“那个男人,被击杀了? ”


“能够击杀一个大将级别战力了吗? ”








战国,他身体都颤抖了 。

活了一辈子,不是没有见过凌白这么强大的,而是没有见过凌白这么年轻还这么强大的 。



此刻,在战国心中,凌白的危险程度,直接上升到了比白胡子还恐怖的高度 。

“他来这里,到底是想要做什么? ”

战国不禁猜测,心中忌惮而又担忧,凌白的强大,如今的表现,真的太超乎他的想象了,能够击杀大将级别的战力,也就意味着,他的战力,极为恐怖 。




战国越想越怕,凌白不可能是海军这边的 。



“那位大人 ……”

“竟然,如此强大! ”

“如果我 ……”

此刻,蛇姬的婀娜身姿微微颤抖,看着凌白,目睹对方的强大,身心被进一步征服 。



凌白,就是蛇姬眼中,就是这个世界唯一一个好男人 。

此时,蛇姬不自觉地幻想到了和凌白步入婚姻殿堂的场面,双颊也是浮现了两朵红云 。

就这样,在蛇姬不断地疯狂脑补之中,她完成了自我攻略 。

对凌白,竟然不自觉地沦陷了 。

甚至凌白都不知道,这个女人,自己搞定自己了,以至于,只需要凌白一句话,这个女人什么事都能干出来 。

当然,凌白是不知道的 。

要是凌白知道蛇姬的想法,也只能给她竖起大拇指了 。

“如果他今天能够从马林梵多全身而退,那么,这种人绝对是我应该结交的!感觉比起百兽凯多那种疯子,这个凌白会更好进行合作! ”

多弗朗明哥目光闪烁 。


多弗朗明哥活腻了才敢找凌白麻烦 。

没什么意外,凌白绝对是下一位新世界的大海皇帝了,这应该是毋庸置疑的 。


所以,凯亚是大将实力的高手 。


真让人恐惧 。

另一边,在众人震惊于凌白击杀了一个世界政府派出的顶级战力之时,和凌白吩咐威布尔的一样 。

威布尔傻子归傻子,但是力量却是极为恐怖 。

五个CP0成员,强大自然是强大的,但悲惨的是,面对威布尔,他们虽然从一开始就对威布尔压着打了 。

而紧接着,罗、霍金斯、破戒僧加入战场,原本五比一的战局,一下子就成了五比四的战局 。

“凯亚先生,他……他死了! ”

一个CP0成员说话之时有些颤抖 。

“死了?怎么可能?凯亚先生他 ……”

另一个CP0成员则是惊骇了,一开始就不敢置信 。

“不可能,凯亚先生的强大,是毋庸置疑的!而且想要击杀他,怎么可能?他可是我们CP0组织当中的不败战神! ”

另外的成员自然也是表示不信的 。

“room!屠宰场! ”

就在这时,一道半球的透明光罩将其中两人笼罩在了其中,紧接着,两人就被毫无知觉与痛感的情况下,身体被弄成了好几块 。



比如,原著斯摩格对付不了的维尔戈,却被罗轻松解决了 。


“威布尔! ”



紧接着,另一颗头颅,也被威布尔如法炮制,同样地劈成了两半 。

“你们两个联手,真是太凶残了! ”

破戒僧吐槽道 。

罗:“我可是船医 。”

霍金斯:“世界最恐怖的船医! ”

而另外剩余的三个CP0成员,也在接下来的半个小时内就被解决了,倒不是罗他们有多强大,要说单纯地论战斗力,绝对是威布尔最高,如果仅仅是威布尔一个人对付他们最开始的五个,早就被灭了,不过,有了罗他们几个的比较默契的合作,一切就好办了 。

比如,手术果实那种无解的能力,它能够让你的身体分解成无数块,让你在保留生命与意识的情况下,一点反抗行为都无法做出 。

当然,条件限制是,罗没有遇到比自己强大很多的对手,强一点还行 。

也就是这样 ���来到海军本部的CP0成员,通通都被凌白海贼团的人给解决掉,同样的,凌白他们都不知道敌人的名字 。

“船长杀了一个大将级别的战力! ”

破戒僧惊讶地说道,心中却是极为惊骇的,“那个人,听一些海军讨论,是世界政府派下来的大将级别战力! ”

“恐怖的船长,年龄没有我们大,但是实力却比我们高出了一个世界!这就是传说中的天才与庸人的差距吗? ”

“让人绝望的差距! ”


破戒僧:“跟着船长有肉吃 。”

众人点点头 。


解除了小夜时雨上面的武装色霸气,凌白就将这把刀丢回给了远处的达斯琪,之后,凌白就站在一个路人海军的尸体上,以此进行短暂的休息恢复,击杀一个大将级别的战力,凌白没有巨大的消耗是不可能的 。

这是短暂的休息 。


凌白在这个时候,白胡子海贼团他们,也开始了新一轮的攻势,而路飞、萨博他们也在猛烈往前进攻了 。

同时,鹤中将也回到了这里抵挡白胡子海贼团攻势的前线,另外,几乎所有的中将们,都在这边,此外还有钢骨空带下来的两个高手也在这里,当然,还有七武海们也在处刑台之下的这个区域 。

