Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 534: Kill Pei Junlin!

"Fire !!!!"

When the two words that were so loud and clear fell, all the strong players in the entire battlefield, whether humans or demons, were beating their hearts violently.

Previously, Pei Junlin shouted an open fire and directly killed four demon gods in the late period, hitting seven or eight people, which is an excellent record. Now I can hear this familiar word again, how can I not let all the powerful people feel nervous.

The human side is excited, and the demon side is panic!

"Asshole, you dare !!!"

"Do you want to start a total war ?!"

The angry roar came from the mouth of the demon **** peak powerhouse. The three demon **** peak powerhouses were almost going mad, unknowingly. Their elite hit the fist of the abominable human again and was trapped by the formation method !!

Watching the white haze of matrix formations fluctuate, all the demon gods are so angry that they are about to vomit and bleed.

Under the threat of such a large killing vehicle, the most taboo is that the strong are crowded in a small area, which is a living target.

It can be so, at some point, what are you afraid of?

"A total war counts!"

At the moment when the roar of the demon peak strong fell, a terrifying roar spread through the entire battlefield again. Bai Zhen just opened the fire without hesitation. The bright light was dazzling at this moment. All eyes saw a horror. The beam of annihilation of the world fell into the depths of the white fog with great accuracy.

boom! !! !!

The familiar mushroom cloud rose to the sky again, the landmark trembled, as if the earthquake was coming, and a horrible mouth was cracked. Many of the monster soldiers caught by surprise fell into the screaming and died.

What's more serious is that terrible shock wave, which is spread on all sides, and countless monster soldiers are turned into powder directly on the spot.

This is simply disaster!

The terrible blow of the Tushen Chariot is enough to destroy a demon **** in the later period and re-create the pinnacle of the demon god. It is just the aftermath, and not these ordinary soldiers can bear.

With the matrix method as the center, within a few kilometers of the circle, there is a mess, there are corpses of demons everywhere, with broken limbs and arms everywhere.

In this scene, even the human side, the pupils are tightened fiercely, the power of the slaughter chariot is too terrible! Just one aftermath has caused such terrible destructive power.

No wonder such a big killer is never allowed to fire on ordinary soldiers, this is simply creating evil!

what! !! !!

The painful screams came from the blast storm. A demon **** strong rushed out of the body with blood. Most of his body was gone, leaving only the upper half of his body, very miserable.

Then again, another demon **** strong rushed out from inside, this time it was even worse, only one head was left!

Then the third, the fourth ...

In short, none of the demons and strong men rushing out is intact. At this moment, many strong men are silently counting in their hearts.

Counting to the sixth, no more demon gods rushed out.

At this time, the terrible energy storm finally dissipated, making all eyes see the real scene clearly.

I saw a huge deep pit on the ground with a diameter of more than 2,000 meters, and the bottom became bottomless. The land turned red, like a red iron, which was caused by high temperature.

Around this big pit, the earth cracked a horrible crack, bottomless, full of extermination of destruction, without any life.

Of the fourteen demon gods, only six survived, and the remaining eight were all dead, and the six survived were also seriously injured. Unless the high-level monsters will spend a lot of resources to help, otherwise, Not only will it not rise, but it will fall sharply.

Witnessing all the powerhouses at this moment, there was a chill in my heart at this moment.

If you count the four demon **** powerhouses lost by the demon clan, in just such a short time, twelve demon **** powerhouses have fallen!

This is a great loss, as strong as the demon tribe, and some can't afford it!

The culprit responsible for all this is not Bai Zhengang, who controls the Tushen chariot, but Pei Junlin, all of which was made by this guy.

"Pei Junlin !!!"

The roar of endless resentment resounded over the entire battlefield. On the demon side, the eyes of the three demon gods were all filled with blood.

At this moment, the hatred of the monster tribe to Pei Junlin has reached its apex completely, and his immortality is definitely the greatest evil of the monster tribe in the future.

How long did this abominable human young man enter the war, and twelve demon **** powerhouses were killed in a row, and they all existed in the middle and late stages of the demon god, and they also seriously injured many powerhouses.

It seems that with this guy's war, there will always be some inexplicable changes. The previous wars are so, this time and again!

This son must die, he will not die, and all the monsters of the tribe are troubled!

"All the demon gods obey orders and kill Pei Junlin with all their strength!"

"In addition, the preparation of the Tushen chariot prepared me to suppress the guy who fired fiercely!"

The demon **** peak of the White Tiger family simply ordered.

Originally this war, the demons had the advantage. However, with the appearance of Pei Junlin, twelve demons and strong men were killed in succession, and many more were destroyed, causing the demons' original advantages to occupy and collapse again .

