Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 530: Nanzhou Tiankeng

The Qinling Mountains, deep in the Zhongnan Mountains, is the ancestral land of the Bai family.

When Bai Ji received the amazing news from the reports of the two grandsons, Rao used the supreme power of the Supreme Strong, and the white jade tea cup in his hand was also directly turned into broken pieces. Water vapor disappeared.

Bai Ji suddenly felt some toothache and yelled: "Rabbit!"

It ’s only been a few days since I left this big mess. Lao Tzu rewards you with so many phantoms, not for killing your own strong ones, but for the demons. I did n’t expect this first shot But it was used on their own.

However, when he saw two video content from Bai Yulong, Bai Ji's anger suddenly began to soar: "Scum! Deserve it!"

"Dongfeng family, it's getting more and more shameless! There is no bottom line in doing things!"

At this time, at the airport in Mongolia, there are three figures waiting for the flight. These three figures are Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong, and Bai Yufei.

Suddenly, Bai Yulong made a surprise shout: "My grandpa has the news!"

"Let me see what news!"

Bai Yufei quickly rushed up and said softly, "Do as usual!"

"I'm going, what does this mean, grandpa too cherishes his words!"


Before Yun's words fell, Bai Yufei was slapped on his head. Bai Yulong cursed, "Stupid, can you give the IQ on the formation to other aspects!"

"On the basis of your experience and understanding, I'm really worried that one day I will be killed by others!"

"Grandpa has already understood this well, OK, that is, what should we do, no need to worry about the revenge of the Dongfeng family, everything has him!"

Bai Yufei touched his aching head, still confused: "Is that so ?!"

Bai Yulong ignored the younger brother who had no roots in his head and turned his eyes to Pei Junlin's face next to him. He was excited: "Pei Junlin, our worries are gone! Haha, how about it? My Bai family always talks to one Let's spit in a pit.


Pei Junlin grinned that Bai Ji's ability to give the answer so neatly did make him very comfortable. After all, in this world, the trustworthy people still occupy the majority, and there are few shameless people like the Dongfeng family. .

"Hey, you choose my Bai family, it is definitely the wisest decision in my life!"

Bai Yulong is very speculative.

"Okay, don't hesitate! It's time, we should board the plane!"

Bai Yufei, who took a slap, interrupted Bai Yulong's manifestation with indignation: "I just checked the information through channels. The battle in Nanzhou Tiankeng is very fierce!"

"The demon side seems to want to avenge the loss of the three thousand miles of land they had previously lost, and used a large killing weapon to slaughter the chariot, which caused two of our top gods to seriously injure two. In the later state of God, one person was sacrificed. The situation Very unfavorable! "

"The human side can only rely on the base formation method for defense many times, and it is very passive to shrink into the base!"

"What? So serious ?!"

When Bai Yufei's words fell, Pei Junlin and Bai Yulong's eyebrows were raised at the same time, and Bai Yulong quickly confirmed the accuracy of the news.

After a few minutes, his face became gloomy and watery, and with some weirdness, he kept glancing at Pei Junlin.

This expression makes Pei Junlin want to slap him away. What do you mean by this look? It's soaky, just let it go!

"Pei Junlin, I don't think you should go to Nanzhou Tiankeng!"

Bai Yulong said.

"What do you mean? Make it clear!"

Pei Junlin's eyes became more and more dangerous.

"I just got the news. The tank of the God of Slaughter that my Bai family just made is already on its way to Nankeng Tiankeng!"

Bai Yulong said slowly: "So, the tension in the situation should be relieved!"

"That's a good thing! We can help when we go!"

Bai Yufei said.

"You know what a fart! Pop!"

Bai Yufei's head was slaped again, which made Bai Yufei's hair completely, and his anger burned: "Bai Yulong, why don't you give me a detailed reason to hit me this time, believe it or not, I use the array method Sleepy for seven days and seven nights! "

Maybe fighting experience. In terms of life, Bai Yufei is indeed not as good as Bai Yulong, but he really has to fight alone. Bai Yufei is not afraid of Bai Yulong. On the contrary, Bai Yulong is afraid of Bai Yufei.

"Stupid, don't you understand my underlying meaning? This problem is here!"

Bai Yulong lowered his voice and explained, "Pei Junlin, just in the news I just received, this time in the battle of the tiankeng in Nanzhou, many monsters are crying out loud to hand you over, otherwise, the war Will never stop! "

Bai Yufei ...

Pei Junlin's face was a little dark at this moment. He felt that he hadn't done anything, how could he attract so much resentment from the demons.

"Ha ha!"

It seems very clear what Pei Junlin thinks, Bai Yulong sneered at the sight: "Let's not say anything else, even if you count, how many demon strong and geniuses have been killed since you entered this pit war. ? "

Pei Junlin hummed, "It's not much, it hasn't broken the three digits!"


