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Chapter 205: Bonfire, barbecue!

PS: Sorry, readers, the author is a little unwell these days, and I explained it the day before yesterday!

So the four thousand words have been updated in the past few days, and after two or three days, the six thousand words update may be resumed!

The author is absolutely telling the truth here, after all, the more I write, the more money I make!

. . . . . . The following text. . . . . .

Covington said that, Zhao Feng's first reaction was a little surprised.

He looked away from Covington, and looked at the bonfire that had been burning in the yard.

Covington suddenly became nervous.

In his opinion, Zhao Feng, as the owner of the manor, should not like paying for free.

I just wanted to explain, but I heard Zhao Feng ask: "When will the fishing ban period end?"

Covington replied after hearing Zhao Feng's inquiry: "Next year should be over!"

However, Covington also said before that there are some fishing grounds that are overfishing.

In this regard, Zhao Feng was actually very dissatisfied.

So, Zhao Feng looked at Covington and asked: "We are prohibited from fishing, what about the American rancher?"

Covington heard this, smiled and said: "He was prosecuted by the New Zealand government and sentenced to five years in prison. At the same time, although the government did not confiscate his ranch, because the owner of this ranch was blacklisted by the Fisheries Union, he During the five years in prison, the ranch was also set a five-year ban on fishing, so the rancher is now seeking to sell the ranch, otherwise, five years of taxation will make him bankrupt!"

Hearing Covington say so, Zhao Feng felt slightly angry.

In fact, whether it is New Zealand or the country, overfishing is a damage to the ecological balance.

Moreover, Zhao Feng really liked the environment in the manor.

So of course I hope that the environment around the manor can be maintained.

. . .

Not long after, Aunt Gina smiled and brought out the barbecue.

The barbecue rack was also supported by He Jun and others.

Especially after seeing He Jun by the campfire, he sweated a lot.

Zhao Feng looked at the serious bodyguards who were still wearing black suits.

He smiled and greeted: "Everyone relax today, drink less, go and change all your clothes!"

After hearing this, everyone looked at Wu Ji and He Jun.

He Jun and Wu Ji also obeyed Zhao Feng's instructions.

Nodding slightly, Wu Ji emphasized: "Sir, you can relax!"

The bodyguards were all young boys.

Immediately smiled and responded in unison: "YES! Sir."

The bodyguards took off their coats, their body armor, and rolled up their sleeves.

Cowboys also came over on horseback or on foot.

There are not many cattle and sheep in the ranch now.

So the official eleven cowboys!

Among the seven men and four women, three are the family members of three of them cowboys, and one girl travels around the world. After arriving in the town, she was shocked by the scenery outside the town, so stay and prepare Paint some transformations.

Because she is from the U.S. and her family is also a ranch, she is still very competent as a cowboy.

So I have been a temporary worker in the ranch for three months.

Under Covington's introduction, Zhao Feng and these cowboys met one by one.

Among them was an old cowboy who was as old as Covington. He and her wife worked for the ranch, and everyone called them Uncle Hawke and Aunt Hawke.

Just when the men started to know each other.

Aunt Hawk also went into the kitchen and Aunt Gina began to bring out the prepared barbecue.

Two basins larger than the washbasin were filled with beef and lamb. They were placed on the table next to the barbecue rack. Uncle Covington and Uncle Hawke, as the oldest and most instructed by barbecue experience, are responsible for the beef and Lamb.

Behind Aunt Gina Hawke, Shi Qingxuan, Zhao Bei, and Su Yanfei each took some tableware and placed them on the table with tablecloths.

Zhao Feng called He Jun into the house and moved the three or four boxes of beer in the locker.

Put it by the campfire.

It may be the first time the cowboys have seen Zhao Feng, the boss.

They look very simple and honest.

Zhao Feng smiled and greeted them to come over for beer, but he really looked like the host here.

With the bonfire, the flames grew stronger.

The steak and mutton under Covington and Hawke have begun to exude bursts of fragrance.

Tonight, there is no staple food. The big meal is sirloin steak with even fat and tender and tender lamb. The cattle are discharged on the charcoal fire, and the butter drips onto the charcoal.

Make a "babble" sound!

The lamb on the side may have been marinated, so with the blessing of various spices, the aroma is more intense.

Zhao Feng and Shi Qingxuan also took a bottle of beer, and under the light of the light in front of the villa and the bonfire, the two smiled at each other.

Such a life is beautiful!

Zhao Bei and Su Yanfei are more familiar with He Jun and Wu Ji.

So sitting not far from Zhao Feng was chatting, and, watching the The cowboys' faces gradually became rosy under the action of the combination of steak and beer. Under the light of the campfire, there was something Bright feeling.

Not long after, Uncle Hawk gave the barbecue to a middle-aged cowboy.

Holding a bottle of beer in one hand and the roasted lamb on the tray in the other, he walked towards Zhao Feng.

He walks slowly, with a simple smile on his face.

When he walked in front of Zhao Feng.

After hesitating, he handed the tray to Zhao Feng and said, "Boss, this is my roasted lamb. I hope you will like it!"

Zhao Feng smiled, took it over and put it in his mouth directly with a fork.


Not bad!

Zhao Feng smiled and boasted: "It's delicious!"

Uncle Hawk smiled shyly, and then said: "Boss, Ke Wen has told us about the ranch recently. We can reduce some salary, but everyone hopes you don't sell the ranch!"

"Haha!" Zhao Feng smiled upon hearing this, "Who said I would sell the ranch?"

Uncle Hawke heard the words and looked at the cowboys behind him in embarrassment.

In fact, this is also the speculation of the cowboys. After all, at this point of view, it should not be a good thing for the boss to come over.

Now the manor does have some problems, such as being reported for tax evasion, fishing ban on fishing grounds, and still losing money.

Adding these issues together, if you really are someone who is not very worthy, you might really be overwhelmed.

But Zhao Feng's current cash flow, including his domestic business card, and foreign Centurion Black Gold Card, also has billions of RMB in cash.

So it is not difficult to help the ranch through the difficulties!

Moreover, Zhao Feng himself still quite likes this scroll-like beauty in Zhenxi Manor!

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