Skynet Architect

Chapter 78 Sea Lung One Billion Years Ago

He is now fighting with a can of herring with his head down. The smell is so bad that Si Fan has the urge to die. The ventilation system is turned on to the maximum, and the smell cannot be dispelled just like this.

Do you know the smell of shit? This canned herring is like fermented shit being boiled at high heat. This smells disgusting and could make anyone want to die.

"Damn it, why do you like this kind of disgusting food? Oh my God, it's really, vomit!" Si Fan complained loudly, so disgusting that he was about to vomit.

Kicking the fat guy away, the stupid emperor penguin still doesn't know the fate he's about to face, he's still eating delicious food desperately and storing fat.

In Antarctica, fat is equal to the second life. The life of animals is to survive, and storing fat is the basis for them to live and live better.

In the natural animal world, the big fat man is not a representative of stupidity, but a real capable animal, a symbol of a real animal that can survive.

Those who are fat and strong represent health, status, and mating rights.

Si Fan walked over and just quietly watched the fattened Emperor Penguin Leng Touqing eat up a can of canned herring, and even sucked the box. I don't know how he did it. Anyway, Si Fan was a little shocked when he saw it.

"Okay, it's time for you to face the severe cold and nature." Si Fan whispered. This guy is just a stunned young man, but he was with Si Fan, of course he wanted to live a better life.

But if Si Fan leaves, he may die, because he is already lazy, and laziness is the most undesirable thing in nature.

Si Fan put the canned herring in the garbage paper bag and looked at this guy.

Look at the equipment in front of you again. This is a hook, you can hang trash and backpacks on it, and it will fly out when you pull it.

Si Fan has tried throwing away garbage, of course, it is all biodegradable.

So, Si Fan put down the hook directly, and then tied a rope around Lengtouqing's waist.

Caught off guard, Lengtouqing was still relishing the deliciousness just now, he had never eaten such a delicious fish.

At this moment, Si Fan pulled hard.

"Hold the grass!" This is Si Fan's voice, because he found that the penguin is really fat, and it takes a lot of effort to throw it out.

"Whoosh!" Lengtouqing didn't react, and was thrown out by Si Fan, drew an arc at the exit, and then passed through the narrow doorway.

Si Fan looked up at Leng Touqing's direction, that guy was really fast.

Then Si Fan threw out his backpack, trash, and other things that needed to be carried.

At the end, bring your own equipment and climb out along the narrow exit passage.

It feels very easy when you come in, just jump down, but it is troublesome to go out, you need to drill out slowly.

This was a measure to keep warm, so Si Fan had no choice but to bite the bullet.

After struggling to get out, there was another piece of snowflakes on the ground. The footprints of the previous few days had long since disappeared, leaving only a row of footprints with flippers.

Small and very regular, this is the footprint of that penguin. From about three or four meters away from the door to seven or eight meters away, I saw that stupid and cute guy, but Leng Touqing is not doing a good job now.

He grabbed Si Fan's backpack, stared at a grid behind it, and kept tearing.

"Hold the grass, Lengtouqing, you get the hell out of me, I brought you some canned herring, but it's not for eating now, and there is still more than a day before the next transfer station!" Si Fan hurried over, one by one Kicked Lengtouqing down, and then ran away with his backpack on his back.

This penguin is simply too pitiful. If this continues, his bag will be broken.

Ever since Lengtouqing tasted canned herring, he has fallen in love with this pungent food that barely counts as food.

With this little guy behind him, Si Fan almost ran wildly on the frozen soil of Antarctica at an unimaginable speed, so much faster than he imagined.

And when he was running wildly, Travis behind him had been thrown so far that he even fell behind Travis for more than three days, allowing Si Fan to enjoy a very good time at the terminal. Comfortable reception followed by a three day vacation with many sights in Antarctica.

These are all the scenery discovered by the staff of the scientific research station, and they took a lot of photos and came back.

It's just that during this period, all the plants had been secretly transported back to the country, and the data Si Fan received were all video transmissions.

This is a very sealed laboratory. The nearby instruments and equipment are all the most advanced in the world. The Terminator has closed the place next to it, and no one is allowed to enter this laboratory.

The scientists here are all China's top experts in genetics and botany, and some special talents are here.

They are now surrounding the ultra-low temperature operating table in the center of the laboratory. There are various plant ice cubes in it now, but these ice cubes have been cleaned up now, and all the crushed ice next to it has been cleaned up. The main branch part.

This part is all frozen. Several experts looked excited and worried.

"Old Liu, you are an expert in this field. You have done a lot of work on the extraction of biological genes from amber. Now it should be no problem to extract some plants?" asked a gray-haired old man.

The old man who was being asked looked to be in his sixties or seventies, with thick glasses and eyes filled with anticipation.

"Don't talk nonsense, how can this be the same as amber, amber is at room temperature, but it is frozen, the gene extraction in amber is all broken, and it is impossible to make embryos again, and it is an animal, this plant we You can only obtain the DNA and samples in it, explore the elements contained in it, and recover some elements." Lao Liu said with a sigh.

Behind them, there are cameras working, almost God's perspective.

Si Fan nodded secretly.

That's right, these things can be rubbed for research, and elements can also be extracted from them, but there is one thing in this world that has more vitality than others, and some special plants also have strong vitality.

In the ancient times in the sea, there was a kind of plant that was indispensable and very precious. It was the cradle of marine life and the inseparable companion of giant marine life.

This plant is a marine bramble vine that is a super shelter for small sea fish and a super oxygen bar for giant sea creatures.

This plant has no name in nature for the time being, because this is the first time it has been discovered.

When the plant dies, it rapidly loses oxygen from the body and dies quickly.

This kind of plant is called sea lung by the Skynet system, the respiratory organ of the sea, and the reason why the sea lung discovered this time has not withered is only because it is still a seed.

A gigantic gray-brown seed half the height of a man, frozen underground for a billion years, is finally being seen.

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