Bai Yufei, who was drinking water next to him, coughed and coughed, his eyes widened, and his face was incredible.

Bai Yulong is also a little speechless, and can't help but say loudly: "Sure, you want to break through the three-figure number, you really are the strongest of the demon family is Chinese cabbage. Harvest as much as you want!"

"Among these strong men you killed, there are many direct sons and daughters of the monster overlord, such as the tigers of the white tiger family, the wolf queen of the Sirius family, the Taiyi of the sunflower family, and so on. In addition, you fight The wounded Orchid family orchid master, the seven princes of the golden lion family! "

"Besides, wherever you appear, there is almost a kind of demon alienation in the war. Not long ago, it was because of your actions to steal the chariot of slaughtering gods, and the evil devil lost two peaks of demon gods. Those who do not count, and gave up three thousand miles to seal the land! "

"The peacock demon statue is a huge price reward, get your head!"

"And your earlier series of actions, all these things add up, if I am a demon side, I will kill you!"

Bai Yulong said fiercely, but in terms of words and expressions, there was a kind of envy and jealousy.

Pei Junlin heard the words, and smiled with a touch of his nose, "I was so consciously aware of you that I have made so many contributions!"

"Are you secretly envious and envious of me?"

"Roll the calf! The ghost is jealous and envious of you!"

Bai Yulong sneered, he would not admit it all!

"Hehe, everything has two sides. Since I am hated by the demons, I will die soon, then kill it quickly. Then, in turn, why am I not a human hero, right?"

With this sentence, Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei really have no way of refuting it. With Pei Junlin's current series of feats, they really deserve the word "hero" on the human side!

"Since it is a hero, how can such a fight shrink back?"

Pei Junlin asked, with an inexplicable expression: "Don't you just say everything just now, there have been wars that have been happening and I have always been demonized. How can I be absent this time?"

"Let's go, the boarding time is up, we won't be able to catch the plane if we don't go again!"

Sorry, Pei Junlin walked to the boarding gate smartly.

Behind him, Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei were extremely helpless and could only keep up quickly.

The Nanzhou region is a deservedly rich region in China. The climate here is milder than in the north, especially in the southernmost part of the country, and it is like spring in all seasons. It is very habitable, so it has a large population, accounting for 52% of the country. Over the population.

The crater of Nanzhou Prefecture is located in the depths of Yungui, in an old forest in a deep mountain. The terrain here is sinister, with many poisonous insects, but it is a forbidden area in the lives of many ordinary people.

Of course, for a strong warrior, all this is nothing.

Through the dense crevices of the towering trees, we can see that in the old forest of this mountain, there is a huge steel base looming, and there are modern high-tech heavyweights, all available, soldiers with live ammunition, three steps, one post and five On the whistle, the defense is very tight.

三十 Within thirty miles here, all are restricted areas, and no one is allowed to approach without permission, otherwise, there is no amnesty to kill!

When Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong, and Bai Yufei landed in the air, several tyrannical air machines emerged from the base, and they were firmly locked.

"Stop here !!!"

A strong man in heavy armor, walking in a windy style, blocking the way of the three, turned out to be a strong man in the mid-god.

"Fang, don't you know me?"

Bai Yulong stepped forward and opened up ~ ~ Mr. Bai, of course, I know! "

部长 The Minister Fang's brilliant eyes glanced over the faces of Pei Junlin and Bai Yufei, and said, "I not only know you, but also this Mr. Pei!"

Pei Junlin was surprised: "Am I now famous to such a point?"

Minister Fang looked weird, secretly pouting in his heart. I do n’t know you, either. Now I do n’t know how many monsters in Nanzhou Tiankeng are screaming to kill you. Such a big celebrity has not yet arrived in Nanzhou Tiankeng, almost all warriors in the entire Nanzhou Tiankeng, are aware of it.

However, honestly, Minister Fang was also very curious about Pei Junlin. He couldn't imagine how such a low-key young man in front of him could cause the demons to be so resentful.

"Now the battle situation is extremely tense. Just now, some of your Bai family has arrived!"

Minister Fang said: "If you want to go in, please verify your identity first. This is the process that must go through!"

"Otherwise ..."

Speaking of this, Minister Fang's eyes fell on Pei Junlin, with a strange look: "Mr. Pei, the demon inside is very unfriendly to you. If you go in, I am afraid that I will be in danger like never before!"

Pei Junlin ...

If Bai Yulong said before, Pei Junlin just laughed, then at this moment he is really interested, he really wants to enter this Nanzhou Tiankeng and have a good look, what kind of monsters want to make trouble ...

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