Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985

Vol 2 Chapter 741: flustered

ps: The second chapter is later. ————————Modern——————————— In fact, the rocket looks big, but its weight is not too large. Take a rocket of several thousand tons as an example, the overall empty weight It's only a few hundred tons less.

Most of the fuel is occupied, and no more efficient fuel technology can be found now. Of course, someone once proposed the idea of ​​using the impact of a nuclear explosion to propel a rocket.

This idea is good, but it is very difficult to implement it at the current stage. First of all, it is the material that is resistant to explosion-explosion impact. If it is, the instantaneous acceleration will fly out of the earth's gravitational layer... uh.

There are also pollution and so on, and the risk is too great. If an accident occurs, will it self-destruct? After the tank is manufactured, the rest is the propeller, gyroscope, and control system.

The rocket propeller is also a combustion chamber, a fuel pump, and a universal joint. This rocket uses three small nozzles, and each nozzle has a universal joint. The control system adjusts the angle according to the trajectory of the rocket and the lower nozzle universal joint. Ensure the stability of the rocket flight.

Once the rocket starts to pull when it is flying, that is, it wants to turn by itself, then there is a problem with the control system. Once such a problem occurs, there is a high probability that the rocket will fall, and of course it will not really fall. To a certain extent, The self-destruct system will self-destruct.

It's not that difficult, what He Gui needs is time. After leaving the workshop, the sun is shining outside, and I still feel very comfortable in spring. Gao Zhong is driving the sweeper to clean the runway, which is almost covered with moss.

This runway can be said to be the least used runway. He Gui just found a place to sit down, took out his mobile phone, and checked the latest news.

The latest news is about our neighbors, which means that we have a friendly relationship, there are no major problems, and they can all be discussed.

Ami even withdrew some troops and some equipment from various bases. I don't know if it is real or fake.

The popularity of domestic stealth bombers has not dissipated, because Xifei often flies stealth bombers, which is inevitable. He Gui only made the most basic flight control system, which can be optimized.

In addition, there is no fire control or anything. In addition, the weight of the aircraft itself can be reduced by at least 15%. Don’t underestimate this 15%. After the weight is reduced, the flight range will be increased.

In addition, there must be refueling and the like, but this type of aircraft needs to be refueled with a hard tube, that is, the operator on the tanker operates it. The hose refueling tests the fighter pilot's skills.

The hard tube refuels quickly, but it can only add one aircraft at a time, and the hose can add two at the same time, each has its own advantages.

"Xifei's second plane should be out." He Gui calculated the time and felt that it was about the same.

It is not the technology itself that affects the mass production of this advanced aircraft, but the demand. This stealth bomber can be equipped with up to 50 aircraft, so is it necessary to set up a production line to produce 50 aircraft a year?

Wouldn't such a large investment be useless after use? The service life of this kind of aircraft is at least several decades.

Just like stealth fighter jets, no matter which country it is, how many should be equipped, is it okay to have a thousand?

But are these thousand planes all of the same model? It must be optimized while manufacturing. This involves a demand and use time. For example, if the demand of the entire country is 1,000, then the minimum service life of fighter jets is 20 years, and only 50 fighters per year are enough.

Because it is not a war period, so many are made, and they will not be made in the future? Disbandment? This is the reason for the low output of advanced fighter jets. It’s not about industrial production of materials, equipment, etc. Even the top fighter jets need more people. Isn’t it enough to open more production lines?

Therefore, even if the stealth bomber is formed in the future, the output will be a few aircraft a year at most. Too much equipment is useless. Equipped with 1,000 aircraft, each aircraft will fly 300 hours a year. How much is the fuel cost for maintenance?

It is not the best choice to manufacture aircraft and store them up. The correct thing is to keep manufacturing and flying, and then find problems, optimize, solve them, and upgrade and improve step by step.

After sitting for a while and watching the news for a while, He Gui got up and went back. As for Gao Zhong, He Gui didn't care about him.

Back at the farm, He Gui was ready to make the launch plan. He Gui knew the progress on his side, and it would take about two months, of which one and a half months was on the farm side.

