Silver Overlord

Chapter 832

In the Shatu camp, the black cloud covered a black lightning, and rushed directly to the few Shatu people who fled. The Shatu people rushed out along the way, wanting to stop Yan Liqiang, and Yan Liqiang avoided two. Wave attack, the knife cut over the four Shatu people who rushed, and directly chased the few Shatu people who fled out of the camp.

At this time, the sky in the east has become brighter and brighter, and the stars and moons in the sky have slowly disappeared. The black sky is fading away from the sky.

The battle in the Shatu camp has gradually turned into a massacre. Mao Taishun, who just shot the arrow on his hand, found that Yan Liqiang is no longer around. Look again, Yan Liqiang rides the clouds over the snow. He had already rushed out of the camp. He was shocked and quickly shouted Zhao Bing, not far away. “Zhao Bing, the king brothers rushed out of the camp and seemed to be chasing someone…”

“Hey…” Zhao Bing explored the horse, and the long sword on his hand was pulled from the neck of a Shatu old man. The old Shatu’s eyes roared, and the blood on his neck was directly sprayed on Zhao Bing’s face. Zhao Bing wiped it. I looked at the face and looked at the distance. I didn’t say anything. When I caught a horse’s belly, I chased Yan Liqiang’s back and rushed out. “We can’t let the Wang brothers go alone to chase people. It’s too dangerous…”

The battle was just a bit confusing. Zuo Yuquan and Jia Lang didn’t know where to go with Zhao Tianyi. They saw Zhao Bing chasing Yan Liqiang and rushed over. Mao Taishun quickly put his own machine on a scorpion. Just prepare the arrow, then bite his teeth and follow Zhao Bing.


The other Shatu people in front were riding nice rhinosteed, but their rhinosteed was compared with the dark clouds, but there was still a lost gap. After chasing the camp two or three, the Shatu people in front. It was gradually caught up by Yan Liqiang.

At the beginning, the few Shatu people only managed to escape. They did not find anyone behind them to catch up, but as the distance between the two sides approached 50 meters, they heard the hooves coming from behind, the front A few Shatu people looked back and found Yan Liqiang, a single spear horse.

I am a martial martial of the cultivation of the Three Heavens… I am the martial artist of the cultivation of the Three Heavens… I am the martial artist of the cultivation of the Three Heavens…

Yan Liqiang chased and kept himself hypnotized in his heart, because if he was not so hypnotized, Yan Liqiang was afraid that he couldn’t help but raise his hand and shot all the Shatu people who were still in front of him. With such a short distance, as long as he opens two bows, one bow and four arrows, the eight Shatu people running in front can be easily killed by him. In front of his real bow cultivation, the eight Shatu people in front There is no difference between the eight rabbits that are in the cage as the target, and they are all small characters that can be destroyed by the backhand.

However, from last night to the present, Yan Liqiang has shot too many arrows, almost 60 full, and the two arrows are only a few shots, which is far beyond the ordinary three-day The number of arrows that can be shot by a bowmaster in one night, the average bow master should shoot so many arrows with such a strong bow in a short time, and he can’t lift his arm long ago, and he can open the bow freely. Thinking of the purpose of coming to the Gulang grassland, Yan Liqiang only suppressed the impulse of his own instinct and told himself that he could not solve the problem in the simplest and most convenient way. He must solve the problem according to his current identity.

It was discovered that Yan Liqiang was chasing one by one. Among the eight Shatu people in front, one immediately had a bow and arrow. The Shatu with a beard turned and turned his eyes, took the bow and shot at Yan Liqiang. Come over.

“When…”, the arrow that was shot went straight to Yan Liqiang’s throat, but at the moment of closeness, Yan Liqiang flew with his long knife, without hurting Yan Liqiang’s hair.

The Shatu man who shot the arrow slammed, and after a few seconds, he grabbed another arrow and shot it with one arrow.

This shot was in the heart of Yan Liqiang and was still flying by Yan Liqiang.

The third arrow continues to shoot. This arrow is the head of the dark clouds.

Yan Liqiang stretched his hand and flew the arrow again…

The shaved Shatu is furious and wants to shoot again…

“I fuck, really, when I don’t have a bow or arrow, I can’t help you…” Yan Liqiang snorted and saw that the distance between the two sides was almost within 50 meters, not waiting for the fourth arrow of the bearded Shatu. Shot, Yan Liqiang pulled out the dagger at the waist, and the embarrassed smashed the past.

The dagger flashed in the air, crossed a flash of cold light, and directly hit the heart of the bearded Shatu archer. After a spurt of blood, the bearded Shatu took the bow and planted it from the beginning. Come down, scream.

