Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 556: Escape the day of birth


Boom boom! !!

It seems like a sky-scratching attack, which instantly covers the exit of the formation, killing a bite, making people like a nose and a hell.

The sea of ​​energy is turbulent, and it even shakes the peerless array, causing the force of thunder and lightning, and the atmosphere of destruction is everywhere.

Pei Junlin, who was rushing out, suddenly changed his face and quickly braked.

Even if he has burned his destiny now, under the cooperation of hundreds of sea monster powerhouses, he can never be stunned. Otherwise, he will be blown up instantly and his spirits will be scattered.

"How to do?!"

Pei Junlin's face was gloomy and watery. Although he had anticipated the danger after going out, at this moment, the crisis of destruction like this, still made him a little creepy.

He underestimated the reaction power of these Kraken powerhouses. He thought that by the burning of his essence, he could have a one-thousandth chance to rush out, but the opposite was true.

Seeing the devastating energy shrouding down, Pei Junlin immediately made a decisive U-turn and ran inside the formation. This road was not available, and he had to find a way to find another way out.

This island is not big, it is small, and it is almost a dozen miles away. He doesn't believe that the Kraken Power can all be blocked and killed. The area of ​​ten miles is enough. Hundreds of Siren Powerhouses are scattered so that they have the opportunity to break through.

"Asshole, that abominable human retracted into the formation!"

"No, he might find a break elsewhere!"

"All of us strong, immediately surround the entire island, no matter which direction the evil human chooses to break through, he will be as difficult as ever!"

"You must kill him! The sacred sea people do not allow any shame!"

Huh! Huh! !!

After seeing the moment when Pei Junlin retracted the formation, the sea monster powerhouses outside took action, and the powerful figures of the monsters rushed to the island in all directions.

"Wait a minute, you just heard that human call the spaceship again!"

"That's definitely a fellow human!"

Some monsters suddenly dropped their gloomy eyes on Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping and others who were hiding in the spacecraft. They did not hide their intentions. Just now they clearly saw that the human came down from the spacecraft. .

"Broken, those siren have doubts about our identity! Hurry up!"

Inside the spacecraft, Bai Yufei's face changed greatly. Without hesitation, he started the spacecraft, quickly retreated, and penetrated into the depths of the ocean.


The moment the spacecraft moved, somewhere not far from here, two almost similar spacecraft quickly started and followed closely.

The spaceship is not only Bai Yufei's exclusive, but there are also two strong people in the team of Siren Powers. At this moment, when the human spacecraft fled, they immediately started the pursuit.

"It's finished! It's finished! We escaped, what about Pei Junlin?"

Xia Houping said anxiously.

"Stupid, don't you see I'm going around!"

Bai Yufei's face was gloomy and said: "But our safety is not great. This spaceship has been modified by my grandfather. That speed is definitely faster than any spaceship of the same class!"

"The key now is Pei Junlin. He is now trapped in the formation, and there are hundreds of Siren Powers outside. How can he break through ?!"

"Well, let's go out, let's take a dozen people, and our strength is not weak, at least we can contain some of the monsters and give Pei Junlin a chance!"

Li Tianpei solemnly stated that the situation was extremely urgent and everyone was anxious.

"No! This method is not feasible!"

However, beyond everyone's expectations, the first opening to stop was not others, but Wang Ziqiong. Although Wang Ziqiong's **** beautiful face was covered with paleness, the expression was unusually calm. And firm, there is no panic at all.

"Even if you really let Pei Junlin break out, then there will definitely be other people caught in. By then, we will all do useless work, even deeper and deeper!"

"So what do we do now? Can we just wait like this ?!"

Zhang Pingping anxiously.

"Wait! Our spacecraft is constantly surrounding this island, I believe Pei Junlin will be able to find other places to break out!"

"Don't forget, this island is actually very large. What we see on the sea is only the top of it. The area below it is the true face of Lushan!"

Wang Ziqiong calmly analyzed.

Everyone was stunned, and then when they looked at the more and more magnificent mountains in the sea, they suddenly realized.

The island in front of you can't be called an island, but a gigantic peak. I don't know how many thousands of meters it is, I am afraid that it will go straight to the bottom of the ocean.

The real area of ​​such a giant peak is unimaginable. As long as Pei Jun comes to the depths of the ocean, not to mention hundreds of sea monster powerhouses, even thousands of sea monster powerhouses. Not leaking.

"Xunzi, now I finally understand why you can surrender a character like Boss Pei. Your calm and ingenious thought is simply an evil spirit. In this case, you can have such a clear and calm mind! Admire!"

Nalanhao worshiped Wang Ziqiong. It was really impossible to be dissatisfied. Just now everyone was confused. Only Wang Ziqiong, who is closest to Pei Junlin, was the most calm and calm. The thinking was extremely clear, almost Find the key points of the problem instantly.