Then the remaining half a month is at the launch site. The launch plan includes many things, such as fuel requirements, weather conditions, and so on.

In addition, there is a test flight altitude. Doesn't it mean that if you launch it casually, you will fly up with a whiz, and you may be shot down?

The later launch also needs to report the plan, flight time, flight trajectory, flight altitude and so on.

"It's time to eat." Ren Yingying shouted outside the door. Ren Yingying was present at the farm, and the rest were absent, and the two of them had nothing to say during the meal. After eating, He Gui and Ren Yingying washed the dishes together.

If the people over there knew that He Gui washed the dishes by himself in 2008, I don't know what they would think.

"Can I watch the rocket launch?" Ren Yingying asked with sweetness in her heart. Some women have low requirements for the other half.

"Okay, my own company, I'm working on the launch plan, and you can go with me when the test is done after reporting." He Gui is in charge of washing dishes, and Ren Yingying is in charge of cleaning. He Gui doesn't have a dishwasher here. That stuff is suitable for foreigners.

Many foreigners don’t wash the dishes again after washing them with detergent. After the dishwasher is washed, there will be detergent foam left in some corners. Of course, if it has a drying capacity, you can’t see it.

"What's the launch plan?"

"Meteorological data, as well as the fuel demand plan, the flight altitude and trajectory of the rocket launch test, after all, we have our own air defense system, and we are likely to be shot down if we don't report."

"Oh, it seems that there are still some troubles."

"Well, it's a bit troublesome." He Gui didn't want to do these things during these times, and there were many departments involved in these things. He used to do various experiments at Xifei, which was also reported by Xifei, but now He Gui is busy point.

After the first trial is successful, the A round of financing will start... hehe. Now He Gui can also get financing, but without some technical background, it is difficult to ask for a price. This time, if the return test is successful, he can get financing and sell 5% of the shares.

The second round of financing will not be raised until the lunar exploration robot is successfully launched. At that time, it will be brandishing a scythe...

The third round of financing will have to wait for the successful test of the returnable lunar exploration robot... The fourth round is the IPO, and the IPO requires at least 10% of the shares in circulation....

Isn't the money coming... The technical level is improved little by little, and the shares are sold little by little. As for whether the final project has profit prospects.

Ahem... at worst, it will go bankrupt.

"If you go to the launch base in the future, I want to go too." Ren Yingying looked at He Gui and said.

"Sure, you can find Gao Zhong and ask him to arrange a salary for you. Anyway, someone will pay for it in the future." He Gui nodded.

"That's great." Ren Yingying kissed He Gui and said.

"Old husband and wife, you guys are showing affection." Zhang Yan came in at this time and saw this scene.

"Tsk tsk, we came back early." Yang Qiao also appeared.

"It's just right." Nicole also came back, and kissed He Gui as soon as she came up.

"Have you eaten yet?"

"I've eaten it, I ate it in the city."

"What did you say just now, Ren Yingying is so active?"

"I have a new identity now, and I will also join the July Flower Company." Ren Yingying said.

"What about us?"

"that is."

"You don't want the Beijiang farm anymore? Besides, I will be at the launch base in the future, and it will be more than an hour away from your plane.


"Okay then." After working all night, He Gui still went to work in the workshop the next day. There was nothing he could do about it. Leeks don't wait for anyone. If you don't cut them yourself, others will too...

He Gui started this company mainly for money, and he can relax after he clarifies Hongqihe's accounts.

Continue to come back at night. After all, you can’t do without weeding your own fields. By the way, continue to make the launch plan.

After He Gui completed the launch plan, he asked Gao Zhong to handle it. If Gao Zhong was not familiar with it, he could ask Lao Zhang or Xifei.

Gao Zhong's identity is not simply the general manager. Of course, it can be said that Gao Zhong is protecting He Gui, and also has the meaning of supervision. After all, the things in He Gui's hands are very sensitive, even if there is no sign that He Gui has any thoughts, but... There are still necessary procedures.

He Gui came out a few days later, and the launch plan was approved, which was very fast. The people above were a little puzzled.

"What is Mr. He doing here? Is it really just collecting money?" The executives looked at He Gui's launch plan.

