Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985

Vol 2 Chapter 771: Ren Yingying was puzzled.

PS: as usual

The media reports have naturally attracted the attention of foreign countries, and they are not optimistic about this kind of maintenance.

The news media is like this, as long as there is heat, it will report. The last time the Julyflower incident was very popular around the world, including the follow-up maintenance and non-maintenance votes.

ADC TV station did an exclusive interview, and invited people from the NSA space agency, as well as MIT, MIT is the best university in the world for science and engineering, not one of them, and it is also very strong in aerospace.

Moderator: What we are going to discuss today is the July Flower. The July Flower is a lunar probe launched by a private company in a big country in the East. Please note that this company has very little registered capital and less than 20 people who pay social security people.

In addition, the source of this company's technology is unknown. Next, we will ask Mr. Ryan from MIT to share his opinion. Ryan is an expert in aerospace.

Ryan is an old Caucasian male with thinning hair and wearing glasses. He said: "Actually, there are technical difficulties in launching a lunar exploration robot, but it is not very big. On a global scale, in this respect The ones with the best development include our Ami, a big country in the East, and Da Mao, whose rocket technology is very strong."

"Julyflower is a company... how should I put it, a company with strong technical strength. Although we have not obtained specific information, we have based on the data released by them, including the parts of the Julyflower rocket researched by a certain university. The parameters have reached the world's advanced level."

Host: "Mr. Ryan, you mean that this small company has reached the world's advanced level in terms of rockets?"

Ryan nodded: "I'm talking about parts. For example, the parameters of the fuel pump announced by a certain university of science and technology in Kyoto are more advanced than ours. It's not convenient for me to say how much more advanced."

When the host heard this, he asked a little excitedly: "Then you mean that it is impossible for July Flower Company to develop such a technology?"

"It's not very likely. Rocket is a comprehensive subject technology with a single material advantage. I think a small company can do it. Of course, it is undeniable that Mr. He Gui is very good." Ryan did not agree with the host.

When the host heard this, he nodded and said, "I admit that Mr. He Gui is excellent, but I think his previous research was just luckier."

"Although I also like to eat the tofu made of semi-arid soybeans developed by Mr. He Gui, luck is more involved in seed research, such as high-yield soybeans. Any seed company that finds such wild soybeans can develop such high-yield oil. soybeans."

Another person said at this time: "Luck is actually a very important part of the research process, and no one will deny this."

The host was a little embarrassed, and introduced: "This is an expert from the NSA, Mr. Martin."

"Mr. Martin, I agree with what you said, but I think rocket technology is a cumulative science and technology, which is very different from high-yield soybeans?" the host said.

"No, host, if you study carefully, you will find that many inventions are discovered by accident. Luck has a lot to do with it, no matter what kind of research it is." Martin shook his head and said.

"Then Mr. Martin also thinks that Julyflower Company has the ability to manufacture such an advanced rocket?" the host asked with a playful expression.

"It is undeniable that the Julyflower has broken many Guinness World Records, the spacecraft traveling the farthest on the moon, and the spacecraft taking the most pictures. Of course, it may also be what the host said. The company had disclosed that they expected the robot to work less than twenty hours," Martin continued.

The host was speechless, so he continued to ask, "Then, Mr. Martin, talk about the maintenance plan of Julyflower Company. What is the success rate?"

"There are two prerequisites here. The first is that Julyflower Company did not lie..." Martin said.

The host got excited; "Mr. Martin, what do you mean by that?"

"Private companies are good at hype. First of all, when designing and manufacturing the Julyflower, did they consider subsequent maintenance? If there is such a design, then the maintenance is very likely to be successful."

"Also, when the July Flower was launched, was it confirmed that it needs to be repaired?"

The host's eyes widened, and he asked in disbelief, "What does Mr. Martin mean, is this a complete hype or a conspiracy?"

"Yes, the Orientals are good at using some gimmicks to attract people. The founder of the July Flower has already cashed out 20 billion mainland currency." Martin looked at the host and said.

"Mr. Martin, do you mean this is a scam?" The host took the hat off.

"No, I'm just saying it's possible. You also know that our researchers like to tell the truth. The words of those businessmen and politicians are less reliable than those of Manager Kim. I'd rather believe a barking dog than businessmen and politicians. If so," Martin said immediately.

The host asked again: "Then Mr. Martin, did you just say there are more?"

"Yes, and everything else is true, but no one knows how much Julyflower invested this time. With Julyflower's existing technology, the first-stage rocket is likely to be recyclable. Then the second-stage, third-stage We have no way of knowing what is going on at the level," Martin continued.

The host asked a little puzzled: "Mr. Martin, can you explain in detail?"

"What I mean is that the July Huagong Company may make the second and third stages an empty shell, so that the weight will be greatly reduced. The first stage rocket only needs a small amount of fuel to send the second and third stages into space. Then declare failure... Unless the Julyflower Company itself, it is difficult for anyone to find out, because after the failure, the second and third stages fell into the atmosphere, and most of them were burned." Martin continued.

