Silver Overlord

Chapter 905

The Provincial Governor of Six Sixth States in the northwest stayed in Jinyun County for three days and went back!

During these three days, the Provincial Governor and Yan Liqiang of the Six Sixth States of Northwest China, in addition to negotiating the great things in the northwest, also visited the Huanglong County Manufacturing Bureau under the leadership of Yan Liqiang, visited the world’s first factory and bow road, and visited. After the drill of the Longya military bow cavalry, the last group took a water heater to swim in Xijiang and returned to Pingxi City…

Among the Provincial Governors, except Lei Sitong, the first is to Jinyun County. No matter how many previous Provincial Governors have heard about the legend of Jinyun County, they really came to see the things in Jinyun County for the first time. Those changes have given them a huge shock.

The current manufacturing bureau and Huanglong County are changing with each passing day, even if they are different from last year.

In the manufacturing bureau, the provincial Provincial Governor saw the standardized production line workshop that had gradually formed, and saw how the four-wheeled carriage line and the water heater line in the manufacturing bureau completed a four-wheeled carriage and a water lighter in a matter of minutes. The assembly production, seeing the samples of the latest steam presses displayed by the masters in the manufacturing bureau, saw that under the leadership of the manufacturing bureau and the efficient division of labor, the entire Huanglong County, the artisans gathered, has been thoroughly It has become a super-large factory. From the county town to the village in Huanglong County, there are workshops everywhere. Almost every household has tools and participates in it. It has become a huge chain in the industrial chain. Those people and villages in Huanglong County In the workshop, it is simple to produce things like arrow rods, arrow feathers, arrow clusters, as well as belts used in the army, copper buckles, soles, etc., intermediate, already capable of producing water heaters, four-wheeled carriages. Some accessories such as bows…

Everyone is in full swing, everyone is busy making money, producing things, all kinds of steam engine-powered machinery reached a very high level of popularity in Huanglong County, above the official road of Huanglong County, all parties and There was a constant stream of supplies, and the raging and vibrant scene shocked all the Provincial Governors. Before they came to Jinyun County, they could hardly imagine that there was still a place in the Great Han Empire. Prosper to this extent.

What made them even more shocked was the steel plant that was under construction in Huanglong County.

After nearly a year of intense construction, Yan Liqiang was responsible for the design and technical solutions, and the “No. 1 Project” of Jinyun County, which was personally hosted by Yan Liqiang’s father Yan Dechang, and even the “No. 1 Project” of the entire Great Han Empire metallurgical industry. Nearly 70% of the workload was completed. The huge blast furnace and smelting tower have been erected. When it was learned that the steel production could be produced one day after the completion of the factory, all the Provincial Governors, including Lei Sitong, opened their mouths. On the site of the steel mill, these Provincial Governors saw for the first time cement, something that they had never heard of, and saw how the cement-concrete became the building material of comparable stone in the shortest possible time…

It can be said that the Huanglong County line completely overturned the many views of these Provincial Governors on Jinyun County. At this time, they realized that Yan Liqiang could smooth the Seven Shatu Tribes and the Black Skull tribe. It was not luck, but strength. It is said that only one production efficiency of Huanglong County has already exploded. The production efficiency of the six-state artillery battalion in the northwest is not only the improvement of efficiency, but also the quality of the produced products is better and more stable, such as metal shackles and The big killer like the pulley bow is not produced anywhere in the world except Huanglong County.

If Huanglong County makes all the Provincial Governor feel the shock of industrial and technological innovation, then in Yan’anbao, the Provincial Governor sees another scene, the entire Yan’an Fort, the gathering of all parties, The smell of wool and gold is everywhere, and the wool cloth produced by the first factory in Yan’an Fort is the source of wealth here. Because the market is in short supply, the wool cloth produced by the world’s first factory is still in the production line. It has already been booked, because the situation of the Great Han Empire is now chaotic, and many banknotes in the bank have encountered difficulties in circulation and cash withdrawal. Many cloth merchants who buy wool cloth from afar are carrying The brigade’s guards and a car and a box of gold and silver to buy, for this reason, the world’s first factory also has an underground warehouse dedicated to these gold and silver.

