I don't know whether it was because she thought that her family would soon have two more rooms or because she couldn't sleep because of the noise made by her son and daughter-in-law. Mrs. Jia Zhang had almost no sleep tonight.

The next morning, when the Military Control Commission went to work, I ran to the Military Control Commission

"Leader, I want to report this. There are enemy agents in our compound!"Jia Zhang said excitedly

"What? Found enemy agents?"The soldiers at the Military Control Commission immediately paid attention to it and took Ms. Jia Zhang into a small room and asked her to explain in detail.

Seeing that the leader paid so much attention to her, Ms. Jia Zhang became very excited and told the story in a more elaborate way. The main content was:

In the courtyard She moved in with a pair of brothers and sisters who were on the run.

From the beginning, she smartly noticed that the brothers and sisters often went out secretly at night, eating and drinking every day.

The door was closed tightly and they did not interact with any neighbors.

Moreover, with All the neighbors couldn't get along. She suspected that he was an enemy agent, infiltrated among the people, and sneaked into the capital as a fugitive, waiting for opportunities to cause havoc.

Once, she saw Lu Weimin's house closed and eating meat again, so she asked her daughter-in-law to hold the child. I borrowed some food to investigate, but I didn't expect that Lu Weimin was very nervous and had a bad attitude. He drove his daughter-in-law out. He looked so ferocious that he scared the children to tears.

Just last night, a brand new car was pushed out When she came back with a bicycle, she said it was issued by the factory.

In fact, it was not. She overheard that it was bought with enemy funds.

After Jia Zhang finished speaking excitedly, she immediately urged:"Master Jun, please send someone to the machine repair factory quickly. Catch this enemy agent! If it's too late, I'm afraid he'll get wind of it and run away! One of the officers looked serious:"

According to what this aunt said, this Lu Weimin is probably an enemy agent. We should arrest him immediately!""

Jia Zhang was very happy and excited when she heard it, feeling that she had achieved great success.

At this time, the female clerk who had been sitting next to her silently spoke:

"etc! Don't rush yet. I helped the Lu Weimin brothers and sisters move in, and I knew them well, so they didn't look like bad people. If he rushes to the factory to arrest him, and if it turns out to be a mistake, even if he is not guilty, it will have a huge impact on his reputation.

Let's do this. Send someone to the machine repair shop to guard him first and prevent him from escaping.

Then, I will go to the rescue station to find out more about the situation from Stationmaster Wang before taking the next step!"

Although this female clerk is just an ordinary clerk, her husband's family is very important. Therefore, her officers will listen carefully to what she says. An officer said:"Okay! Just do as Xiao Weng says!"

Although Jia Zhang hoped that the officers would immediately arrest Lu Weimin, she did not dare to refute what Clerk Weng said.


The matter was so important that Clerk Weng immediately rode to the rescue station.

"Where is Webmaster Wang?"clerk Weng asked

"Sister Li Jing is here. She wants to see Stationmaster Wang if she has something to do. She is in the backyard!"An aunt at the rescue station said.

Clerk Weng immediately walked towards the backyard of the rescue station.

Sure enough, he saw stationmaster Wang and Li Jing and told him his purpose.

Stationmaster Wang and Li Jing were surprised when they heard:

"Xiao Lu is an enemy agent? impossible!"

"Is there a misunderstanding? The Weimin don’t look like enemy agents!

Clerk Weng said seriously:"It was Jia Zhang, a neighbor in the same compound as Lu Weimin, who reported him."……"

"Is action taken now?"

"Not yet, but people have been posted outside the machine repair shop. Once we have conclusive evidence, arrests will be made immediately!"

When Li Jing heard that the people from the Military Control Commission had not started to arrest Lu Weimin, she breathed a sigh of relief and calmly analyzed it and said:

"It is not difficult to find out whether Lu Weimin is an enemy agent.

On the one hand, call his hometown immediately and ask the people there to verify the identity information immediately.

Secondly, call Director Zhang of the machine repair shop and ask if he has assigned a car to Comrade Lu Weimin!

Third, come and find Comrade Lu Weimin’s neighbors to verify whether the content of Jia Zhang’s report is truthful!"

Clerk Weng and Stationmaster Wang both nodded in agreement.

Li Jing thought about it, but still felt uneasy:

"never mind! At the beginning, I was still helping at the rescue station. I was responsible for the registration and review of Lu Weimin's brother and sister. Now that there may be something wrong with them, I am also responsible. So, I will go to the machine repair shop in person to find out clearly!

Clerk Weng also stood up:"It's a big deal, it's too important!" I can't just wait around. I'll accompany you to the machine repair shop. Calling to verify identity information and other matters will trouble Webmaster Wang!"