The host was stunned, and asked, "That means Julyflower can deceive us in this way, and we don't know?"

"Yes, unless supervised by a third-party agency." Martin nodded.

"Is there no other technology to monitor?" The host asked again.


The host is very pleasing to the eyes of Martin, and this effect is what the program wants, so he asked Ryan of MBS: "What do you think of Mr. Ryan?"

"Personally, I don't think it's necessary. Julyflower is not a listed company. There is absolutely no need for such hype. Moreover, the technical strength of Julyflower is obvious to all. At least the Julyflower has brought us a lot of scenery on the moon." Ryan is more conservative. After all, Ryan is a university student. Knowing that He Gui is also a scholar in the field of research.

The host continued: "Let's interview some passers-by and see what they say?"

So it was connected to the live broadcast, and a white guy outside took the microphone to attack people.

A white aunt: "No, no, I don't think it is necessary to repair it at all. I know the Julyflower, just let it sink in the Atlantic Ocean..."

Apparently aunt was a little confused.

A black brother: "I also don't think it is necessary to repair it, just like me, the mobile phone is broken, just go to the store to get it, as long as it does not exceed the value."

"No need. The July Flower is repaired on the moon, and it is lonely. This is a very inhumane approach."

"Where is the value of maintenance? I don't understand their Oriental thinking. Just some photos, and then re-launch rockets to pollute the environment. Doesn't a certain big country in the East have some environmental protection laws? I think this should be strictly investigated."

The ABS TV program was quickly forwarded by other media. The July Flower was a scam, and the founder of the July Flower cashed out 20 billion.

Marketing strategy of Julyflower Company.

He Gui received people from the school again. This time, ten interns and three teachers came. Of course, these people can only do some auxiliary work.

"Uh, this is the control room?" The teacher and the students were a little surprised. It looks more like a meeting place. There is no super big screen, only a projector, and then there are rows of tables. Then there is the computer.

"Yes, our July Flower Company is an entrepreneurial company. Mr. Wang, you come here, you are in charge of this side, and here is what you have to do." He Gui took one of the teachers and a few of the leaders The intern came to a row of computers, and then a stack of documents was delivered to Mr. Wang.

What did Teacher Wang want to ask, He Gui quickly said: "Turn on the computer, if there is anything you don't understand, write it down, and then ask me."

"Teacher Zhang."

"Teacher Sun." The three teachers who lead the team took the interns to their positions. In fact, there are mainly some data services here, and the rest of the operations are unnecessary.

"Everyone needs to go, you can consult our security personnel here." He Gui said, these interns and teachers are only restricted from some sensitive areas, each person's badge is different, and the places they can go to are also different.

When He Gui came out of the control room, Ren Yingying held her mobile phone and said, "ADC TV is stalking us?"

"Very good." He Gui said.

"Huh?" Ren Yingying looked at He Gui with some puzzlement.

"It's mediocre not to recruit people to blackmail. Now they are trying hard to blackmail, and when we do it, then our reputation will be even greater. In the future, no one will blackmail us, and you will also find the navy to blackmail us. You know, believe me Technology." After He Gui finished speaking, he hurried away.

Ren Yingying was a little confused, she was so angry that she couldn't do it, she didn't expect He Gui to blackmail herself?

There has been a black and red confrontation on the Internet, and foreign media reports are overwhelming. Hyundai Hegui does not have the strength to prevent others from talking about it. Some domestic media also followed up, and then a group of people began to blackmail.

The two groups of people are arguing fiercely on the Internet, and some top Internet celebrities also come out to force their chatter

He Gui is currently busy with the rocket inspection and so on.

This time, I didn’t hire a crane, and started to assemble directly in the vertical assembly workshop. In fact, there is nothing to assemble. The first, second, and third levels are all finished in He Gui’s workshop. Of course, some things that need to be connected You have to go to the vertical assembly workshop to connect, such as power supply, self-destruct device, etc., these will not be installed during transportation.

He Gui was busy at both ends, and at the same time, he wanted to instruct the interns and teachers how to read the data and what the data represented.

"You don't need to delve into these data sources. We will build our own global tracking system in the future."

"This time everyone is here to gain insight. When building a global tracking system, I will let everyone participate."

"The teachers have also worked hard." He Gui pointed out these things to the teachers and interns.

The interns all nodded. Now most of them still look confused, and He Gui didn't criticize anything. Students, don't they just study.

Finally, when the launch day came, Ren Yingying started the live broadcast, and Ren Yingying found another assistant, mainly to watch Xiao Heizi speak, and feel panicked.

"Is this really going to start? It won't be a lie, will it?"

"It's a bit decent to look at the launch site this time."

"Fuck you upstairs, what did they lie to you, you still come to see if they lie to you, is it cheap?"

"That's right, a group of brainless guys who still want to come and see if they say they are deceiving people?"

"What's the matter, you are not allowed to question it anymore, do you have the ability to let a third party intervene?"

