The location of the third level exam is a tall tower made of stone. The cold and hard building has traces of wind and rain, and it seems that it has been standing in the forest since a long time ago.

At the top of the tower is a large platform. The stone slabs fit together tightly, and there is no downward exit in sight.

There are no signs of windows or doors on the upper side of the tower either.

The airship stopped above the platform. After the candidates got off, Su Wu also walked out of the airship.

"This is the location of the third exam. What you have to do is to find a way to get off within the limited time." The white-haired boy stood in front of the airship's hatch, holding up a small speaker to explain this level to a group of people. .

"Sounds simple, right? Actually..." He smiled softly, pretending to be profound.

All the candidates stared at him cautiously, thinking that he would tell some secret information that no one knew about in the next second, but they heard him say——

"It's really simple, come on."

"By the way, after passing this exam, you will get a vacation opportunity." After he finished speaking, he ignored the candidates' sudden change of expression, put down the hand holding the small speaker, turned around and boarded the airship.

The candidates watched the airship leave, then squatted down one by one and observed the stone slabs on the platform.

There are also people who consider themselves smart and find what they think is a shortcut - climbing down with bare hands.

However, halfway through the climb, a group of large, strange-looking birds flew in from a distance. It was already too late to run away. The candidates who were unable to get up or get down were caught by the strange birds as prey and flew away again.

There were obviously so many candidates on the platform, but the strange bird turned a blind eye and never came near.

"It seems that the way down is still on the platform." Kurapika touched the stone slab and spoke.

As the first candidate triggered the mechanism of the stone slab and entered the tower, the other candidates followed closely and found the mechanism one after another.

But the airship that was supposed to go away was parked aside, and the people who were supposed to leave had already entered the interior of the tower.

Lipper, a bounty hunter with a strange hairstyle and orange glasses, is also the warden of this prison called Trap Tower.

The person in charge of this exam.

At this moment, I am sitting in the control room, watching the pictures on hundreds of screens.

From time to time, candidates' faces appear on these screens.

Through these screens, you can see everything that happens to these candidates.

There are dozens of passages in this tower, and each passage has different traps.

The candidates were separated and faced different tests.

Some people are alone and have no companions, and some people are in groups, but each has their own agenda.

And Hisoka is one of the lone rangers who has not been assigned a companion.

A red-haired man was confronting a man with a scarred face.

"This person seems familiar..." Su Wu naturally pulled up a chair and sat next to Li Bo. He looked at the picture on one of the screens with some doubts.

"...He was the examiner of the previous session." Libo said while holding a bag of chocolate cookies and chewing on them.

That is, the examiner of Su Wu's session.

It's only been a year, and this kid doesn't remember her?

"Huh? The examiner becomes a prisoner?" Su Wu slowly began to applaud.

Although I don’t know why, it’s really gratifying.

"That guy came here on his own initiative, because he heard that Hisoka would come to take this exam, so he wanted to take revenge." Libo explained the reason.

Of course there are some things he didn't say.

For example, Tokari not only wants to take revenge on Hisoka, but also wants to take revenge on the white-haired boy sitting next to him.

After all, these two people both slapped each other in the face last year.

Libo and Tokari had a normal relationship and were not familiar with each other, so they had no intention of persuading each other. Instead, they cooperated and arranged for Hisoka to be with them.

"Do you just want to take revenge on Hisoka?" Su Wu asked with a smile.

Logically speaking, he should also be on the opponent's revenge list.

Libo smiled and said nothing, and for a while there was only the sound of chewing biscuits.

But the person in the confrontation on the screen revealed everything himself.

"After a year of hard training, I am much stronger than before. I will kill you, and then you will be that white-haired boy." Togori spoke without hesitation, full of hatred and confidence.

He knew that the white-haired boy had become the examiner of this session, and he also knew that the other party was probably watching from there right now.


He just wanted to say it.

He just wants to tell these people the anger he squeezed out this year.

The shame of being stepped on by the underage kid, the resentment of being treated as nothing by Hisoka.

It was his motivation to train hard this year.

"Really? Let me see what progress you have made." Hisoka raised his eyebrows with interest and smiled, standing motionless, waiting to see the other party's progress.

Another attitude of not taking him seriously.

Togari drew his weapon angrily, "Look at the infinite four-sword style that I have practiced hard for a year -"

"Crack." Su Wu took a bite of the biscuit she picked up from Li Bo.

He remembered who the other party was.

The unlucky guy whose head he stepped on.

"A year ago, this guy seemed to be a two-swordsman style, right? Now he has become a four-swordsman style..."

"He doesn't think that the more swords he has, the stronger he is." Su Wu shook his head, his face full of "this guy is useless".

A truly strong man can defeat all odds with one sword.

The more flashy it is, the weaker it is.

Unless you have enough energy, or enough talent/memory capacity, you can make rapid progress and achieve the same degree of completion no matter how much you learn.

Otherwise, the more complicated the learning, the lower the degree of completion.

"He has gone astray and has been blinded by revenge." Libo commented.

He went crazy for revenge and lost all reason.

Don't listen to anyone's advice.

"A year has passed, and you seem to have become more boring." Hisoka casually took the knife from the opponent's hand and waved it lightly.

Astonishingly, it was the Four Swordsman style that Togari had practiced hard for a year.

"Sure enough, not all fruits will become more and more delicious."

"There are others as rotten as you." Hisoka commented boringly on Tokari, and with the other's disbelieving and shocked expression, he ended his life.

It is precisely because of the comparison with these rotten fruits that the longer and more delicious fruits become more precious.

"Uh-huh-" The red-haired man smiled and stuck out his tongue to lick his lips and continued to move forward.

Monitoring room.

Su Wu took a sip of soda.

"Hisoka must be the first to pass the level." He said calmly.

"The strength of these two people is too different from other candidates. They are enough to be examiners." Libo pointed to the screen where the red-haired man was, and then pointed to the screen where the nail weirdo was.

That's why this happens.

Hisoka became the first to clear the level, the nail weirdo became the second, and the bald ninja became the third.

"Have you thought about the content of the next assessment?" Libo casually asked the boy next to him.

The examiner of the fourth exam is the youngest one-star bounty hunter in the Hunter Association and a bounty devil who has become famous in the past year.

"Well... that's right." Su Wu blinked, his tone a little perfunctory.

In his unclear memory about the original work, he remembered that there was a scene where the number plate was snatched.

So far, no other examiner has used this trick, so let him use it.

Who wants to put a lot of effort into thinking of other ways to take the exam?

"Pay attention to the attitudes of the candidates." Libo reminded.

After all, the other person looks too young, so these candidates may not be convinced.

He didn't know what happened in the previous exam, otherwise he wouldn't have said this reminder.

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