Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 569: Storage bracelet

After speaking these words, the strong people of the tiger shark race ran outside the island. They must report what happened here to the tiger shark family immediately, and then not only find revenge on these humans, but also liquidate the mermaid family. Account.

This time, the tiger sharks appeared here because they were invited by the mermaid princess. Now that their prince is dead, they have even lost the precious Baoding Haizhu. At the same time, the strong leader led by them suffered heavy losses.

These terrible negligent mistakes alone are not enough to bear these powerful men, they must find a pot to carry, and out of these abominable human beings, the mermaid princess can hardly blame it.

Looking at the powerful of these tiger sharks, they burned their sperm, escaped by lightning, and plunged into the vast sea. The beautiful face of Merina Princess Helena was as black as the bottom of the pot.

This time, she really caused a lot of trouble. Liu Mu's identity is completely different from those of the ordinary Siren Powers, and she has also lost the tiger and shark's heavy treasure Ding Haizhu. Her troubles are big!

Thinking of her future troubles, Helena couldn't help but feel scalp tingling for a while, staring at Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong in the void in the face.

Today, almost all of this is caused by this pair of dogs and men!

There are a thousand thoughts in her heart that want to kill each other, but in the end they all turned into a long sigh. Before they were so powerful, they did not kill the abominable group of humans. Now Dinghaizhu has been lost, and the five demon gods The last strong left her, and the trend was gone.

"Let's go too!"

Unwilling to carry a heavy grudge, Helena simply ordered.

"Humans, you have made a terrible calamity, wait! You will accept the wanted hunting of the whole sea tribe, and there will no longer be any place for you in Erhai Lake!"

After that, Helena took the lead in rushing out of the island, and the strong men of the mermaid family also withdrew, leaving one by one in a spaceship.

Until the strong men of these mermaids and tiger sharks all left, everyone on the island took a sigh of relief, and many people sat on the ground exhausted.

Compared to the powerful Siren, the strong man in humans is not too strong now. The simplest example is that there are many monster gods in the late period of the monster, and the middle and early stages of the monster are too numerous to count. On the other hand, with the exception of Pei Jun's recent breakthrough to the late stage of Divine Land, there are not many in the middle stage of Divine Land, and most members' strengths are around the early stage of Divine Land.

If it weren't for the elite geniuses, one by one could fight over the ranks, this time the situation of the battle is absolutely unimaginable.

This is also the dilemma of the unification of human martial arts. Without him, the resources on the earth are too scarce, and even the speed of genius cultivation is too slow.

However, as soon as you see the corpse of the Kraken Powerhouse full of islands, everyone's fatigue will be relieved a lot, and one's eyes will glow, especially the huge corpse belonging to Prince Willow, among them, is dazzling.

It was a huge tiger shark carcass with a volume of four to five hundred meters. It weighed nearly 100,000 kilograms and was very huge. Although it lost its head, other body parts were almost intact.

"I'm hungry!"

Ye Tianxing stared at the huge Prince Liumu's body and murmured softly.

As soon as this word fell, everyone's eyes lit up. You must know that this is the powerful Prince Willow's corpse, a top powerman who has been trained to reach the late stage of the demon god. Such a body definitely contains amazing energy, which is comparable to a rare elixir No matter what kind of creatures take it, it will be very helpful.

"We haven't had a good meal for many days. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, we must eat and drink once, and then continue our escape! Haha!"

Jie monk laughed, though he said escape, but he didn't care.

"Come and come, let's do it together and cook this grand Prince Willow!"

Li Tianpei cried loudly, saying that he would take out a sharp long knife and take the lead in opening his stomach to Prince Liumu.

Just over a quarter of an hour, a strong fragrance rose over the entire island. With the help of everyone, the willow prince's body was divided into many parts. Some people took out the seasoning to start the barbecue, and some took out the pot. The bowl and the pot are steamed, and even more, it can be braised ...

One by one is fully equipped, typical food upper body, because in the demon world, such a move is normal, everyone often uses the demon to cook, but seafood is the first time.

"Haha, next time we should hunt a few hairy crabs, or Pharaoh or something, that kind of Siren will taste even better!"

Prince Liu Mu is indeed a powerful demon **** in the late period. He has abundant energy in his flesh and blood, and his body is warm and full of energy.

In this way, the flesh and blood with abundant energy is definitely comparable to the rare elixir, Dabu. The injuries that were originally suffered by everyone are repaired at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

"Sister-in-law, what kind of treasure is the treasure box that suddenly appeared on you? It is so powerful that you can **** the dinghai pearl in Prince Liumu's hand!"

In the process of eating meat, everyone will inevitably discuss what happened just now, and Xia Houping asked curiously.