至于大将,都在外面拖住其他人 。

此时,凌白看向了战国,而凌白这才发现,战国也在看着他 。

凌白不知道,战国如今,看向他的眼神,满是忌惮,对于这场战争的局势,也充满了担忧 。

一场处刑,也是太多意外了 。


“他到底有什么目的? ”

看到如今凌白又不动手了,战国也是不安了,搞不懂凌白的动作 。

“那个家伙! ”

达斯琪捡起了自己的小夜时雨,此时刀柄上面还热乎着呢,尽管对凌白很是不爽,甚至感觉这把刀被罪恶的海贼染指过,已经被玷污了,但也没有办法,看着凌白的背影,达斯琪感觉绝望 。



今天怎么来了这么多恐怖的存在 。


“达斯琪! ”



Heroic, powerful, mature and beautiful, she is Dasqi’s idol。

“Don't be careless!”

Tina reminded, and then she saw an extra knife in Dasqi's hand. It was the one that Ling Bai took away just now. Now it has returned to Dasqi's hand.。

“We can just deal with the small soldiers. That kind of existence is not something we can deal with now. What we can do now is protect the weak.。”

Tina also looked at Ling Bai’s back in the distance。

It was really a desperate existence. Just now, he killed a super strong man!

Even a long time ago, Lieutenant General He and Kizaru's joint efforts were unable to harm him!


Let the weak despair!

And in the distance, a pirate, the navy who shined in the original work, Kerby, is also one of Garp's disciples today.。

Looking at the falling navy and pirates, the seemingly more and more meaningless casualties made him feel desperate.。

The enemy today is too powerful!

It's not an existence that he can understand at all.。


The Zhan Tao Wan that came over hit Kebi just in time, making Kebi very angry.


Ignoring Kebi, Zhan Momomaru stood up directly and rushed forward again.

call out!

With the flash of swords and shadows, Zhan Momomaru, who wanted to cause trouble for Yuzuki Shiliu and avenge his lost hand, at this moment, his chest was cut open.���Time, blood spurted out, and his whole body was also blown away。

Just now, Zhan Momomaru, who was originally looking for trouble for Luffy and Sabo, became angry when he saw Ame no Shiru. But now it seems that it is obviously not a wise choice.

Yuzhiru is much stronger than him!

“Just stay with the weak!”

Ame no Shiru held a cigar in her mouth, and the next moment, she rushed towards an incoming pacifist, but Ame Nozhiru eliminated the opponent with a single blow of her sword.

“I didn't expect that the weapons of the World Government are so advanced now. I don't know, but I thought it was a real Tyrant Bear here, and there are so many Tyrant Bears, but they only have weapons of this level, and they can only be used to deal with ordinary pirates. Of course, if hundreds of people come, I won’t say anything.。”

After taking care of this pacifist, we have to take care of Zhan Momomaru.

“Hey, hey, please be merciful!”

At this moment, yellow flashes of light burst out, and Kizaru came to save his eldest nephew Zhan Momomaru, and easily resisted Ame no Shiru's sword.

In terms of strength, Hiromu Ame is no match for Kizaru. Of course, Kizaru is injured now, but just now Kizaru simply treated the wound.。


I blew out a puff of smoke, not expecting this troublesome character in front of me.。

“You troublesome guys, did you come to the Navy Headquarters to rescue Fire Fist Ace with Whitebeard and the others?”

Yuzhiliu: "Fire Fist Ace has nothing to do with us!”

The force of the knife shook Kizaru's right leg open, and Zhan Momomaru, who had the same wound on his chest as Kizaru, quickly retreated while his uncle was resisting Shiru.。

However, it was obvious that Zhan Momomaru's injury was more serious than Kizaru's. Kizaru turned his head slightly and saw only Zhan Momomaru's wound. He could even see the internal organs in it, and the amount of blood was also very large, and the opponent's face was also pale. I got up, and there was a lot of cold sweat on my cheeks.。

It's so shocking。

“Zhan Taomaru, you retreat first, my uncle is here。”

Kizaru warned the other party,


Ame Zhiliu smiled, took two steps back, and struck Kizaru with his sword.。

Of course, compared to Ling Bai, Shiliu of Rain is less stressful for Kizaru.。

“Since it's not Ace, the fire-fighting fist, then what are you doing here? Come to play?”

Kizaru frowned and looked at the other person, eager to get some useful information.

Yuzhiliu said: "This is the first battle for our captain to become the king of the world!”

Yu Zhiliu's relationship with Ling Bai is not like the situation between him and Blackbeard in the original work. It was a state of cooperation. But now, Yuzhi Xiliu is Ling Bai's younger brother, and he is convinced of it. , commonly known as, surrender。

Surrender to the powerful and follow the powerful!

“King of the world?”

Kizaru was surprised, "What a loud tone, is your captain so crazy?”

Shiliu's knife tore Kizaru in half. Of course, this was in the elemental state. Shiliu said in a disdainful tone: "You have to thank our captain for not pursuing the victory just now, otherwise you would be like that CP0 member." Dead, it looks like that guy is not weaker than you, right?”

ps. I have to think about how to end it, and try to write it as well as possible

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