Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 577: One after another!

The grudges between the Dongfeng family and Pei Junlin have already reached an irreconcilable point. When they were at the Khan Tomb in the steppe that day, in order to slaughter the chariot, one of the peaks of Dongfenghao did not hesitate to occupy it. However, Pei Junlin used the Tushen chariot to fight back, causing his body to be completely destroyed. So far he has not recovered.

Not to mention that Pei Junlin had humiliated the Dongfeng family in front of the public, so the two parties almost had no mediation.

This time the Siren World operations, the Dongfeng family sent Dongfeng, Dongfengwu and Dongfengtai all at once, the purpose of which was already obvious. If they had the opportunity, they would be merciless to Pei Junlin.

After all, the Kraken world is really too big, and the danger is everywhere. Even if Pei Junlin is really dead, he will never find them on the head of the Dongfeng family.

"Now that Pei Junlin has heard that he has reached the later stage of the divine realm, it is higher than all of us, and he is also carrying a large killing vehicle for slaughtering the chariot. We want to kill him, I am afraid Not difficult! "

Zhuge Yunfan began, Zhuge Longteng next to nodded, Pei Junlin's leapfrogging was unpredictable by anyone, and no one thought that the earthen figure from this cold gate had soared so quickly that it had already soared. More than their children of the Supreme Family.

"Huh, what about the last stage of the Divine Land? Whatever one of us here does n’t carry a few powerful secrets, not to mention the late Divine Land, even the peak of the Divine Land. ! "

Dongfengwu stood out and said coldly. Although his cultivation was at the beginning of the **** state, the gas field was very strong and proud.

This is the powerful background of being a child of the Supreme Family. These backgrounds do not know how many martial arts envy and envy.

"The only thing to notice is that the **** of slaughter on that guy's body! He must not be given time!"

Dongfengtai interrupted.

This sentence has been recognized by everyone. Indeed, the threat of slaughter is really too great. Even if they are all treasured, they have no confidence to block.

"Also ..."

When Dongfengtai said this, his words stopped, his eyes fell on Dongfeng's face, and he hesitated after hesitating: "Brother, when you came out, didn't the family give you a high-level panacea, that panacea? As long as you eat it, it will be enough to quickly break from the middle of the divine realm to the late of the divine realm! By then, even if he is Pei Junlin, even if it is the late of the divine realm, we will kill him like a chicken! "

As soon as this word came to an end, the three brothers of the next Zhuge family brothers immediately attracted the different colors, and their eyes were full of surprise.

High-level miracles, such treasures are very precious. The most they have eaten since they have grown up are middle-level miracles. This is already the highest treatment. The elixir such as high-level miracles is the most powerful. Taking the 'special medicine', I did not expect that the senior members of the Dongfeng family gave Dongfeng a degree this time, showing the degree of favor of Dongfeng.

Dong Fengdu noticed the strange eyes of the three brothers of Zhuge, and couldn't help grinning: "Everything is just in case, just don't look at me with such eyes, I don't believe you don't have this Senior miracle! "

With this sentence, the three brothers of the Zhuge family laughed.

They did carry such treasures, as Dong Feng said, just in case, they are all immediate children of the Supreme Family, each of whom has an extraordinary status and deserves special care.

"Now the world is turbulent, and many of the young powerhouses in the Kraken world are in the late period of the demon god, and I have heard that there are many arrogant gods of various races who retreat in secret or practice in the secret world, one after another. Contrast with the peak of the demon god! "

Zhuge Longteng said, "I think it's really time for us to take this high-grade elixir. Only with a breakthrough in strength and promotion to the late stage of the demon god, can we hope to survive!"

The words fell, and the atmosphere was instantly condensed, all of them showing their thoughts.

"I agree with Brother Long Teng!"

Dongfeng Du nodded and said, "I originally planned to take this high-grade elixir to wait for the promotion to the peak of God's state or the integration of essence and blood, but the world environment is fickle, and now I can only take it in advance!"

"High-level miracles are precious, aren't they precious?"

"However, Dongfengwu, Dongfengtai, and the Zhuge Poxiao brothers are not nearly as good. It is just a waste of taking this high-end miracle now in the early days of Godland! But if you insist on taking it, nothing will happen!"

Of the six people, three were in the middle of the Divine Realm, and three were in the early Divine Realm. Taking the high-end elixir in the early Divine Realm would definitely be criticized and thought it was destroying the elixir.

"Huh! It ’s just a high-level panacea. Even if it is precious, it can still be compared with our precious lives. Take it! Why not take it?" Dongfengwu was dissatisfied with Dongfeng's words, watching everyone else's strength Breakthrough and promotion, and he can only move in place, this feels very bad.

