Silver Overlord

Chapter 849

On the Gulang grassland, there is a horse in the plains. At this moment, it is a big day. The sun is shining and the horizon is extremely wide. With the proximity of the two teams, it is almost five or six kilometers away. Seeing that less than 30,000 people are led by Yan Liqiang In the face of the impact of his own 40,000 horses, he even dared to split his troops. The Shatu people who led the team, a Shatu who had a big beard with a bearded nose and a beard, was excited at once, hundreds of miles long. The exhausted hunger and thirst of the attack seemed to be missing at this moment. The Shatu’s generals did not want to raise their hands and shouted loudly to the surrounding Shatu people. “Those dogs, they are looking for death, We don’t have to pay attention to the people on both sides, first break the Han Chinese army in front, and then clean up the Han people on both sides…”

The Shatu’s 40,000 cavalry came from the various tribes of the Seven Shatu Tribes. At this moment, the generals of the soldiers, from the ebony department of the Seven Shatu Tribes, called Shaug, the ebony department was the first to rely on the Black-Ox Tribe. Black-Ox Tribe reused, now in the Seven Shatu Tribes, has long replaced the position of the Uly, becoming the leading tribe in the Seven Shatu Tribes, this time the Seven Shatu Tribes coalition attack, led by the Ebony .

The other generals of the Seven Shatu Tribes did not question Shaw’s decision because they also saw that the flag among the teams that rushed directly toward them had one side, that is, the banner of the supervision of Yunyun. Above the flag, a strict word hunting and flying, this surface, Yun Li supervised Yan Liqiang is in the front of the team.

Since Yan Liqiang’s killing of Hu Ling, Yan Liqiang has long been the first enemy of Seven Shatu Tribes. In the past few months, there have been countless Seven Shatu Tribes who have died under Hu Ling, almost every Seven Shatu Tribes. People who want to eat Yan Liqiang, and now see the banner of Yan Liqiang, these Shatu people, where they can bear, one by one red eyes, waving the scimitar on the hand, hitting the horse, not killing Rushing toward the army where Yan Liqiang is.

“Live catching Yan Liqiang, rewarding two thousand, and arrogant…” Shaug yelled, and the surrounding Shatu people suddenly became crazy, like a chicken blood, a ghost crying, a Shatu cavalry. While riding on the rhinosteed, he danced the scimitar in his hand in the sun.

“Live catching Yan Liqiang…”

“Live catching Yan Liqiang…”

“Kill those Han dogs and let those Han dogs know that we are amazing…”

In the roar of the hoof, the army of 40,000 Shatu people went crazy, and the bow cavalry led by Yan Liqiang rushed over, and the distance between the two sides was rapidly approaching.

Compared to the arrogance of the Shatu people, the more than 12,000 archers led by Yan Liqiang are silent, and the team of more than 10,000 people, only the roar of the rhinosteed iron hooves on the ground is ringing in the bang. More than two years of rigorous training, as well as repeated battles and tempering, have already made the instinct of battle into the blood of all the cavalry, such as nerve reflexes, do not need anyone to say anything, as long as the distance is Everyone’s reflex nerves are automatically activated, and everyone knows when and what they should do.

When the distance between the two sides was five kilometers, all the bowmen had already taken the bow on their hands…

At a distance of three kilometers, all the archers have drawn the first arrow from the quiver hanging on the saddle…

At a distance of two kilometers, the arrow is placed on the bowstring…

At a distance of 1,500 meters, everyone’s hands have left the reins, and only use their legs to control the horse, and began to adapt to the rhinosteed running rhythm.

At a distance of one kilometer, everyone began to bow, and then involuntarily glanced at the flying flags in the team. The angle and strength of the flag fluttered silently on the wind and wind speed on the battlefield. The wind direction wind speed will affect the effect after the arrow is thrown out. Therefore, in the first round of projectile, the elevation and declination of the archer’s throw must be changed according to the wind speed. These things are after the battle and training. The valuable experience summarized. ……

The blink of an eye, more than 12,000 pulleys and bows were all full, facing the rushing Shatu cavalry, 45 degrees wide angle, and then westward five degrees…

Many of the Shatu people at this time have already seen Yan Liqiang’s archers in Zhang Gong’s ranks. Many people are still laughing at them. Those Han dogs are not used by the archers. Where are the bowmen? At the forefront of the team, the archers should be placed in the middle of the team. Let a few bow cavalry be placed at the front of the team. Do you want to scare people?

The two sides were close to 800 meters from the blink of an eye and rushed to the front of the archers. At this time, it was even possible to clearly see the expressions on the faces of the Shatu cavalry.

“Let…” a loud bang rang out in the ranks.

