Silver Overlord

Chapter 910

“Everyone gave me the spirit to give me all the rainproof lanterns. The entire camp is not allowed to leave a little dead corner…” In the heavy rain, Shi Dafeng, who was wearing a poncho and patrolling the military camp, wiped a face. The rain on the water, under the loud command.

In the Yulong Mountain tonight, because of the heavy rain, it is dark and dark, and the thunder in the valley echoes for a long time. The leaves of the mountains creak in the rain, the ghosts cry, and look at it. If there is no light, the visibility is almost only It can be around ten meters, and there is a rain and fog everywhere. Tonight is almost the darkest night in these days.

This kind of weather is a huge test for the sergeants who are guarding the camp of the Dragon Tooth Army under the Wangtian Peak in Yulong Mountain. Everyone is afraid to relax at all. The whole camp has arranged three tonight. The manpower patrols the whole, and under the whole Wangtianfeng and Wangtianfeng, the cave that is called the nine secluded cave by the mountain people in the Yulong Mountain is surrounded by the wind. This nine secluded cave is now in the northwest. Great Han Empire Generation Martial God Yuan Tianfeng’s hidden cave house in Yulong Mountain.

Until now, Shi Dafeng still thinks that this is the legend of the Great Han Empire generation Martial God Yuan Tianfeng’s hidden cave house is so ridiculous, although all the evidence proves that this is, but Shi Dafeng is not believe, this does not believe is not out For other reasons, but because his boss, Yan Liqiang, has some unusual attitudes and performances recently.

According to Shi Dafeng’s understanding of Yan Liqiang, if this is really the hidden cave house of Great Han Empire generation Martial God Yuan Tianfeng in Yulong Mountain, then after discovering this cave house, Yan Liqiang will not use any scorpion at all. What Seven Shatu Tribes is going to move out, I feel that I want to cover it, and Yan Liqiang will not be so motivated to mobilize 10,000 soldiers to guard here, and then go in and see alone, because this is not Yan Liqiang’s acting style, even Five Birds Trick Then the powerful secret Yan Liqiang can be shared with everyone, let alone a piece of Martial God that even the shadow can’t touch? Taking a step back, now that I am outside, Yan Liqiang will definitely take it in and see it. It’s a big deal, but in the first two days, when Yan Liqiang came out of the cave, it was very serious. He told Shi Dafeng that if he did not order him, he would forbid anyone to break into the cave.

Yan Liqiang rarely made such a serious order to Shi Dafeng. Even when the Seven Shatu Tribes and the Assault Zombie tribe were leveled, Shi Dafeng did not see such a serious look on Yan Liqiang’s face, so he felt It’s a bit abnormal to do this.

What is more unusual is that the only people who can enter the cave in these two days are Fang Beidou, and outside the cave, Fu Changde’s frequency is also higher. The actions of the two are mysterious, from Fang Beidou. On the face of Fu Changde, Shi Dafeng faintly felt an inexplicable heavy atmosphere. It seems that there is something. The boss does not want to let himself know or blend in. It feels like there is a secret secret in the cave, but instead Is there any monster like that.

A few days ago, Yan Liqiang came out of the cave. Shi Dafeng said his doubts directly to Yan Liqiang, but Yan Liqiang just patted Shi Dafeng’s shoulder, told Shi Dafeng very dignifiedly, let Shi Dafeng not ask, just hold it. At the entrance of the cave, it is better not to let the people in the northwest enter the river.

“Dafeng, the so-called concern is chaotic, so I can’t just tell you the reason for this matter, because I know that when I tell you, with your temper, you must not be so calm as you are now, maybe because of worrying about me. The safety of what to do, the result may be counterproductive, so if you want to help me, then pretend to know nothing, rest assured to wait outside the order, Fang Beidou will bring my order to you After I have finished this, I will tell you all the things!”


“elder, there seems to be a situation on the mountain road…” Shi Dafeng, who was patrolling the camp, came to the camp to guard a place, and an officer who was waiting there was immediately coming over and told Shi Dafeng. Your own discovery.

“what’s the situation……”

“It seems that someone has touched it…”

Shi Dafeng heard it, immediately frowned, “Go, look at the past…”

The valley is facing a valley not far away. There is only one stone path along the rock wall that leads to the place. After passing through here, you can reach the nine secluded caves under the Wangtian Peak and Wangtian Peak. The tooth army built three arrows in the sand of this important place with sandbags and wood. In addition to several teams of archers on the arrow, there are six cannons and three honeycombs, which form a strict The crossfire, these two things, is the kind of powerful war tools that Yan Liqiang draws and then creates by the manufacturing bureau. It is a real war weapon. After the manufacturing bureau made it, he took a batch of samples to Baishiguan. Trial, I haven’t opened it yet. This time, there is something happening in Yulong Mountain. This Wanlongya Army has moved those two powerful war tools.

The mountain road that is guarded by the three arrows is black and lacquered from the bottom. It is only when the lightning and thunder are heard, the swaying leaves can be seen faintly, and it looks like ghosts.

“The rainlights below us are still on, but just now, the lanterns are extinguished…” The officer stationed at the arrow pointed at the dark mountain road below.

“Look at the weather like this tonight, some people want to fish in troubled waters…” Shi Dafeng, who came to an arrowhead, squinted at the mountain road below, then told the officer nearby to point to himself. The gun that was like a tank turret, “put the turret with three piercing blasting arrows…”

“Yes…” Hearing that Shi Dafeng ordered, the Dragon-toothed soldiers on the arrow would soon open the boxes stored in the arrow warehouse. The six sergeants carefully carried the three piercings and smashed arrows and put them in the guns. The three ordinary arrows were changed.

Shi Dafeng personally sat in the position of the archer’s shooter, adjusted the firing point of the cannon, aimed at the mountain wall a few hundred meters away, and then stepped on the shooting pedal under his feet.

The three piercing blasting arrows suddenly shot from the rifle, and in the air emitted ten times more screaming than the sound of the wind and the sound of the horror, with a horrible power, smashed a few small and small in the distance. After the tree, the three arrows smashed into a character shape, and they did not enter the rock of the mountain wall. They violently smashed the stone and burned it in the heavy rain, shining the surrounding of the mountain wall.

Among the trees below and around the mountain wall, I immediately thought of a few exclamations. In the sudden light of the fire, several people wearing night clothes were obviously scared, and began to fly back, surrounded by trees. There was also a sway in the middle.

Shi Dafeng glared at the arrow on the mountain road below. “This arrow is a warning. If you don’t know what to do, then dare to put out our rainproof lanterns underneath. The next time, it is not so good. Luck, I see how many lives you dare to come tough…”

Just in the blazing fire, Shi Dafeng made a new rain-proof lantern to the intersection below.

The defense of the Dragon Army is not strict, but this strict defense can deal with the average person. In the eyes of the masters of Martial Monarch and Martial Monarch, it is only used to scare people.

Just when Shi Dafeng was on the arrow, he was shocked by some bold people. He had eleven ghostly figures, but he was already in the heavy rain, easily avoiding the heavy defense of the Dragon Tooth Camp in several places. In the absence of anyone to alarm, directly into the nine secluded cave of Wang Tianfeng.

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