recovery of mental power is much more difficult than the true power, and it cannot be recovered in a short time.

"Otherwise we don't have to cover up, let go of the courage!"

Xia Houping suddenly opened his mouth, showing a domineering side leakage: "We have so many people, in the early days of the divine state, even if we meet the strong middle-aged demon god, who is dead is not necessarily alive, afraid of a ball what!"

As soon as this word came to an end, a lot of strong war will emerge on the body of everyone. They are all geniuses who have been selected from thousands of miles, and they are also powerful gods. The basic courage and courage will never be lacking.

"It's okay to let go of your strength, but the only thing I'm worried about right now is, once we meet the demon **** late and even the strongest in the peak, what should I do?" Leng Shuangshuang said.

This time, everyone ’s camp is indeed very powerful, but it depends on who the target is. If you really meet the strongest in the late period of the demon **** or the peak, it is really a situation of nine deaths, a difference of two to three levels. Repairing the gap is enough to make people desperate.

"Almost all of the late demon gods are in big cities. Such villages rarely appear in ordinary villages and towns. As for the peak of the demon god, it is even rarer! The entire Xihua Tiankeng is so rare Each, and almost every one stays in his own city to practice in silence, rarely caring about trivial matters outside! "

Li Tianpei calmly analyzed: "So, I think we still have a chance!"

"During everyone's escape, you can try to avoid the scope of those large cities. It's a big detour!"

"Also, besides this method, it seems that there are no other good alternatives, right?!?"

Li Tianpei set his eyes on Pei Junlin's face. In this regard, Pei Junlin also slightly shook his head. Facing such a situation, he also had no better way. If he was alone, there would be no problem. He The powerful deity is enough to support the Xifeng City base returned to human beings, let alone an artifact such as a space ring.

The atmosphere was silent again. After a long time, Zhang Pingping suddenly stretched out her palm and said firmly: "Fight it !!!"



"Malgobi, since I dare to take part in this mission, I have already prepared for my head not to be on the waist of my pants, afraid of an egg!" Xia Houping didn't care, as a warrior, desperately it was just a routine thing. .

One palm stretched out quickly, and the last eleven people got together completely, yelling in unison: "Fight it !!!"

The roar did not fall, all the bright golden light was like a scorching sun, erupting above the landmark, the golden light covered a land of dozens of miles, and the sky reflected was golden.

At this moment, everyone is not wasting their mental energy to cover up their breath and the energy fluctuations of Gao Jinglingjing, and they are fully prepared to let go.

Even if the hinterland of the demons is different, all eleven of them are the strength of the early days of the divine realm, and desperately enough to turn the whole Xihua Tiankeng upside down!

The brilliance of gold shone on the sky, and the terror of blood and blood stirred up the situation. The eleven people who completely let go of it let the speed increase sharply, soaring several times.

The combination of the eleven golden lights is even stronger than a strong one in the middle of the demon god. It is comparable to the late demon god. It scared some of the weak demon clan around, lying on the ground one by one. The young and low-level demons are directly scared to death!

Of course, some powerful demons were shocked, one by one showing extreme greed, because they felt the seductive high-quality spirit crystal.

Gao Pin Ling Jing is a holy holy product that all demons desire, even if they know that the human breath is not easy to mess with, but out of greed, some daring demons of the tribe quickly go out and follow.

After a short period of time, Pei Junlin and others gradually gained a lot of demon power behind them, and almost all of them were top-notch powerhouses. The monsters at the level of the imperial emperor could only base, and some of them were extraordinary. Powerful monster.

It can also be roughly seen that the power of the demon clan is really strong. Even in this wilderness, some demon gods may be hidden at any time.

However, all this is not the greatest danger. When Pei Junlin and his team were speeding, dozens of miles away, somewhere in the void, a horrifying figure full of evil spirits was walking in the air, his eyes Like a laser, it constantly detects all suspicious objects on the land below.

Suddenly, at this moment, the shadow heart felt his head and quickly raised his head to reveal a familiar face. He was exactly the head of the cactus family.

The patriarch repaired by the demon **** in the mid-term, stared at the northwest sky, where there was a faint faint golden light, and at the same time, there was a wave of energy that seemed to be familiar.


At the moment when he felt that breath was so familiar, the patriarch erupted directly, and a more terrible momentum broke out in the whole body. The whole body was exuberant, and disappeared in place, turned into an aurora, and chased it. .

Under the full force of a demon **** mid-powerful outbreak, it should not be too horrible, the time is not long, and the fluctuations coming from the front are becoming more and more obvious. It is indeed human beings!

The cactus patriarch was so killing all over his body that his speed soared again, and he could already see the shadow ahead!

At this time, Pei Junlin and others, who were running at a high speed, were also exerting their strength. Eleven people were like eleven-point jet rockets. When they met mountains and rivers, they met rivers and rivers.

Many demon clans gradually dropped out, because they couldn't catch up at all, and could only reveal their regretful look.

But there are still many demon **** strongmen who are holding their mouths tight. They not only want to get those high-quality spirit crystals, but also kill this brazen human being.

In the hinterland of the demon clan, there are such a lot of powerful human strongmen. This is a great event for any demon clan. There is no need to think about it, kill!

"Oh, we seem to be playing more and more! Who can tell me, where is such a barren land, where there are so many powerful demons ?!"

During the fast running, Nalanhao's exclamation sounded. At this moment, they were unknowingly behind them. There were already four strong demon gods behind them. There were even more powerful demon kings. The battlefield is constantly expanding.

This is just the beginning. After running less than a few hundred miles, it has attracted four strong powers in the realm of demon gods. It is hard to imagine how many demon powers will join in as time goes by.

Everyone's face was dark, because such a scene was completely beyond everyone's expectations. Isn't it that only those large and medium-sized cities will have the monsters of the demon realm in and out? Such a barren land, where and where So many demon gods? !!

Even Pei Junlin's look was very dignified, and the situation was more serious than expected. This time, it seems necessary to go all out, otherwise, it may be a big loss!


At this time, a majestic mountain ~ ~ appeared in front of it. A horrible horror erupted from the depths of the forest. Finally, there was a strong man in the realm of demon gods, which started to intercept.

It was a mang cow with a height of hundreds of meters. Its strength was about to step into the middle of the demon god. It was very strong. The whole body was black and shiny. The limbs were fit. Two horns were facing the sky.

On the territory of the botanical demon clan, the emergence of such an animal demon clan appears very abrupt, but it also proves the powerful strength of this big mang cow from one side.

The demon race is a very disorderly and disorderly race. Many powerful demon races actually don't obey discipline. Many powerful demon monsters like Zhanshan as the king in order to be unrestrained. This is why Pei Junlin and others will attract such people. One of the important reasons for many demon gods.

"Work together, God blocks God, Buddha blocks!"

Pei Junlin's cold and bitter voice sounded, his speed suddenly soared, and appeared directly at the forefront of the team. At the same time, Li Tianpei's speed also rose sharply and stood with Pei Junlin.

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