At the eyebrow, as soon as the problem fell, he slapped his head, and Nalanhao, sitting next to him, cursed silently: "Eat your meat, such delicious seafood can't stop your big mouth!"

Everyone has their own secrets, which is almost human nature. The moonlight treasure box that suddenly appeared on Wang Ziqiong has never appeared before. This time, he only made his first appearance for the Ding Haizhu, as long as he is not a fool. This certainly involves some hidden things, so everyone is very knowledgeable without asking more.

Taking the cultivation of Prince Qiong in the early stage of God's realm, he can take Baoding Haizhu from the hands of the late demon **** such as Prince Liu Mu, which proves that the treasure box is extraordinary.

Xia Houping also knew that he had lost his mouth, and could not help but apologize with an awkward smile and apologized: "Xunzi, sorry! I am a big mouth, straight-headed, love gossip!"

Wang Ziqiong smiled, "It's okay! My treasure box is indeed my greatest luck, but I haven't figured it out yet, and I don't know how to explain it to everyone!"

"No explanation!"

"No explanation!"

"Sister, there is no secret or opportunity for any of us here, otherwise, where would there be such an achievement today!"

"This time you were able to take a risk, grab the food by the mouth, and grab the set of sea pearls. All of us are happy for you!"

Everyone spoke with you one word at a time, just saying, suddenly, one after another, they turned their heads and looked behind them, and found that the monks of the monk monks swelled with gold, and their momentum soared.

"My grass, this is going to break!"

"Mad, you are all breaking through one by one, why can't I be silent ?!"

Xia Houping began to complain.

Before, Pei Junlin's leapfrog breakthrough first, then Li Tianpei, Ye Tianxing, and then Zhang Pingping, and now the monk quitting the monk also broke through, so it's strange to not envy that!

"No, I have to eat wildly! If I don't break through the middle of God's realm, I won't give up!"

Xia Houping ate a yummy meal at the barbecue on the ground, stuffed with cheeks on both sides, and Nalanhao, who had the same movements, the two living treasures were like a starving ghost who was born, and the wind spread.

The body of this dead Prince Willow is all treasures, and it is rich in energy. The more you eat, the more beneficial your body will be.

Pei Junlin watched this scene next to him, and he couldn't help crying, but then he stayed, but I do n’t know when the four women, Huangfu Fenghuang, Leng Shuangshuang, Baili Feiyan, Luo Luo, joined the guzzle Although the attitude of the ranks is relatively elegant, the speed is indeed half a point.

Obviously, they have also been greatly stimulated, and they want to quickly break through to the middle of the realm.

Breaking through the mid-term of the Divine Realm is not only good for itself, but also for the entire team. It is also a genius, and no one wants to admit that he is weak. Of course, except for the evildoers like Pei Junlin, many people have almost He was excluded from this alternative.

Seeing that everyone was stimulated to eat there and eat fiercely, Pei Junlin smiled and grabbed most of the corpse of the huge prince Willow behind him, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there are still many here. Today the meat tube is full ... what?"

As he was talking, he suddenly stared and fell into a crevice under the willow prince's body, only to see a silver-toned bracelet silently drop there.

"Storage equipment?"

Pei Junlin picked up the silver bracelet, which he was familiar with. He had previously seen it on Prince Liumu's wrist. It was thought that when Prince Liumu died, the storage bracelet was destroyed, but he did not expect to be crushed on the body. under.

There was a surprise in Pei Junlin's eyes for a while. Prince Liumu was an outstanding arrogant tiger and shark family. Such a genius must carry a treasure.

"Prince Willow's storage bracelet, Pei Junlin, this time you really have made a fortune!"

Bai Yulong came together, and it was hard to hide envy in his eyes.

Such gains, even the supreme children like him, are very envious.

Others noticed the silver bracelet, and immediately looked hot.

But this time killing Prince Liu Mu ~ ~ Almost all of them were done by Pei Junlin and Prince Qiong ’s husband and wife, so even if envious, there is no way to ask, Pei Junlin is not thin to everyone, no matter how It's too shameless to ask.

Even with all the resources in it, the storage bracelet alone is a rare treasure. Now in the small team, except for Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong, and Bai Yufei, no one else has real storage equipment.

Wang Ziqiong's moonlight treasure box can be stored, except for Pei Junlin, almost no one knows.

"Oh, this storage bracelet came really timely, and I still grieved that the space ring in my hand was too full with that Tushen tank, which caused the space to shrink greatly and it could no longer be used. I did n’t expect to get it again. It's up! "

Pei Junlin was also very satisfied with this unexpected gain, and smiled and said to the envious crowd: "Everyone must work hard, try to kill as many geniuses as possible, and maybe you can have this kind of space equipment! "

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