Dongfengtai and Zhuge broke the dawn, also said that they chose to take high-end mirabilis. They were in the same mood as Dongfengwu. Seeing others breakthrough and promote one by one, they were very upset.

"Well, let's find a safer place now, let's break through collectively!"

Dongfeng degree said: "When we broke through, that was the death of Pei Junlin! This son can never stay!"


At the same time that the Dongfeng family and the Zhuge family chose to take high-end miracles, the collective breakthrough was far away, thousands of miles away from the trial ground, and deep in the ground. .

Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Huangfu Phoenix, Leng Shuangshuang, Baili Feiyan, Luo Yan, and others all flickered with golden light, and the breath was obscure.

In addition, there are two people's breath that are particularly noticeable, that is, the brothers Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei. They are also breaking through and marching into the late stage of the gods.

This surprised Pei Junlin, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, and Jie Monk. It is clear that the pair of Bai family brothers must have taken some powerful treasure or something, otherwise, reasonably, they From the breakthrough in the middle stage of the godland to the late stage of the godland, the accumulation is still poor, and it does not reach the breakthrough standard.

However, in any case, if the Brothers Bai can march to the late stage of the divine realm, it will be of great benefit to everyone.


There are countless examples of breakthroughs like this, as everyone knows that an unprecedented grand event is about to begin in this trial land.

At that time, the arrogant geniuses of the Siren World, the flora and fauna, the young kings of mankind will appear in this trial place, making countless strong people excited.

Some strong men are hurrying to search for treasures, break into major Baoshan mountains, and obtain resources such as fruit and spirit crystals to fight for breakthroughs.

Some strong people choose to dormant, hide the ground, study hard to learn peerlessly, and expect a blockbuster!

Finally, a few days later, a sensation spread throughout the trial land.

A peerless genius named Shocking Capital, with a group of followers, first arrived in the trial land. He showed great strength as soon as he came and killed several demon geniuses. Can be blocked, a strong mess.

This peerless genius named Jingtiandu is from the whale clan, and he was named to let Pei Junlin get out and fight with him.

Not long after, amazing news popped up, and the mermaid genius Hailian Qing also came. She is Helena's sister. She has an even better appearance than Helena, like a real fairy. .

But this fairy is equally eager and compelling, she is invincible, and uses cold voice to make a speech, let Pei Junlin get out, otherwise she will kill all humans!

Following the mermaid genius Hailian Qing, the tiger and shark family, a genius strong named Shahuang, also stepped out of the mystery and reached the trial place.

As soon as he came, he issued a notice to let Pei Junlin take Ding Haizhu and kneel down before him, otherwise, he would kill all the human powers he encountered, without mercy!

This is a threat of red fruit!

A series of peerless geniuses of the three races also issued words at the same time to make Pei Junlin roll out and die. This suddenly seemed like a heavy lake was thrown into a heavy lake, and the trial land was completely boiled.

If there are still strong doubts before, Pei Junlin and others will whale family, mermaid family, tiger shark family and three families string sugar gourds, then there is really no doubt at this moment, otherwise, why is the three sea monster hegemons at the same time looking for Pei Jun is in trouble alone.

The whole trial land set off a wave of searching for Pei. Later, more and more sea monster geniuses poured in. Among them, the princes and countless people were all amazing geniuses, among them the top of the extraordinary demon gods in the later period. Strong, unmatched combat effectiveness.

Wherever they went, many plant, animal and human geniuses suffered a great deal of damage and were seriously injured.

Previously, the geniuses of humans, plants and good animals swarmed into Siren's World ~ ~, which caused the Siren's world to be so smokey and suffocating, and caused a great loss. Now, the seniors of Siren's world are angry and directly send the most from all races. The genius of the elite suddenly changed, and many young kings fell under the butcher knife.

The whole trial land was filled with blood, and the peerless geniuses of the Kraken world were proving their strength, and the dignity of the sacred sea tribe cannot be profaned.

With the passage of time, more and more powerful men were defeated by the powerful Siren Geniuses. Among them, the astounding capital of the whale family, the sea lilies of the mermaid family, and the tiger shark family are the most severe means of sand desertion. Spicy and fierce, many young kings have been taken by them, the means are extremely cruel.

In the end, not only the strong in the Kraken world are looking for Pei Junlin and others, the plant-based and animal-based demon clan, or even the human strong are also looking for traces of Pei Junlin and others.

Without him, the culprit of all those who started it is Pei Junlin!

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