If the demons want victory, it is already very difficult, so the biggest wish now is to kill this human called Pei Junlin, even if the war is defeated, he will spare no expense.

Buzz! !! !!

The terror energy wave came out. As the order was issued, the room of the monster camp, the faint cold mang gradually bloomed on the slaughter chariot. Twelve fierce beasts roared toward the sky, aiming at the place where Bai Zhengang was. The position is exactly aimed at the Tu Shen chariot, because Bai Zhen just hid behind the Tu Shen war body and could not lock it at all.

Originally, this was a pure waste, because the Tushen chariot would not be locked at all, and could be taken back to the storage at any time by the guardians around it, but now the demon clan does not care about this waste at all, only Ask for all efforts to suppress the human slaughter chariot, so as to free up enough powerful people to kill Pei Junlin.

"All human soldiers, retreat! Retreat kilometers away!"

Seeing that the demon side actually exhibited such a method of drawing a salary at the bottom of the kettle, Xu He led a rapid and decisive order.

"Zhang Gang, protect the Tushen chariot, retreat!"

At the same time, Bai Zhenyang's voice came out quickly. The relationship between Tushen Chariot was too great, and there must be no mistakes.

"Can't refund!"

However, at this moment, a voice sounded, and the shepherd would shout loudly.

"Once our tank of the God of Slaughter retreats, it is tantamount to giving the demons a chance, and they will fire the tank of the God of God and fire with our strong ones!"

"What should I do ?!"

Bai Zhenyang's face was gloomy.

"Boom! Boom each other!"

The **** of shepherd will show his face with unprecedented decisiveness and ruthlessness: "Since his demon dared to open fire at us, then we will also aim at the slaughter chariots, so that at least two slaughter chariots can be restrained from each other!"

"That makes sense!"

After hearing the words, Bai Zhenyang nodded quickly, and the next instant turned into an aurora, appearing beside the Tushen chariot, and loudly said: "Give me the Tushen chariot, grandma, I will see who sees the bottom first. Who killed it! "

After that, there was a faint light on the human slaughter chariot, and the twelve fierce beasts roared to the sky.



Two roars exploded almost in tandem, and two lights of extinction appeared on both sides of the entire battlefield, dragging their long tails towards the enemy's positions.

When the light of annihilation approached, whether it was the human side or the demon side, they all quickly gathered the chariot of slaughtering God and evaded to the side.

The end result was that two artillery guns, each costing 10,000 Gao Pinjing, were lost, shaking the entire battlefield, and the smoke was rolling.

In this way, the power of the slaughter chariots on both sides was greatly curbed.

But the demons are the most excited at this time, because as long as the human slaughter chariot is suppressed, Pei Junlin in the sky is a bird with broken wings, no more threats.

The intention of killing was like a volcanic eruption. One by one, the demons and strong men abandoned their opponents and flew towards Pei Junlin. The faces of Zhang Ye and the horrific momentum finally made Pei Junlin's face completely. Great change.

crazy! All crazy!

In order to kill him, these monsters are all enchanted!

Mad ~ ~ I'm just a weak chicken. Is it worth your grand treatment? !!

At this moment, Rao is the character of Pei Jun who is not afraid of the heavens. He is also full of hair and cold.

"Help !!!!"

Pei Junlin yelled, fleeing madly towards the human city, and he wasn't a pen. In such an environment, the iron-headed ones dared to touch it.

It is conservatively estimated that there are 20 or 30 demon **** strongmen who are chasing him at this moment, and the number is still increasing. In the early stage of the demon god, the middle stage of the demon god, and the late stage of the demon god, they were all savagely attacking Pei Jun.

That crazy gesture, even the strong man on the human side is stunned. It seems that even when it is the most desperate time, these demons are not so crazy, okay?

Looking at the twenty or thirty demon **** strong men who chased and killed Pei Junlin, many human powers looked strange. They seemed to be abandoned by the demon people. Even if they came in front, many of the demon power people gave them a double look. Don't even look at it.

It seems that there is only one Pei Junlin in his eyes, and they are not even passers-by.

"Grass, I'm so envious! Be a man like Pei Junlin!"

"Being a child is like Pei Junlin!"

Many older generations of strong men also expressed such emotions that they could be hunted down by so many demons and strong men, even if they really died, that is also a heroic life, enough to be the bright ancestor of Guangzong and smile proudly.

Countless powerful men are full of envy at this moment, and Pei Junlin has proved what kind of grandeur he is with by real actions.

Counting the time, it has been less than half an hour since Pei Junlin entered the war. In this half hour, there were twelve demon gods who were killed by him, and more than ten were seriously injured.

Such an amazing record is unprecedented!

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