Silver Overlord

Chapter 880

I don’t know how long it took, and Yan Liqiang woke up in sorrow!

The first time I woke up, Yan Liqiang felt his face stuck on the cold ground, and the consciousness in his head moved. Thinking of the horrible nine-headed snake, Yan Liqiang suddenly slammed from the ground. Bounced up.

Seeing the sights around him, Yan Liqiang was suddenly stunned.

He was actually next to the altar in the center of the lake. Musadi’s body was nailed to the altar by his big spear of dragon steel. The blood of Musadi had dried up, although the temperature here was very low, but Yan Liqiang twitched. With a nose, I could already smell the stench of the smell of Musadi’s body.

I rely on it, it is a few days!

Yan Liqiang squatted in his heart, and checked his whole body up and down with his hands and feet. Fortunately, everything on his body was good. There were no missing parts. It seemed that there was no problem except that the stomach was hungry.

Wait, the nine-headed snake, isn’t he fighting it?

When I thought of the nine-headed snake in Yan Liqiang’s head, I didn’t know why, and Yan Liqiang felt the connection between the consciousness and the nine-headed snake. This connection is very strange. Like the connection with his golden retriever, it feels like communicating with pets…

Oh, the calm lake was full of waves, the huge body of the nine-headed serpent and the nine heads suddenly appeared out of the lake, and the red eyes were staring at Yan Liqiang.

Yan Liqiang was shocked, and almost instinctively wanted to keep a distance from the nine giant snakes.

However, Yan Liqiang did not move, but the nine-headed snakes took the initiative to retreat.

Seeing that the nine-headed serpent not only did not attack himself, but seemed to know his own thoughts, Yan Liqiang resisted the urge to retreat, looked around, swallowed a spit, and some faced the nine-headed serpent with great pressure. Said, “You… Do you know what I am thinking?”

The nine heads of the nine giant snakes actually clicked at the same time.

I didn’t expect this nine-headed snake to really understand what he said. Yan Liqiang’s spirit was shocked and he continued to ask, “What should you call me?”

The nine-headed serpent certainly can’t talk, but one of its heads spits out the spit, and a purely volatility of consciousness appears in the mind of Yan Liqiang – the master!

Master, he has become the master of this nine-headed snake?

Yan Liqiang’s little heart screamed, and it was inexplicably excited. Although the feeling came from consciousness, I looked at the nine-headed snake that almost made him finished. He still likes to confirm.

“My armor fell into the lake below, you can help me catch it!”

The giant snake nodded, and the huge body suddenly fell into the lake. Yan Liqiang just waited for a little while, the lake next to the altar slammed, and the two heads of the nine giant snakes were careful. Extending from the lake, it was enough to reach the center of the altar. One of the giant snakes spit in the mouth of his head, and spit out the set of armor of Yan Liqiang from the mouth, and a giant snake. The head vomited slightly, and spit out a few fish that were more than a foot long and jumped on the altar.

Yan Liqiang is stunned. “This… is this the food you prepared for me?”

The head of the nine-headed serpent actually nodded.

Yan Liqiang carefully walked over to the huge head and slowly reached out and tried to touch the huge golden scale under the head. The head of the serpent spit the letter, and the cleverly appointed Yan Liqiang felt it. Still enjoying the look.

“Okay, let’s go ahead, I will call you again!”

After listening to Yan Liqiang, the two heads of the nine giant snakes slowly retracted into the water, and only the dragonflies on the lake spread in a circle.

Looking at the few fish that are still alive and kicking under his feet, Yan Liqiang feels that he wants to be quiet and take a good look at it.

Jiulong Baoji, it must be Jiulong Baoji, and recalled the process of fighting this nine-headed snake on that day. Yan Liqiang suddenly closed his eyes and the whole person’s consciousness and internal vision returned to his own. Know the sea.

The Kowloon Breguet is still floating in the depths of the sea. It is only a significant change compared with the past. The dragons of the nine dragons on the Kowloon Breguet have been raised. The mouth of each dragon is spit out like a spit. A splendid brilliance enveloped the entire Kowloon Breguet, just on one side of the Kowloon Breguet, and a vaguely visible light and shadow of a nine-headed serpent was swimming.