The remaining seven people were shocked. One of Shatu’s old men in gorgeous costume looked back at Yan Liqiang, who was chasing after him. He screamed twice and left three of the seven people directly. Turning the horse’s head, waving the scimitar on his hand, rushed toward Yan Liqiang, and the remaining four Shatu people continued to rush forward.

It was the guardian of the three Shatu people. Although the cultivation was good, it was worse than Yan Liqiang, who was a “martial division”. More than a little bit, the more important thing was that the four people riding on the horse rushed over, but The speed is fast and slow, and the position is before and after.

The first person and Yan Liqiang intertwined, but when they met, they were slammed around the neck by Yan Liqiang, their heads flew up, and the second person’s machete followed, and the whole person was directly used by Yan Liqiang. Cleverly grabbed the wrist and screamed and screamed from the running rhinosteed and fell on the ground for dozens of laps. Yan Liqiang then leaped from the rhinosteed horseback, avoiding the third person’s cut. A knife, a trick to the tail of the dragon, directly kicked on the head of the Shatu, kicked the Shatu’s head into a shape, and spewed blood from the rhinosteed in the mouth…

The fourth person fell to the end, but his weapon, but not a sword, but a few bows on a good bowstring, only rushed to the distance of Yan Liqiang, only about ten meters, only a “crash” Trigger, facing Yan Liqiang, shot an arrow ready to go…

Even if it was near, the arrow did not hit Yan Liqiang, Yan Liqiang’s head, and the arrow flew over his ear, and at about the same time, the front of the Shatu guard who shot the arrow had already It was pulled by Yan Liqiang’s long knife and fell from rhinosteed.

When the two horses staggered, Yan Liqiang caught the body and grabbed the arrow hanging from the other on the saddle. Then Yan Liqiang slammed from the saddle and the whole man was almost hung in a stable. Then, pick up the machine that dropped the man on the ground.

Holding the machine, legs control the horse, and then quickly put a smashing arrow on the arrow of the machine, “disintegrated”, shot against a person in front of the road.

“Ah…” One of the remaining three people, a young man in a Chinese costume, had an arrow in his back and suddenly fell from the horse.

In the end, there were only two Shatu people left. The two Shatu people were dressed in Chinese costumes. The two men agreed to perform a climax riding in front of Yan Liqiang.

Yan Liqiang once again got a smashing arrow on the running rhinosteed horse back with the fastest speed, and then sneered, “Small, I let you hide in the squat”…

One arrow shot again, but it was not a person but a rhinosteed.

A running rhinosteed leg was soft and fell all of a sudden. The man hiding under the horse’s belly was too late to react. He was rushed to the rhinosteed heavy horse and pressed to the ground. In the sound of the fracture, like a meat shield, roll up on the grass with rhinosteed.

The last rhinosteed finally stopped and turned over the horse’s head. The one wearing the Chinese costume on the rhinosteed, a pair of Shatu people in their 60s with a bowel look looked with a look of horror and anger. Yan Liqiang, who chased him, said that he stopped the horse and pulled out the scimitar at the waist and pointed at Yan Liqiang, sorrowful and angry. “Why, why should we kill our tribes!”

“You are the patriarch of the little tribe?” Yan Liqiang also stopped and pointed the plane of the third arrow to the old Shatu.

“Yes, I am the bone slay, the patriarch of the little tribe in your mouth…” The Shatu stared at Yan Liqiang. “Why, why are you Han Chinese doing to us?”

“Forgiveness, wolf ambition, Great Han Empire, I sheltered you, let you Seven Shatu Tribes survive, your reward for the Great Han Empire is betrayal and betrayal, that is, all the time, thinking about how to enter the customs, killing and looting, not destroying you. What is heaven?”

“In this world, the Great Han Empire is not capable of guarding its own territory. It should be occupied by us. How can it betrayed?” Satan said loudly without any sorrow, “Great Han Empire sheltered us, it was Great. Han Empire is stupid and willing to shelter her enemies. Our Shatu people never say anything about the enemy, and there is never any promise. The stupidity of the enemy is our chance!”

“Haha, you can rest assured that the Great Han Empire will not be so stupid in the future. Fortunately, the mistakes made by the Great Han Empire, and now there is a chance to correct, just wipe your Seven Shatu Tribes from the Gulang grassland. Ok!” Yan Liqiang smiled and then pulled the trigger of the machine against the man.

The arrow was shot, unexpected, but there was no shot in the bones, and the arrow was smashed by the bone knife. Then, the bones flashed, holding a machete, and the face leaped from the horse. Like a vulture flying up, he rushed directly to Yan Liqiang and squatted against Yan Liqiang with a machete. “Go to death…”

Did not think about it, the patriarch of this small tribe is actually a master, look at his appearance, but also the martial arts cultivation…

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