When Xia Guo was busy with the Spring Festival.

On the other hand, the war between the United States and Vitra Khan has also entered its final stage.

A military base of the US Army was attacked by nuclear and bomb attacks by unknown forces. Because the exact attacker could not be found, the US Army put this matter on the head of the Vitra Khan government and asked the Vitra Khan government Unconditional surrender within seven days, if not surrender, then the United States will launch nuclear weapons against Vitra Khan in retaliation.

The words of the United States are not just words. While informing the Vitra Khan government, the heavy bombers in the United States carried nuclear weapons, and the bombs flew to Vitra Khan's war under the escort of fighter jets, while domestic nuclear and missiles were even more It was aimed at Kadubul, the capital of Vitra Khan.

The United States made such a big move and did it with such a big fanfare, it must have been hidden from intelligence personnel from all over the world.

Originally, countries all over the world thought that the US military was just trying to scare the Vitra Khan government, and the purpose was to make the Vitra Khan government surrender unconditionally.

How can this happen.

On the surface, it seems that the US is going to launch a nuclear attack on Vitra Khan and take revenge, but who knows what the real purpose of your US is?

What if your missiles weren't headed for Vitra Khan?

What if your nuclear, missiles were aimed at their capitals?

This has to be guarded against. Who knows what the real intentions of the United States are. No government in the world is willing to gamble on the security of their own countries.

Besides, it's not like you haven't done this in the United States.

Didn't your missile blow up Xia Guo's embassy in Yugoslavia three years ago?

Afterwards, you gave the explanation and you bombed it by mistake. Why, do you want to do this again now?

This time you want to bomb that country's embassy, ​​or which country is your US missile trying to bomb?

Although the United States is the world's leader and the strongest, it doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want.

In fact, many countries have long been unaccustomed to the domineering behavior of the United States. This time, they finally had an opportunity to attack the United States. How could they let it go?

The first to attack the United States was the Soros Empire.

The representative of the Soros Empire made a direct statement,

If American bombers dare to take off and missiles dare to launch, then Suros will also open his own nuclear arsenal. Said, just pointed to the military base of the Mi Army in Vitra Khan very domineeringly.

Otherwise, the Soros Empire is really a fighting nation, and it is domineering to speak and act.

The representative of the United States, who represented the threat of the Soros Empire, was almost speechless.

What do you mean by that? My country is the victim, okay? My country was the first to suffer a nuclear attack, so why is it now ours?

The representative of the United States is simply going crazy.

However, anger turns into anger. The US must pay attention to the opinions of the Soros Empire. This country is different from other countries. That is what it says and what it does.

The representatives of the United States can imagine that if the United States really launched a nuclear attack on Vitra Khan, then the Suros Empire would really dare to attack their military base in Vitra Khan.

The style of the Soros Empire has always been hands-on and never noisy.

Although the strength of the Soros Empire is not as strong as it used to be, it is also second only to the United States.

If the U.S. really goes against the Soros Empire, it’s really hard to say who wins and who loses.

The United States is rich and economically developed, but in terms of military strength, the current gap between the two countries is not large. Even in terms of the number of nuclear weapons, the Soros Empire is more than the United States.


The representatives of other countries saw that the representatives of the Soros Empire took the lead in attacking the United States.

It can be said that the representatives of the Suros Empire said what they were afraid to say.

Although the representative of the United States was angry, he quickly calmed down. The representative of the United States also expressed that ordinary people, he knew very well what the Soros Empire meant by saying this.

The purpose of the Suros Empire is nothing more than to make the great United States fall into the quagmire of war with Vitra Khan. The longer the time, the better. It is best to fight for ten or eight years, and also drag down its own domestic economy.

After all, more than ten years ago, when the Suros Empire invaded Vitra Khan, the United States also calculated the Suros Empire in the same way, and the result was to add fire to the disintegration of the Suros Empire.

Now this is the Suros Empire taking revenge on them.

If the Soros Empire really thought that the United States would surrender, then they really thought it was too simple. The great United States is not afraid of any country.

In this world, there is no country that can compete with the United States, and no country dares to ignore and provoke the great United States. The United States must decide more things, and the United States must agree to its demands.

Your Soros Empire was stronger than the U.S. in the beginning, but unfortunately you are in decline now. Since it is already in decline, don’t try to be stronger. If you don’t have that strength, don’t make that big talk.

The representative of the United States, calm down his mood, looked at the representative of the Soros Empire, and thought in his heart with a blank face.