Before Yan Liqiang’s conscious spirit, no matter how he touched the temptation, this Jiulong Baoji Jiulong Baoji didn’t react at all. At this time, Yan Liqiang’s spiritual consciousness just touched the Jiulong Baoji…

Yan Liqiang only felt that his brain suddenly slammed, and that the whole person, and all of them had the feeling of entering the Temple of Heaven, Yan Liqiang felt his consciousness and spirit, and suddenly entered the Kowloon Breguet. In that space.

When seeing the things in the treasure space of Kowloon, Yan Liqiang was shocked again.

The interior of the Treasures of Kowloon is a huge space with a length, width and height of more than 30 miles. When I first saw the things inside the space, Yan Liqiang almost thought that he saw the terracotta warriors of the Qin Emperor Mausoleum.

In that huge space, quietly stood a whole hundred battles like the terracotta warriors and horses, infantry, cavalry, bowmen, and all the soldiers. The warriors in the battlefield were Martial Grand Martial. Supreme, flashing a quaint and dignified metallic luster, copper iron horse, indestructible, the powerful arrogance of the world, it is chilling.

There are a whole hundred squares among the treasures of Kowloon, and there are 10,000 warriors in each square. In total, the army of millions of bronzes and iron horses is silent, and they are standing in the square with their eyes closed.

In addition to this mysterious and powerful army of millions of bronze horses, Yan Liqiang also saw several “big mountains” in the treasures of Kowloon. It was a mountain of food, gold and silver, and swords and armor.

How can there be so many strange things in the Treasures of Kowloon?

This thought has just appeared in the eyes of Yan Liqiang, and a stream of information naturally appears in the consciousness of Yan Liqiang…


Yan Liqiang stood with his eyes closed next to the altar in the center of the lake. The whole person did not say anything. Only the eyelids trembled gently. It was almost enough to stand for more than ten minutes, and motionless. At this time, the altar The few live fishes on the fish have been re-slid into the lake. After more than ten minutes, Yan Liqiang opened his eyes sharply, his eyes flashed, his mouth slowly tilted, and he finally couldn’t help but look up. I laughed a lot. “It turned out to be the case. It turned out that God is really not waiting for me. I didn’t expect this accidental misunderstanding. I actually let Jiulong Baoji take the nine-headed snake, and also absorbed the nine giants. A lot of energy of the snake, all of a sudden opened the treasure, the things in the treasure, are the things that the emperors have prepared for the future chaos, sadly, I did not expect that in the past millennium, no one can The million-magic army that motivated the treasures can only use Jiulong Baoji as a space equipment…”

After speaking, Yan Liqiang shook his head and waved his hand without any warning. A powerful warrior with a rhinosteed hand-held long Ge appeared on his side, and the iron horse and the immediate soldier suddenly appeared at the moment of appearance. Opened the golden eyes, the iron horse screamed, the sound of gold and iron, the feet raised, the entire underground caves vibrated, and a murderous martyr, instantly rushing from the cavalry’s body…

Yan Liqiang waved, the cavalry of the copper man disappeared instantly, as if it had not appeared, Yan Liqiang swallowed a spit, and between his mind, there was a savory dried meat on his hand, just like Just like the one that came out, Yan Liqiang first smelled the piece of meat and found that the dried meat in the time-free state, even if it was placed in Baodi for hundreds of years, was quite fresh. .

Yan Liqiang, who had already been hungry, had finished eating all the meat, and then put on his armor with his hands and feet and picked up the big spear inserted in the dragon steel.

When he picked up the dragon steel big spear, Yan Liqiang remembered something, slammed his head, and quickly called the Hydra out of the lake. “I have slept for a few days?”

When I heard the message from the nine giant snakes in the sea, Yan Liqiang’s face changed. “What, ten days!”

Looking at the hole that had already collapsed, Yan Liqiang asked quickly, “Can the road under the water go out!”

The nine-headed giant snake nodded!

“Come, take me away!”

The nine-headed serpent leaned over and smugly put a few heads over. Yan Liqiang jumped to the middle of the head and grabbed the snake’s crown on the snake’s head. The Hydra then took Yan Liqiang into the head. Into the lake…

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