"good! Leave it to me to verify your identity! Thank you to the machine repair shop! Stationmaster Wang readily agreed.

Time was running out, so Clerk Weng and Li Jing hurriedly rode toward the machine repair shop.

Li Jing rode faster and faster, her round butt twisting with alarming frequency, and she was pulling Clerk Weng further and further. Far away.

Clerk Weng had to shout:"Li Jing, don't ride so fast!""

"ah! Excuse me!"Li Jing looked back and realized that she had indeed been riding too fast, and they both fell fifty meters away.

Finally, the two women arrived at the machine repair shop.

After parking the car, they were both panting.

Clerk Weng He even noticed that Li Jing's bulging chest was undulating, perhaps because it was soaked and sticky with sweat, making it look very spectacular.

Clerk Weng quickly reminded her.

Li Jing let out a sweet cry, blushed, straightened her clothes, and then she and Clerk Weng came to the table. Walking to the factory director's office.

Director Zhang's office.

Director Zhang saw Li Jing and clerk Weng coming in to look for him, and they looked very anxious. His heart skipped a beat, and he immediately stood up to greet him and asked what happened.

Li Jing He immediately explained the purpose of his coming here.

Director Zhang laughed as soon as he heard this:

"Are the Weimin enemy agents? impossible! Absolutely impossible! This bicycle thing is a misunderstanding! This car was indeed assigned by the factory, but it was not worthy of our factory. It was given to him by Chairman Lou Zhenhua of Lou's Steel Rolling Mill!"

Immediately afterwards, Director Zhang told how Lu Weimin saved Lou Zhenhua by just passing by the car and heard the sound that the tire was about to burst. How did

Lou Zhenhua finally find Lu Weimin? In order to express his gratitude for saving his life, he wanted to send him to Lu Zhenhua. They gave Lu Weimin a lot of money and recruited him to serve as the director of their factory. However, Lu Weimin did not accept the money or choose to change jobs. He still chose to stay in the factory and continue to contribute to the machine repair factory. He also specifically said this to him. The words that moved him were spoken exactly once.


Hearing this, both Clerk Weng and Li Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

In particular, Li Jing's tense face and spirit finally relaxed. I don't know why he was very worried when he heard that Lu Weimin might be an enemy agent. He didn't want him to be an enemy agent and didn't want anything to happen to him. Now he finally felt relieved and his face was relaxed. A smile appeared on his face.

Moreover, at this time, what Lu Weimin said to Director Zhang repeatedly echoed in his mind:

"Mr. Lou, I am very grateful that you think highly of me and promised me such a good position.

It would be a lie to say that I am not moved.

It's just that I am a commoner who escaped from famine. Director Zhang gave me a job and assigned me a house, so that I could have a job, a stable income, and a house to live in. I was very grateful and decided to work hard and contribute to the cause of poverty alleviation. Contribute to the factory and bring glory to the factory director.

Nowadays, I don’t have much achievements and I haven’t made my due contribution to the factory. How can I change jobs just because of the high position and benefits of another factory? Such behavior cannot pass the test in my heart. , so I can’t promise you, please understand!"

Lu Weimin did good things, but he did not accept money from Lou Zhenhua, nor did he change jobs.

These incredible qualities moved Li Jing very much and touched the softness deep in her heart. She felt that Lu Weimin was not only tall and handsome, but also a very good character. good


At this time, the phone in the office rang again.

Webmaster Wang called and said that the investigation over there was clear and Lu Weimin's identity information was basically all right.

The only difference is that Cheng Zhihan is not Lu Weimin's cousin, but a neighbor. After her father died, she became an orphan, and Lu Weimin took her to escape.

After hearing this, Li Jing was even more moved. She felt that Lu Weimin's character was so good. When he was about to starve to death, he did not forget to save the neighbor's orphans.

Li Jing was very angry:"That Jia Zhang family is so disgusting! Why are you slandering Wei Min!"

Clerk Weng:"If my guess is correct, it should be for the house.

At first, the two houses in the No. 95 compound were not divided. When the house was given to Lu Weimin, the Jia and Zhang family came to the officers' meeting and requested that the house be given to their Jia family. They did not agree and only said that they would apply and wait for the result. Later, it was given to Lu Weimin, so she naturally held a grudge!"

Li Jing's towering His chest heaved sharply with anger:"What? Just because of the house matter, you are so unscrupulous and falsely accuse the guards of being an enemy agent? It is too much. This evil woman must be rectified and punished!"

Director Zhang saw Li Jing was so angry about Lu Weimin and was surprised.

Clerk Weng also had strange thoughts in his mind


Besides, Jia Zhang returned home to the courtyard excitedly.

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