"Everyone, the decision of the United States cannot be changed. Either the Vitra Khan government will hand over the murderer of the attack, or it will surrender unconditionally. Otherwise, our United States will definitely launch a nuclear attack on Vitra Khan. The great United States will not tolerate any Formal provocation, not even verbal."

The representative of the United States looked at the representative of the Soros Empire, and said with light in his eyes.

The representatives of Vitra Khan were very happy when they saw that the Suros Empire took the lead in attacking, but now that the United States ignored the warnings of the Suros Empire, they immediately panicked.

To put it bluntly, the fate of Vitra Khan is really in this negotiation at this moment. Whether it is life or death depends on today's negotiation.

No one wants to die, and no one wants to give up high-ranking officials. If Vitra Khan is really destroyed by the United States, then he is not a high-ranking official of the former Vitra Khan government. It would be good if the United States did not liquidate him after the war. Don't even think about staying where you are now.

"Then we will wait and see!"

In the face of the provocation of the representative of the United States, the representative of the Soros Empire calmly said such a sentence and never spoke again.

This sentence sounds very calm, but the feeling it brings is not calm at all.

The representative of the United States, in particular, felt this sentence most clearly.

The purpose of what he said just now was to test the reaction of the Suros Empire, but he never expected that the representative of the Suros Empire would be so rigid that he would not even turn the table and stop playing.

As long as you dare to do it, they will dare to do it.

The representative of the United States did not understand in his heart, what exactly was the Suros Empire doing, just to make Vitra Khan consume the national power of the United States?

But a small Vitra Khan can't cause much loss to the mighty US, and the US's war against Vitra Khan will help stimulate domestic economic development.

What exactly is the Soros Empire?

"Everyone, do you have anything to talk about? There is no need to be so arrogant. The keynote of this world is peace, and nuclear war is unacceptable. For the safety of our planet, and for the entire human race to have a good living environment, prohibition Use weapons of mass destruction."

Seeing that the representative of the United States and the representative of Suros did not speak, at this time, the representative of the Xia State spoke.

What the representative of Xia Guo said was very subtle. It seemed that he didn't say anything, but in fact he was alluding to the United States, and it was best not to initiate a nuclear war.

As the third largest country in the world, although Xia Guo's economic strength is not very developed, none of the people sitting here dare to underestimate Xia Guo.

With a large population, in the rapidly rising Xia Kingdom, as the citizens of Xia Kingdom gradually became richer, which of the countries they were sitting in was not interested in the huge consumption power of the Xia Kingdom market.

The population of one Xia Kingdom alone is larger than the population of the entire Europe and America combined. It is conceivable that this is such a huge market.

Now the economic development of these countries is more prosperous, and a huge consumer market is urgently needed, and Xia Guo is just right.

Smart countries have long thought of establishing a good relationship with the Xia Kingdom. If they follow the United States to block the Xia Kingdom like before, it will not benefit their own country. Doing so will only make other countries take advantage.

"Agree, the world is still dominated by peace, and nuclear war is unnecessary."




As the representative of Xia Guo finished his speech, representatives of other countries soon began to echo.


When representatives from all over the world gathered in Vitra Khan to negotiate, in the remote Amazon rainforest, among the ruins of an ancient temple, two scarred people escaped from it covered in blood.

These two people are none other than the other, one is the black commander of the special action team of the "God-making" organization, and the other is the captain of the "God" organization's Iron Man team.

The two people who were originally hostile now rely on each other and cooperate to escape from the temple.

The two people who took out the ruins of the temple did not stop at the gate of the temple, and they got along and supported them and left here quickly.

But after the two people left, in the temple, a stone monster statue hundreds of meters high suddenly opened one eye, which looked at the direction the two left, and did not close it for a long time.


Island country!

In a secret experimental base deep at the bottom of Mount Fuji, dozens of genetic warriors who had already successfully experimented, suddenly had a lot of bloodshot eyes in their eyes. With the appearance of these bloodshots, the bodies of these dozens of gene warriors were very abrupt. was stiff for a second.

A second later, as the bloodshot in the eyes of the gene warriors disappeared, these gene warriors returned to their previous appearances again.

When these mutations occurred, there were only these genetic warriors in the entire room, and there were no scientific researchers, so the abnormality of these genetic warriors was not discovered.

Although there are cameras installed in the room, the staff sitting in front of the computers did not find any abnormality in the genetic warriors because of the short time.

At this time, the staff of this underground laboratory did not know that it was this anomaly that they did not find that would set off a huge wave in the world.

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