Skynet Architect

Chapter 72 Pan vs. Penguin

The terminators are trying to move forward one after another. They are running very fast. There is no soft snow layer here. Walking on the ground is always very hard. Even if you look at the fluffy snowflakes in the cold, they are not so soft. But under the footsteps of the Terminator, that is nothing at all.

They walked here easily, and any hard snow surface could not sink their feet, at least they had huge flippers on their feet.

Moving forward slowly, and carrying a large amount of supplies, they slowly approached the destination, which is far away, and that is the depths of Antarctica.

Everything is ready, Si Fan landed on the peninsula, he does not look like a penguin in the Antarctic, but a polar bear living in the North Pole, wearing bulging clothes, it looks like he gained more than a hundred pounds overnight catty.

But in fact, Si Fan dresses very carefully. First of all, he should not wear too much, so as to minimize sweating.

Sweating in a cold environment is very dangerous, even death, that is to say, people who sweat easily will suffer in Antarctica.

If the body is sweating, as long as the wind blows through, it will instantly cool the heart and quickly take away the heat from the body.

This will kill people, so don't look at Si Fan's body is very thick, in fact, it is specially tailored, but the close-fitting backpack behind him looks extra fat.

Secondly, the jacket on Si Fan is a serious waterproof jacket, and it is tailor-made for Antarctic travel. insulation.

This is the benefit of high technology, and the most important thing is the breathable function, which allows sweat to be excreted as much as possible.

This is just the foundation, the dog fur hat on his head is also very professional, using the same material as the clothes, and there is a huge scarf around his neck. Even the eyes are wearing glasses to prevent snow blindness, and the whole body is well prepared. There is even a thin layer of rain pants outside the trousers, which is to prevent external moisture from entering the trousers.

In the end, long knee-length hiking boots and one-piece gloves with only the thumb protruding became the final preparations.

After this body is fully equipped, with a cane and an ice ax hanging by his side, it is considered to be ready to move.

This is his first time to challenge the Antarctic. The cold is a disaster for human beings. During the challenge, fortunately, Si Fan still has the last resort, which is the terminators scattered outside and those who are ready to come to rescue at any time, even Niubi can also be dispatched at any time.

This is his trump card.

When I came to Antarctica and saw the huge islands, it felt really great.

"It seems that the scenery in Antarctica is really different from that in the North Pole!" Si Fan sighed.

He really lamented that the North Pole does not seem to have much ice, just like a region with a cold climate.

Antarctica feels different. You can feel the cold here as soon as you arrive here.

The land area of ​​the Arctic is small, and most of it is ocean, so the climate is relatively warm. The ocean has a large heat capacity and emits heat relatively slowly. The Antarctic is different. The bottom of the Antarctic is a large continent with a very low heat capacity. The average temperature is only minus 56 degrees. One can imagine how cold it is here, and the sea ice and snow layers will continue to stay and accumulate. As for not knowing how thick the ice layer is, there is land under it.

Only in this way can the current Antarctic be maintained.

What is cold scenery can only be seen in Antarctica, and tourist groups also go to Antarctica to see the scenery.

It’s just that Si Fan has just landed, and the first thing he sees is not the scenery. The snow scene in the distance is a little tired. Not long after he landed, he saw a huge group of penguins staying nearby. They stood on the snow in a daze, Motionless, like a sculpture.

The black and white penguins just stood there like this. If it wasn't for the occasional few that could move, Si Fan would have thought they were all dead.

Under such an environment, these penguins look very cute. On the beach, there are also penguins who occasionally dive into the water with their companions and start looking for their own food.

Their food is in the sea, so penguins almost always rely on the sea.

This is their home and their hunting ground.

However, when he got here, Si Fan saw some unexpected guests.

These scumbags are skuas. Some skuas followed Si Fan's boat and arrived here. I don't know how they replenished their food. Anyway, they are already looking for food here now.

A few sluts seem to want to provoke penguins, but they never know that penguins will fight back when they face threats, so when these skuas come down to look for food, they are greeted with a head-on blow. Here The penguins are the giants of the good penguin family. The emperor penguins are more than one meter in size and have amazing fighting power. They just look fat and clumsy, but they are not stupid at all.

When the skuas ran towards them, the penguins had already started to move. Many penguins rushed over almost simultaneously, flapped their wings, and pecked at the skuas.

The beak of the emperor penguin is very sharp, just a few pecks on the skuas, and the flesh and hair are bitten off.

But the skuas lived up to his name, only a few skuas were caught and beaten, but these damned skuas were looking for the smaller penguins in the penguin crowd.

Apparently it was also the first time they saw this group, but they were not trying to test or anything else, they just tried to attack the penguins and turn them into their own food.

If not, keep hunting. Anyway, no matter what ethnic group has litters, it is common for them to target the cubs.

In fact, the worst enemies of the penguin cubs are the jerks.

It was because of the existence of the skuas that the penguins on the bank were jumping and jumping. Gradually, the battlefield was approaching Si Fan's side. A few penguins passed by him. They did not attack such a big guy. They didn't dodge, they didn't take the initiative to attack their non-natural enemy species, they would not take the initiative to attack, but the skuas were different, they were old opponents, and they were terrified when they encountered skuas when they were young.

Now, beside Si Fan, groups of penguins are fighting against skuas, and Si Fan is out of luck. He has no dignity at all among the penguins. These damn penguins run back and forth in front of and behind him with their fat bodies, looking for Skua takes revenge. But Si Fan was never given a chance to move forward.

In this way, a large group of penguins, hundreds or thousands of them, gradually surrounded Si Fan.

What's even worse is that according to the agreement he signed, they absolutely must not hunt penguins, and if they do, it will be considered a failure.

So, Si Fan is gritting his teeth and lowering his head now, and he almost crawled out!

For a while, he was in a state of embarrassment, and the time to leave here was also extended.

It can be said that it was a bad start. I am afraid that Xia Sifan's combat effectiveness can only be shown if a frying pan strapped to his body collides with the penguin from time to time.

Well, a fat penguin has his eyes on Si Fan, the frying pan to be exact.

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