Looking far away, I saw the sky above the dragon tooth bowmen. It seemed to be a black cloud. With the 40,000 Shatu cavalry being attacked, Shaug was slightly stunned. The heart said, what is that – Shawu The grid has already seen the archers who are rushing to the front, Zhang Bow, but what he can’t dream of is that the bowman who is rushing toward him is not just the people in front of the team, but everyone…

The horse continued to rush forward, but it also took two breaths, not waiting for Shaw and his 40,000 Shatu cavalry to react. The 12,500 arrows dive down from the sky. The sharp arrows clustered with great momentum and death, and instantly fell into the ranks of the Shatu people’s 40,000-strong army.

The 40,000-fronted Shatu cavalry, like a rushing wave, slammed into an invisible iron wall. In the bloody waves of countless splashes, the wave of 40,000 Shatu cavalry rushed to a halt.

The 40,000 Shatu cavalry simply couldn’t think that their opponents would have so many arrows, so when they were charging, the formation was as dense as ever, and this intensive shaping was only for the cavalry of the Dragon Tooth. A huge incomparable moving target.

The power of the archers in the first round of the volley of more than 12,000 arrows, in this case, can only be described as horror, but in an instant, the target person directly hit by the arrow is close to four More than a thousand, the Shatu cavalry that was not hit in the fast charge is also inevitable and will hit the person in front. In a scream, the army of 40,000 Shatu people will turn over…

Looking at the cavalry in front of me, I fell down one by one, listening to the sudden screams from the ear and the chaotic form of the chaos. The leader of the team, Shaug, felt that the brain was blank and felt right. Everything is so unreal – there are still one and a half miles from the Han Chinese, and the archers in their own teams have not had time to open the bow. Why can those Han people open the bow? And the range is so far, it is impossible! The arrow rain that has fallen from the sky has fallen more than 10,000. It is more like an illusion. Is the archer of the entire Gan Prefecture in the ranks of the Han people in front of him?

The sly grasslands will not give these Shatu people answers in shock and pain, but the Dragon Cavalry bowmen will!

The first round of the projectile was completed, and the bowman riding on the rhinosteed continued to rush forward, mechanically and accurately extracting the second arrow and placing it on the bow. The binary pulley with a large effort ratio was instantly filled again. Within the three standard breaths, 12,500 bows were opened again, the elevation angle dropped five degrees, a slamming sound, the black cloud flashed, the second round of the arrow shot, and the blink of an eye fell again Among the chaotic Shatu people’s ranks.

Numerous arrows ran through the flesh, and countless blood flowers bloomed again. The Shatu people were once again crying and crying, and the team that was still in the forefront was like being plowed again.

Shaug took out the scimitar and flew two falling arrows, but his rhinosteed did not resist the arrow’s ability. The third arrow directly penetrated the rhinosteed neck of his arm. The rhinosteed screamed and fell to the ground, and immediately slammed Shaug.

“Those Han Chinese are the devil, the devil…” Just screaming in the ranks of the Shatu people who are going to catch Yan Liqiang, and the horror and bloody death screams have already screamed in horror. The ordinary Shatu cavalry simply couldn’t understand why there were so many dead arrows landing on them from the sky, which was completely beyond their understanding of war and bows.

Looking at the people around me, there are countless downs. The Shatu cavalry among the many teams has begun to turn around and screaming to escape the battlefield.

Shaug, who was suddenly stunned, just stood up and saw that someone had to run away. His eyes were red. He cut a cavalry that turned the horse’s head and jumped to the horse. Shouting with a knife, “No escape, continue to give me a rush…”

Just after this sentence was just finished, the third round of arrows fell again. Thousands of Shatu cavalry screamed and was shot down. The last courage of the 40,000 Shatu cavalry completely smashed under the third round of arrows. The entire team was in a mess, and the Cavalry of the Seven Shatu Tribes, which was temporarily pooled, screamed at the front of the Uli section of the team and began to turn and flee, seeing the people of the Uli section running, the remaining cavalry, Also all of a sudden fled.

What Saug wanted to say, in the distance, Shi Changfeng shot at him, and the arrow passed directly from his chest and shot him from the horse.

The Shatu people in the chaos began to run away, but the fourth round of arrows fell on schedule, and countless Shatu people screamed that the arrow fell…

As the distance approaches, the elevation angle becomes smaller, and the accuracy of the volley of the archers is also increasing, and the threat brought by the more than 12,000 pulleys is not reduced.

“Hahaha, I said that these Shatu dogs can’t hold the fifth round…” Shi Dafeng laughed and looked at the Shatu people who had retreated in the distance. “Brothers, don’t let go…”

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