"Intervention, who is the third party, do you want your foreign father to intervene?"

"Haha, some people really believe in third-party organizations. During the food war, foreign third-party organizations dug a lot of holes for us."

"Third-party organizations are like those little blacks. As long as they give money, they dare to say anything. Anyway, they are also a prediction?"

"Don't be too complacent. Ryan from Assay Institute has said that the chances of maintenance failure are very high?"

"What's wrong with the failure? Where does success come from without failure? Who told you to vote for repairs? Now that it's repaired, come out and make irresponsible remarks."

"What's the matter, don't let me talk about it, the anchor will come out, don't let me talk about it, don't let me talk about it, I'll leave right away..."

So-and-so was kicked out of the live broadcast room.

Host: If you don’t want to watch it, go away.

"The anchor is domineering."

"That's right, these little blacks are everywhere."

The rocket stands on the launch pad, and He Gui does the final inspection. Although the software can see the data, what needs to be inspected still needs to be inspected.

After He Gui's inspection was completed, it was time to fill in the fuel, and He Gui left. The fuel filling procedure was the same as that of the mainland rocket launch.

"Teacher He, are you alone here?" When he came to the control room, a teacher couldn't bear it anymore and asked.

I have been here for a few days, and I saw He Gui as a technician. There is no one else in this huge control room. At that time, the control room was small, but now He Gui is alone?

He Gui chuckled: "For the time being, I'm alone here. If there are too many people, it won't work. After the rocket is launched, there is no way to give orders anyway. The only order that can be given is to self-destruct."

The teachers were speechless, and what He Gui said was indeed true.

"But you alone?"

"There are still some of you here. I was alone last time, but it was a bit difficult. This is the rocket operation process. Several confirmations are required in the middle. The first confirmation of perigee acceleration, the second acceleration confirmation of perigee, and the third confirmation The second is to land in lunar orbit and confirm..." He Gui took out the procedure.

"Uh, Director He, are you going to return to Earth?"

"Well, let's try it out. The parts and components of the July Flower have been studied in the field of materials. It's a pity that there are no other scrapped lunar rovers nearby. Otherwise, it would be better to bring back some scraps." He Gui nodded.

"This..." The three teachers were so shocked that they didn't know what to say, but they wanted to return?

This is definitely not a joke. The ones who can bring things back from the moon are now Ami and us. The main problem is the economic drag on the northern big hair. Seeing that it will get better soon, something always happens, and then the economy fails again.

Several teachers looked at the launch process, and it will last for about a week. Of course, this is mainly about the time node, which is also approximate.

After the fuel was poured, He Gui was alone in the control room. The rest of the teachers and interns felt weird. They launched the rocket by themselves. Could it be a puppet?

"Attention all units, the countdown to launch is three minutes." He Gui still reported on the radio.

"All personnel are evacuated." The high voice said.


The interns and teachers at the back really only had to look at the feedback data from the meteorological department and some data of the rocket. Several teachers watched intently, the power data of the rocket, the temperature data of the rocket itself, and the pressure data of the fuel tank of the rocket. , and so on, the three teachers have different majors.

"Launch." With He Gui's sound of launch, the rocket ignites.

The robotic arm above the launch pad opens, and the rocket lifts off a few seconds later.

He Gui was not nervous. Several teachers were sweating nervously as they looked at the feedback data.

After more than ninety seconds, He Gui's voice sounded: "The first stage is normally disengaged, and the second stage is successfully ignited."

"Level 1 return procedure started."

"The trajectory of the secondary rocket is normal, and the data is normal."

"The trajectory of the first-stage rocket is normal, and the data is normal."

Several teachers have nothing to say, this company..., first-level return, and return after landing on the moon, this is going to be successful, and landing on the moon will become much cheaper.

This time, the first-stage rocket hovered for a few seconds before landing steadily on the launch pad.

"Primary engine flameout."

A few minutes later, the pumping fuel entered the game.

Another three minutes later, He Gui reported: "The second stage has left, and the third stage has entered Earth orbit."


Several teachers and interns applauded together, reaching the predetermined orbit of the earth, this is a threshold.

"The third-level solar panel is successfully opened, the speed is normal, the altitude is normal, and the trajectory is Execute the first manual command." He Gui issued the first command, which is to accelerate in low-Earth orbit.

"Mr. He, is setting an instruction here for safety reasons?" a teacher asked.

"Yes, if the third-stage rocket is abnormal, then this instruction will not be executed." He Gui nodded and said.

He Gui stood up and said to the interns: "In fact, the rocket launch process is very simple, mainly relying on the rocket's own program."

"Ground observation stations and observation ships provide data support to let the rocket know where it is, what speed it is, and what to do."

"Man-made interference and error correction are probably useless in the middle, so data services are the most important." He Gui is giving everyone a lesson.

"Okay, everyone can take turns to rest for a while." Knowing that these students and teachers were nervous, He Gui said, so some students hurried to go to the toilet, and some of them drank water or something.

(end of this chapter)

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