Sign in Starts From Farming in the Countryside

Chapter 420 Severe situation, alliance!

"Sister, does that mean that the United States wants to form an Earth-Star Alliance to deal with the current severe situation on Earth and Star?"

It's been three days since Lin Chen came back. During these three days, he didn't go anywhere. He just stayed at home and spent time with his family.

However, he did not tell his family about his experience. Instead, he made up a white lie, saying that he was practicing in seclusion. This is what the eldest sister Lin Xi told him in advance.

During the three days at home, Lin Chen also learned about the current specific situation of the Earth Star through the Internet. He was also shocked by the great changes in the Earth Star.

Because according to the news he learned, the Earth Star will recover, but the speed of recovery will definitely not be as fast as it is now.

He didn't know what caused the current situation, so he had already made a decision in his mind. He decided to find a time to go to Antarctica and ask Gaia for clarification.

After two inheritances, Lin Chen was very sure that Gaia had never completely told him the truth. There was a lot of information that Gaia was hiding from him.

He is not afraid of Gaia's selfish motives, because with his current power, even if he is not invincible on the current earth planet, he is almost there. As long as no powerful person in the universe takes action, he will not be in any danger.


"Yes, and in the West, they have begun to form an alliance led by the United States."

The eldest sister Lin Xi said affirmatively.

"Actually, with the current situation on Earth and the planet, it's impossible not to stay together. During the first spiritual energy recovery, various countries established huge base cities due to the evolution of organisms. Now, the spiritual energy has revived again, and the evolution of wild animals has accelerated again. Coupled with the emergence and return of those prehistoric civilizations, the situation is quite serious for various countries on Earth, and every country has a serious sense of crisis. "

"Those big countries are okay, but some small countries are basically in name only. So what if we don't unite."

When he said this, Lin Chen could clearly feel the helplessness and worry in his eldest sister's tone.

"Sister, what is the current situation our Xia Kingdom is facing?"

"We are okay. Don't underestimate our Xia Kingdom. Our Xia Kingdom's five thousand years of heritage is not that simple."

Seeing her younger brother ask this question, Lin Xi answered directly without hesitation.

She knew that her little brother was extraordinary, and she also knew that her little brother had been in contact and cooperation with the Xia Kingdom's military, so some internal information told her that her little brother was fine, and it was not considered a violation.

What's more, under the current situation, Xia State is also in urgent need of some special talents like his younger brother.

“In order to cope with the current severe situation, the country has plans to reduce the existing base cities, cancel some small, remote base cities that are relatively close to the mountains, and then integrate them into other base cities to establish larger base cities. "

Lin Xi told her younger brother another piece of news.

Lin Chen was actually not surprised by this news.

In his opinion, in the current situation, it is right and the best way for the country to do this, because in this way the country can better protect every citizen and free up more troops to deal with the increasingly severe situation.

"Does our Linjia Village have to be relocated as a whole?"

Lin Chen suddenly asked such a question.

"Yes, according to the plan, all the people in Linjia Village will be moved soon. We will all move to Guangyuan Base City."

"Guangyuan Base City?"

Lin Chen was stunned when he heard this.

"Didn't it say that all base cities close to the mountains should be relocated? Why didn't Gy City do this?"

Gy City is a city built on the edge of a mountain, and part of it is in the mountain.

"Because a small alien ruin was discovered in Gy City. It contains a complete inheritance and defense system."

Oh, so that’s what happened. At this point, Lin Chen already knew what was going on.

"What is the current situation in Gy City?"

"All evolved creatures within three hundred kilometers nearby have been wiped out. There are constant military patrols every day to eliminate those evolved creatures that are close to the city."

"However, as the concentration of spiritual energy increases, even if there are military patrols and sweeps every day, the situation is still becoming more and more serious. Currently, there are only 200 kilometers of the 300-kilometer safe zone left."

Two hundred kilometers? Fortunately, the situation is not as bad as it is. Lin Chen also knew what he should do next.


"Can countries still have normal trade exchanges now?"

"It is almost impossible. The ocean is completely dominated by evolved creatures. Ships cannot operate normally in the ocean. In the ocean, in addition to those powerful evolved creatures, there are also some prehistoric civilizations, such as Atlanta. Titus, Mayan civilization, etc.”

"These civilizations also occupy a large territory in the ocean. Once human ships approach their territory, they will sink these ships as soon as possible. Nowadays, all countries rely on space battleships to communicate, but because Time is limited and there are not many space battleships.”

"Even our Xia country cannot have one base or one battleship now. As for other countries, let alone other countries, many small countries do not have space battleships at all. This is why, as soon as the United States proposed to form an alliance, those in the West One reason why the small country immediately agreed.”

"Sister, what do you need me to do?"

Facing his biological sister, Lin Chen had nothing to hide and asked straightforwardly.

Today, his eldest sister told him so much. If Lin Chen didn't understand what she meant, then he would be really a fool.

"Xia Guo needs your help."

Lin Xi was also very direct towards her younger brother.

In fact, what Lin Xi didn't tell her brother was that before he came back, someone had contacted her secretly and told her a lot of information about her brother. It was at that time that Lin Xi had a deep understanding of her, who had been different from ordinary people since she was a child. The younger brother has a real understanding.

It turns out that his younger brother is far more powerful than he imagined.

As an older sister, Lin Xi actually didn't want to embarrass her younger brother, but the current severe situation on Earth and Star made it impossible not to do so.

If the skin is gone, the hair will remain. Once the country is gone, can small families like theirs still exist?

With greater ability comes greater responsibility.


"No problem, do you need any help?"

Looking at his eldest sister who looked uneasy and confused, Lin Chen felt nothing in his heart.

He understands these truths, and even if his eldest sister didn't say anything today, he would take the initiative to contact the military.

As I said before, with his current strength, he is not afraid of even those prehistoric civilizations, let alone these countries on Earth.

Even if the warriors at the peak of the Star Realm are in the Galaxy Alliance, which has a huge territory, they are still at the top of the pyramid, let alone the current Earth Star.

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