Sleepless Doctor

Vol 2 Chapter 1186: Good luck

Text 1186 The cabin is closed

March 1, afternoon, 2:15.

Outside Qiaokou Wuti Fangcai Hospital, a bus parked at the entrance of the hospital.

The driver's master wore a full set of protective clothing, which looked exactly like the medical staff, and waited on the bus to send the patients to other hospitals.

Of the remaining 110 patients, 34 of them turned negative after three tests today and can be discharged smoothly. The remaining 76 patients with mild illness were transferred to Tianhe First People's Hospital and Hubei Third People's Hospital for continued treatment.

The closure of Qiaokou Wuti Fangcai Hospital was a landmark event.

But there were no flowers and no ceremonies. Eight medical staff in protective clothing stood at the gate of the shelter hospital and waved goodbye to the leaving patients.

The patients were either carrying their bags and preparing to go home, or transferred to other hospitals, and said goodbye to the doctors and nurses here with a smile.

Even patients who have not turned cloudy have a smile on their faces. After all, these days, they have seen a lot of people who turned cloudy and discharged from the hospital.

Statistics show that the number of deaths across the country is also decreasing every day, reaching single digits.

There may be water in the data, but the facts they saw in the Fangcang shelter hospital gave them full confidence in defeating the virus.

From the very beginning, when I came to the Fangcang shelter hospital, I was very nervous. I didn't know the way forward. The patient and the medical staff comforted and supported each other until now.

They are familiar with the doctors and nurses here, like a family.

When things passed, even if they met each other on the road, the patient would not recognize even a medical staff.

The medical staff were heavily armored, with only their eyes behind the face screen and glasses, making it difficult to distinguish tall, short, fat and thin.

At this time, everything went away, hiding himself and his name deeply.

Some patients chat with doctors and nurses who are familiar with each other, reluctantly. Some took pictures with doctors and nurses, leaving images that will be remembered for a lifetime.

Years later, when I looked at the photos again, I thought that this memory would re-emerge from the bottom of my heart, tears streaming down my face.

The atmosphere between doctors and patients is harmonious and harmonious. This scene is not uncommon in hospitals. When patients leave the hospital, they are happy, expectant, and joyful, but there is also a feeling of reluctance.

There is no ceremony, only a red cloth hung in a conspicuous position, on which it is written that the cabin is closed.

Before you know it, Tianhe City has already blossomed.

The doctors, nurses, and even patients who came to Qiaokou Wuti Fangcang Hospital had 20 days or more not to take a good look at the sky and the sun.

Now I completely relax and come out,

Tianhe City has walked out of winter and the temperature has risen.

Before you know it, spring is blooming.

The patients who were discharged from the hospital were sent off, and the patients who were transferred were sent away. One of the nurses was exhausted and sat directly on the ground.

These days are not easy, but after all, I have survived.

Qiaokou Wuti Fangcang shelter hospital can accommodate not many patients and belongs to a small and medium-sized shelter hospital. When all the patients left, the stadium was empty and somewhat lonely.

The bedding is not neat and messy. Knowing that the cabin will be well off, it will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected here, and no one has done this superficial work.

As long as the patient is cured and discharged steadily, the disorder has nothing to do with the treatment.

After more than ten minutes, some medical staff and hygienists began to clean up the shelter hospital that had no patients.

The **** garbage bags were filled with waste and rubbish, and a hygienist dragged them hard to send them out.

Although the cabin has been closed, the Qiaokou Wuti Fangcai Hospital could not immediately restore its original appearance, turning into a gymnasium to welcome human fireworks.

All rescue materials and equipment are sealed in situ.

This is because the epidemic in Tianhe City has been brought under control, but it is only "preliminarily" under control.

Although the epidemic situation should not rebound with strong means, the cooperation of the people across the country, and the concerted efforts of the three armed forces, the materials and equipment of the shelter hospital must be kept, at least until the day when the seal is lifted in Tianhe City.

At that time, the real spring flowers bloomed.

As for now, no one is sure to say that it will definitely not be used again.

Everything must be treated with care and caution, the panic in Tianhe City before, like a brand, burned on everyone's hearts.

Cleaned up, temporarily closed, medical staff can not directly evacuate, rest for a few days, as a strategic reserve team, ready to invest in higher-intensity rescue anytime and anywhere.

"Captain, so tired."

The patient was sent away, exhausted, said a medical staff and the leader of the team.

"Pack up, go back to rest, today is a holiday!" The captain said happily.

"Let's go home now," the medical staff asked.

"What are you thinking about!" the captain scolded, "This is the first hospital that has been suspended. Let's go back to rest and follow the superiors' instructions for what we will do tomorrow."

"Can't go home yet." Several young nurses gathered around and asked in a rush.

The old vinegar in Shanxi dialect has a strong flavor, and the Qiaokou Wuti Fangcai Hospital was taken over by the Shanxi Medical Support Team.

Everyone is looking forward to going home. Missing home is a driving force to support them.

"Work, work, seal up the equipment." The captain waved his hands and said loudly, "Hurry up, there's something else!"

"what's up?"

"You're not tired, you have to go back and rest after saying how many times."

The crowd dispersed. Although they cannot go home for the time being, Qiaokou Wuti Fangcai Hospital has closed its Other Fangcai hospitals also have more discharged patients than admitted patients.

Heaven, it's already breaking, is it still far from going home?

The two words "going home" are no longer the sick groan when they were young and ignorant. In Tianhe City where life and death are uncertain, going home is the lingering thoughts of the medical staff who came to support them.

Pack up the beds, seal up the machines and materials, and take care of the finishing touches.

"Take a picture!" The captain stood at the door to greet everyone.

Before entering Qiaokou Wuti Fangcai Hospital, the Shanxi Medical Support Team took a group photo. At that time, everyone was worried and didn't know how many blank positions would be left when the photo was taken at the end.

At that time, the fighting was tragic, and all the elites all over the country gathered in Hubei and Tianhe.

Doctors and nurses know that this is almost desperate.

Perhaps it is the body's sense of self-protection for people to avoid scars and memories. Now that 3 weeks have passed, someone recalls this time, but his mind is blank.

Many things have been forgotten unconsciously, and no one wants to recall the pain and torture experienced during that time.

Fortunately, none of the Shanxi Medical Support Team was infected, and the reduction in staff was zero.

Even so, everyone, including doctors and nurses, was scarred.

The scars in my heart still need time to recover little by little.

All the people present came to the gate of the Fangcang shelter hospital, stood together and took photos.

On the red cloth behind him, the words "Success in the cabin" are particularly conspicuous.

Modular hospital,

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