Silver Overlord

Chapter 888

“What, Yan Liqiang, the golden retriever, was actually the king of Jinzhou, who was the king of Pingxi, the general of the pillar country, and also the magistrate of the northwestern military, commanding the six states of the northwest, and the army should listen to him later. The order did not work…” Yan Liqiang returned to Baishiguan that night, a horrified and angry voice rang in the study in the Provincial Governor’s House in Lan Prefecture. In addition to horror and anger, the voice was thick. Thick and unsatisfied, hey, this is the sound of a handcuff on the desk of the study, then the sound in the study suddenly became more and more angry, and full of anger, bite, “Why, the golden retriever is small The second can be Pingxi Wang. When the official is the provincial governor of Lan Prefecture, the Yan Liqiang is wearing a pair of trousers in Pingxi County. His Yan Liqiang ancestors are all descendants of the mud-legged family. He is just a The blacksmith, now, has suddenly climbed to the head of the official, in this Lan Prefecture, one It’s still the official’s final say, what Pingxi Wang is a fart…”

In the study, Lan Prefecture Provincial Governor Gu Anan’s fat body was huddled in a master’s chair in the study room, panting, staring at a man standing in front of him with some red eyes. “You said, that Yan Liqiang Is there any collusion with the Luo family in Jinju, why does Luo Jia give Yan Liqiang such a benefit, let him be the king of Pingxi?”

As a state’s Provincial Governor, Gu Tongan is like the Great Han Empire. Others, like the big squadrons and senior officials, have some fat body and no need to face. The whole person has a kind of superiority that has long been formed because of pampering. Gu Yan, Gu Tongan is not too ugly, but this time Gu Tongan, the whole person’s face is distorted with anger, has completely lost his demeanor.

Compared with Gu Tongan, the face of a man in his fifties who stood in front of him with a slender and slender face on his face was always calm. It seems that Gu Tongan had long heard that the news would be furious, “elder also Please be angry, just elder is so loud, if it is heard by the people in the middle of the government, I am afraid it is not good, and now the Northwest Governors of the Provincial Governor are estimated to have received news, one by one, waiting for Lei Sitong The other Provincial Governors have not expressed their position. Elder is the first to jump out at this time. Perhaps other people are in the middle of it. No matter how elder feels that this is unacceptable, the reason for the Jinzhou court to seal Yan Liqiang to Pingxi is bright. No one can question, don’t say anything else, just relying on Yan Liqiang’s reason for arranging the Black Skull tribe, Yan Liqiang seals the West King, it is enough. After all, Jingdi did say this, Jinzhou court seal Yan Liqiang Pingxi Wang, this is a good move, just a sacred decree, it has drawn Yan Liqiang and made himself a strong support in the northwest. On the other hand, it shows the orthodoxy of the Jinzhou court. Now the Majesty inherits the ancestors of the emperor’s ancestors, and for his own name, it is the lord of the lord. This arrow double adorns the temptation to make a slap in the face. I am afraid I have to do it too…”

“Yan Liqiang, the golden retriever, is just a matter of luck. Knowing a little skill, he didn’t just burn a lot of Black-Ox Tribe in the Qiyun Mountains, and then sneaked into the Zombie tribe. I didn’t expect those. It’s ridiculous to think of him as the incarnation of the god of the goddess of God. Besides, what else did he do, change the cost officer, with 100,000 Lan Prefecture troops, so simple The matter can be done by the official. Why should he be the king of Pingxi…” Gu Tongan is still panting and ugly, but the voice of the whole person is still consciously and unconsciously depressed, but still cursing. “Those Seven Shatu Tribes and the black savage barbarians should all be in great shape. They don’t encounter Yan Liqiang. They are all dying.” When they meet that Yan Liqiang, they are all stunned. No, it’s true that even God is standing on the side of Yan Liqiang…”

Listening to these words, the man standing down lowered his eyes and collected all his thoughts and thoughts. His face was not half-silked and his voice was still calm. “Elder, now it is useless, for the present. Elder, I still want to think about how to deal with Yan Liqiang. Now that Yan Liqiang is in full swing, once his palace is built, he will order the transfer of Lan Prefecture soldiers and horses. I don’t know if the elder is connected or not…”

“He wants to mobilize my Lan Prefecture horses and horses, let me listen to him, think about the beauty? I can listen to the golden retriever children’s assignment, who I dare to listen to the golden retriever in the Lan Prefecture army, I cut him The head…” Gu Tongan almost picked up from the chair.