Hearing Nalanhao's praise, Prince Qiong's pale and pretty face showed a humble smile: "It's okay, I used to do business, so it's probably a matter of inertia to think!"

When everyone saw this, they all had to be amazed. Perhaps Prince Qiong Xiu was not the highest, but if it is true life experience, ability to deal with life, emotional intelligence, IQ ... I am afraid no one present can compare.

Perhaps, as Na Lanhao said, only such an outstanding woman can surrender a character like Pei Junlin!

As the spacecraft continued to circle around the island, at this time deep in the island's formation, Pei Junlin had also begun to find a key breakthrough point.

As Wang Ziqiong analyzed, Pei Junlin also thought about the outline of the island. The orientation he chose to break was no longer the surface of the sea, but the depth of the sea.

At the same time, the Siren Powerhouse, who was waiting for the rabbits on the sea, also thought of this key point. At this moment, dozens of people rushed into the sea water, one by one, directly transformed into the body, emitting a magnificent The momentum and intensive investigation of all the movements of Qingtian Jufeng.

"No, the golden light on me is too conspicuous! Not even clothing!"

At this time, Pei Junlin, who was constantly breaking down the sea floor, suddenly moved his mind and thought of a place where he was neglected.

In addition to the strength of human blood, the other characteristic of the strong man is the power of the golden body. These two characteristics are too obvious.

Pei Junlin began to remove the golden light from his body, and remove all the concealment from his body.

At the same time, he also discarded all the original outfits on his body, and found a new set of clothes in the space ring to wear on his body. The birthmark of the eyebrow part also changed, turning into an octopus.

After doing all this, Pei Junlin looked for a weak point in the formation and began to break through.


In the end, he finally rushed out of the formation, the whole person turned into a lightning, galloped along the sea water, and pulled out a long white air wave.


It has to be said that the Siren's response is too keen, even though Pei Junlin has been as careful as possible, he is quickly found by the Siren's surroundings, especially in the sea, it is their world.

Siren Strong has far more talents in the sea than other creatures, and his perception is extremely amazing.

Suddenly, a huge octopus, a giant tortoise shaped like a hill, and a large shark hundreds of meters long were chasing lightning at the same time as Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin's face changed slightly, and he didn't hesitate to burn his destiny again. The whole person's speed increased sharply, like the same arrow off the string, riding the wind and breaking the waves.

Taking a large amount of heavenly earth treasure, at this moment his energy in the body was greatly assisted. With full force burst, the speed reached more than twice the sound barrier, completely turning into a ball of golden light.

These speeds, apart from the strongest peak of the demon god, the speed below the demon **** is difficult to catch up at all.

"Look, that's Pei Junlin !!!"

In the spacecraft, Prince Qiong and others, who had been closely watching the situation in the deep ocean, immediately saw the flash of golden light.

"Chasing! Hurry up!"

Everyone was overjoyed and immediately drove the spaceship to catch up with lightning.

At the same time, other Siren Powers in the sea also felt the movement of the sea floor, one after another dived into the depths of the ocean, and quickly began to encircle, a breath of breath, boiling this area of ​​the sea.

The breath of hundreds of sea monster powerhouses can be described as earth-shattering, and among them are the powerhouses of the late demon gods and the peak of the demon gods.

"Mom, if you're trapped, it's dead!"

Inside the spacecraft, everyone felt that the enchantment behind the sky was increasing, and they took a look back, everywhere, there were giant things like hills, and their faces were more and more dignified.

"I don't know if this guy Pei Junlin got Hualongcao? If not, he really lost money!"

"Loose a fart, the treasure is gone, and you can continue to make money. Life is the most important thing!"

"Bai Yufei ~ ~ Don't you brag that the speed of the spacecraft can reach three times the sound barrier, now that speed is also ... lying down, fast flying! Fast flying! There is a big turtle and a great white shark chasing Come up! "

Before Zhang Pingping's words were finished, suddenly her face changed completely, and a giant tortoise like a mountain and a great white shark were approaching quickly behind her.

This is the two top powers at the peak of the demon gods. In order to chase and kill Pei Junlin, he did not hesitate to burn his destiny, thus gaining unprecedented speed.

"Mother, don't you say that Wang Ba is the slowest, why is this old Wang Ba so contrary to common sense!"

Everyone scolded their mother.

In this swearing, Bai Yulong suddenly put a large pile of Gao Pinling in a card slot, and the speed of the spacecraft suddenly increased. Just a few minutes later, they saw a golden light that was also madly galloping ahead. group.

"Pei Junlin, here! Get on board!"

The spacecraft approached quickly, and everyone shouted in unison.

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