Sign in Starts From Farming in the Countryside

Chapter 336 Changes in the Earth and Stars

As time goes by, people find that the changes in the earth and stars are getting bigger and bigger.

First of all, the originally polluted atmosphere of the Earth star became inexplicably better. The sky was originally gray, and almost no stars could be seen at night, whether in cities or rural areas.

But now, every night, even in the city, you can clearly see the stars in the sky from the roof of your house in the middle of the night, let alone the countryside.

The smelly river water becomes inexplicably clear. Standing on the shore, you can clearly see the small fish and shrimp swimming in the river water.

The barren land has now become lush and green, the desolate Gobi has become a grassland, and the rivers are flowing rapidly in the dry rivers. Even deserts have become oases in many places.

For the changes on the planet, those who have the deepest experience are not ordinary people, but those warriors and supernatural beings, especially warriors. They were originally unable to break through, but now they feel that it has become very easy to break through.

Especially the peak A-level warriors, many of whom have broken through to the realm of masters.


Lin Chen also noticed this change.

During this period of time, Lin Chen would go out every day. He had only one purpose of going out, which was to collect the fragments of meteorites.

Others can't directly absorb the energy from the meteorite fragments, but that doesn't mean Lin Chen can't. Not to mention absorbing the energy from the meteorite fragments, it is no problem to directly swallow the meteorite fragments.

It has been three months since the meteorite landed on Earth. During this period, Lin Chen has also collected nearly 60,000 meteorite fragments. The smallest among these meteorite fragments is the size of an egg, and the largest is over ten meters in diameter. .

Most of the meteorite fragments in his hand are about the size of a head. The ones the size of eggs only cost a few hundred yuan. Lin Chen collected these meteorite fragments abroad.

Although most of the fragments landed in Xia Kingdom, there were also many abroad. Lin Chen would collect those in the Xia Kingdom when he encountered them, but the main ones were from abroad.

Such a good thing would be a waste if left to those foreigners. This was Lin Chen's idea.

There are not many meteorite fragments that have landed abroad. If Lin Chen intervenes again, there will be even fewer meteorites that foreign governments can collect.

As I said before, most of these meteorites are said to have landed in deep mountains and old forests. It is difficult to find them. In addition, the energy contained in them can speed up the evolution of animals and plants. Over time, humans can collect them. These fragments are even more difficult.

Because there are many powerful evolved beasts near each meteorite fragment guarding these fragments. Humans wanted to snatch these meteorite fragments away, but these evolved animals simply refused to agree.

After animals in the wild evolved, their wisdom also increased a lot, and they knew the effects and benefits of meteorite fragments on themselves. Therefore, it was inevitable that human warriors would come into conflict with evolved animals and plants.

Since the arrival of the meteorite, the wild world has slowly turned into a world of animals and plants. The reason is simple. Under the influence of the energy contained in meteorite fragments, animals and plants in the wild evolve very quickly.

Lin Chen's research found that animals in the wild have basically completed one evolution, and many have completed three evolutions. The most he found was six, and they are about to complete seven evolutions.

If an animal completes one evolution, its strength is equivalent to that of a B-level warrior or superpower among humans. If it completes three evolutions, it is equivalent to the strength of a grandmaster among humans. After six times, it is equivalent to Dongxu. Not to mention Dongxu, let’s just talk about powerful masters. How many are there in the human race right now?

The number of human beings is very large, nearly 300 billion, but among these 300 billion people, the proportion of warriors and superpowers is less than one thousandth.

But what about animals in nature? There are so many of them that the number of humans cannot be compared with the number of animals.

It was better before the meteorite arrived. Weapons made by humans could easily kill those animals. However, after the meteorite arrived, with the spread of mysterious energy and the evolution of animals, ordinary weapons have been lost to those animals that have completed their evolution. played a role.

Lin Chen had seen it many times with his own eyes. There were conflicts between human teams collecting meteorite fragments and evolved animals. Even if the human side had guns in hand, it was often the human side that failed.

As time went by and things developed, governments also discovered this situation. In response to the numerous incidents of animals hurting people, governments of various countries have also introduced some policies.

For example, the Xia Kingdom moved the population from remote areas to cities and towns, especially residents in remote mountainous areas. Secondly, it sent troops to clean up the evolved animals in the wild.

Scientists have discovered through research that if humans eat the meat of animals that have completed evolution, they can indirectly absorb the mysterious energy and complete their own evolution. Moreover, this method does no harm to the human body. The only disadvantage is that It takes a lot of meat to evolve animals.

Ever since, the Xia army began to encircle and suppress those animals in the wild. The encirclement and suppression of these animals can not only protect the safety of the people, but also allow the country to obtain a large amount of meat from evolved animals.

If the soldiers eat this meat, it will be very helpful in improving the soldiers' combat effectiveness. Under this cycle, the government does not have to worry about the domestic situation getting out of control.

Ordinary weapons cannot harm those evolved beasts, but heavy weapons can still kill them.

The Xia government was the first to take action. Therefore, although there are still many powerful evolved beasts in the country, most of them are in the deep mountains and old forests and will not easily come out to hurt people. In addition, the country deployed troops around various towns, so the social order of Xia Kingdom was hardly affected at all. The only impact was that the food in the fields was devoured by wildly growing weeds.

It doesn't hurt that this season's food is gone. Before the meteorite fell, because of Lin Chen, the Xia government also stored enough food. This food was enough for the people in the country to eat for two or three years.

Faced with sudden changes in the earth and stars, things are different abroad.

Foreign countries are vast and sparsely populated, and the number of various animals is countless. The spread of mysterious energy has greatly increased the strength of these evolved animals. For food and survival, they have begun to frequently attack towns where humans live.

In every attack, many residents will be robbed. What will happen to these residents who are robbed? It is not necessary to think about it.

Frequent animal attacks make people abroad miserable, and they seem to be protesting against the government to protect their safety.

But foreign governments know everything about the situation, and their efficiency is simply speechless.

It was ordinary people who died, not them, so they were not in a hurry.

As a result, this delay gave those animals in the wild enough time to evolve, which also led to the subsequent tragedy that shocked the world.

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