In the underground warehouse of the No. 1 factory in the world, I watched the gold and silver that really piled up like a mountain, and watched the world’s No. 1 factory remove the wool cloth of a car from the factory, and then those merchants put a box of one. The gold and silver of the car was pushed to the warehouse with a cart. All the Provincial Governor’s eyes were red, and it was really red. The weaving cloth on the table, where the flowing down is the white wool cloth, is simply The silver of white flowers, those spinning machine looms are not spinning and weaving at all, it is completely dig gold ore.

These Provincial Governors are not people without greetings, nor are they not greeting money, but to be honest, they have never really seen anyone who makes money can earn as much as the world’s No. 1 factory, so easy, and they are also true. I haven’t seen millions of two gold and silver being coded, and what they are piled up together. These scenes, they all saw in the world’s first factory.

After visiting the first factory in the world, I know from Yan Liqiang’s mouth that the net profit of the wool cloth produced by the No. 1 factory in the world can exceed 10,000 yuan. These Provincial Governors finally understand what is the most profitable business in the world.

Yan Liqiang did not hide the private, directly to the experience of the world’s first factory to make money, all told several Provincial Governor, the world’s first factory can make a lot of money, the most critical reason, only one, is the world’s first The first factory has a stable wool supply base. The entire industrial chain of wool fabric production has been opened up, and it will not be subject to people. It can maximize the profit of each link. On this basis, strict quality control and the first factory of the world. The great reputation made the first factory in the world become a continuous gold mine.

Several Provincial Governors now have a large number of grassland fields in the Gulang grassland, and the success model and experience of the world’s No. 1 plant are in front of them. What kind of looms and textile machines, the manufacturing bureau is already open for sale, If they don’t know what to do, the IQ of several Provincial Governors is also worrying, but in fact, none of the people who can be the Provincial Governor are stupid.

After reading these, when I was visiting the drills of the Dragon Toothed Army cavalry, I saw the tens of thousands of archers of the Dragon Tooth Army attacking the fire as they attacked the fire, and saw that more than 10,000 archers were hundreds of meters away. The volley of a thousand arrows shot most of the scarecrows in the mountains and hills. After three volleys and tens of thousands of scarecrows in the hillside fields, there were few targets that could stand, several Provincial Governors. The last thought of the heart was completely annihilated, and no longer dared to have other thoughts.

Before they heard about the rumors of some cavalry on the battlefield, they always thought that someone was exaggerating, and when they actually saw it, they finally understood why the hundreds of thousands of troops of Seven Shatu Tribes and Black-Ox Tribe were When the Gulang grassland encountered this unit, it lost its helmet and abandoned it. There was no resistance. The rumors were not exaggerated. The horror of the Dragon Toothed Army cavalry could crush any army without contact on the battlefield. Smashing, all the troops, in front of such an army, are only targets. The infantry is the target that will not move. The cavalry is the target of the movement. The world can deal with the archers, only the archers, and only the world. Pingxi Wang was able to equip the archer cavalry of this size at one time…

In addition to getting the money to make money, Pingxi Wang, who won the Gulang grassland, did not say anything before, but all the Provincial Governors understood after the tour of the Longya military bow cavalry, and they took Gulang. After the grassland, King Pingxi had the best rhinosteed of the Great Han Empire. With these best horses, King Pingxi was equipped with archers.

More than 10,000 archers can almost sweep the ancient wave grassland. If Pingxi Wang is equipped with 100,000 bow cavalry, can it not sweep the world, no one can rival?

And the archer with more than 100,000 is difficult for Pingxi Wang?

After visiting Huanglong County and the first factory in the world, after visiting the bows club, this question was completely sent to several Provincial Governors, but several Provincial Governors also understood that the same problem came to others. Say, it can also be a proposition, they are happy, some are afraid after starting, but fortunately they know not too late…

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