“Elder can certainly do this, but in this way, elder is the target of the public. Elder does not follow the order of the Jinzhou court and the Pingxi king. Is it to tell the world that the elder wants to respond to the White Lotus Religion rebellion, or is it going to stand on its own?”

rebel? Hearing this word, Gu Tongan still changed his face slightly, and he shuddered in his heart. As a member of the Provincial Governor and the imperial system, he knows how powerful this great empire has, although now The Great Han Empire is no more than before, but the foundation and strength of the Great Han Empire is still there. He is one of the great states of the Great Han Empire. He is the Provincial Governor, and he is only the Great Han Empire. A member of the Governor, whether it is Lan Prefecture or him, is not a conspicuous existence in this vast empire. In the past, he did not dare to have such thoughts, but now, in the dead of night At that time, although he also had some thoughts that he should not have in his heart, those thoughts could not be said to be rebellious, but ambition. In the current situation of the Great Han Empire, as a state of the Provincial Governor, he has long been With a separatist heart, put a court on your head, where you have to say one or two, if the Great Han Empire is the future Add confusion to his roots in Gu Lan Prefecture, the future of his children and grandchildren may not Gu no greater opportunity.

The reason why Gu Tongan heard the news that Yan Liqiang was sealed as Pingxi Wang was so irritated and unacceptable. The fundamental reason is that the news suddenly took the ambition of his heart and the small abacus of his family. There was his separatist side to do the dream of the emperor, and he woke up at once. It was just pouring a cold water down the head, drenching a cold heart, and imperial capital city was gone, but did not expect this northwest to have a command. The Pingxi Wang, who controlled the six-state military affairs in the northwest, suddenly pressed him on his head, which made him accept. The so-called commanding and control of the six northwestern military affairs is estimated to be only a polite statement of the Jinzhou court. Give them a face of the Provincial Governor. Now this In the world, whoever has a soldier in the hand will finally have the final say. A state’s Provincial Governor can’t control the military power. The so-called political power and power is finally nothing more than a word.

Lan Prefecture Provincial Governor Gu Tongshu slowly calmed down after his face changed for a while. “Yun, I am most resourceful around me. How do you deal with it today?”

“Yan Liqiang is now in a state of prestige, and it has to be seen. The dragon-toothed archers are horrible. Elder is a thousand people who don’t want to, but the first thing at this time is not to make the head bird!”

“Don’t I pretend that nothing happened?”

“No!” The man named Yunxiao shook his head. “Yan Liqiang was sealed by the West King. Such a big thing would instantly sensationalize the world. Elder is a person in charge. How can it pretend that nothing happened? I think elder should send someone to prepare a gift tomorrow, and go to Jinyun County to congratulate…”

“What, I am going to congratulate the golden retriever child?” Gu Tongan almost stunned again. “It’s just that!”

“I dare to bet with Elder. In a few days, the gift of the Provincial Governor in the northwestern states will definitely be sent to Jinyun County. Perhaps someone has a gift on the road at this moment. If the elder does not express his attitude at this time, it is not good! ”

“That is the other thing, what should I do after the gift is given?” Gu Tongan asked with a gasp.

“Since the gift is delivered, the elder should be sick. The elder is sick. When can I say it, but if Yan Liqiang gives instructions to the elder in the elder disease, the elder will have a reason to evade it. First, how can Yan Liqiang mobilize the soldiers and horses of Lan Prefecture, and the elder is sick, but it can be used as a cover…”

“What do you cover up?”

“What is the mood of the elder at the moment? I estimate that the mood of other Provincial Governors is similar. Who will be willing to hand over the military power in their hands to Yan Liqiang. At this time, the elder can secretly contact other Provincial Governors to form a coalition. Advance and retreat, how is elder now, and how it will be in the future. In this way, even if Yan Liqiang can get the support of Lei Sitong, but only Gan Prefecture is a state, I don’t believe that he can use one state and five The state is rough!”

Listening to Yunxiao’s words, Gu Tong’s face gradually stretched out, and finally laughed. “Miao, Miao, just do it. You are so resourceful and resourceful. There is a cloud around me. Wan Dajun, hahahaha…”

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