"It should be about the same. There is still a part of the funding gap for Hongqi River."

"After the success of the Hongqi River project this year, I'm afraid that the third brother will jump his feet?"

"What are you dancing for? With their shameless appearance, they won't be able to develop in another five hundred years."

"Hey, the third brother is really too, I don't want face for the sake of money."

"Amei is not the same, it's just that the third brother is directly violent, and Amei will give you an excuse anyway." Don't even think about taking away the companies that make money from the third brother. It's okay in the early stage. When you become bigger and stronger, Straight away.

Shameless directly, the bank on Amei's side is still bankrupt and closed, even if it is closed for a day, their procedures are correct.

"In fact, it is completely possible to reduce these fees for Mr. He."

"Mr. He is afraid that he is unwilling, and the fee will be reduced for a few more years. I am afraid that he will not be able to tell."

"Mr. He is right to have this concern. Seeing Mr. He like this, he should be able to collect money."

"I don't agree with what you said. Mr. He's skills are all real. How can you call them money-making?"

"Space activities can't find a direction to make profits. It is difficult for a company to become bigger and stronger."

"Even the national level has not found a profit point."

"By the way, what happened to the establishment of a medicinal material base on the moon for experts to test?"

"It's still in the demonstration stage." Didn't He Gui use the excuse that space ginseng was mutated by space radiation? Unexpectedly, high-level officials actually did experiments in space and found some methods, but the yield rate was low, and the efficacy was only He Gui's 30% %.

The upper level wants to build a medicinal material cultivation base on the moon, but this idea still needs to be demonstrated in many aspects, such as safety, reliability, and whether the cost performance is higher than that of the space station test cabin.

"Xifei has good news. The stealth bomber is off the production line and is undergoing final tests. After the test, it can make its first flight."

"It's not easy."

"As long as the test data of Xifei is the same as Mr. He's, the next step is to start mass production."

"First come 20, and then optimize."

"Yes, 20 of the mature version will come first, and the subsequent optimization will wait for the next batch."

"What about the ammunition..."

"This will take a while, after all, it needs to be redesigned..."

"Oh, it's just a pity about the plane."

"Do you want Teacher He to support you?"

"We can ask Xifei to talk about it, but Mr. He is short of money, so we have to give what is due, as long as we pass the acceptance inspection."

"Okay..." With guns but no bullets, the upper layer is also feeling itchy, what kind of power is this, at least I have to shoot some out, and see the effect for myself.

So when He Gui came out of the workshop a week later, Gao Zhong took out a document and handed it to himself.

He Gui didn't ask what kind of document it was, but he opened it and found that it was an entrustment from Xifei.

"I didn't say the exact price...forget it." He Gui saw that Xifei commissioned and didn't mention the price, but when he thought about it, didn't he just copy it, how simple.

"One month." He Gui returned the document to Gao Zhong, and then said.

"Yeah." Gao nodded emphatically, knowing that He Gui agreed. In 2008, the aircraft company over there cooperated with a certain ammunition manufacturer's test, and they still knew the structure of the ammunition.

There are related reserves. Although He Gui does not have many fields involving solid rockets, it does not mean that he will not. He has also changed the design of the ammunition. He Gui remembers that the largest one has a range of more than 5000-8000 kilometers. The reason for the gap is that the size of the warhead is determined by the mission system. After all, some warheads are only as small as they are miniaturized.

The mature design of an air-launched missile is quite difficult. It needs to be blown many times in the wind tunnel, high-speed wind tunnel, and improved bit by bit.

So don't look at some shapes like that, but this is the most optimized design. There are also liquid engines and solid ones for air launch.

He Gui first brought over the design drawings in 2008. There are two types of solid and liquid, and then spent two days modifying various things in it. Because the chip parameters and navigation parameters used in the two worlds are different, they need to be modified.

"I don't know how much it will cost." He Gui took the largest ammunition design. As for the other designs, He Gui thought it was unnecessary. Isn't the maximum range of 8,000 kilometers not enough?

This thing has crushed a large area. Of course, this range is less powerful, but it really hits the target 8,000 kilometers away. So if you change to other countries, do you feel flustered?

Can you sleep?

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