Sleepless Doctor

Vol 2 Chapter 1236: The tide recedes

Text 1236 The tide recedes

Day by day passed.

The shelter hospital has already been empty.

Goodbye, forever.

Once dreams come true, but there is no time to rest, people always have to look forward.

The situation abroad is becoming more and more serious. Countries say not to wear masks, but they are very honest.

Tear off the hypocritical coat and return to the jungle, where the beasts usually bite each other.

Although Wu Mian knew the truth and understood the logic, he still sighed when he witnessed the history with his own eyes.

This is a competition of national strength. Those so-called "civilized people" biting each other with abscesses, look really terrible.

The United States directly used military aircraft to transport throat swabs produced by an American company in Italy back home. Italy didn't say a word, but turned its head and seized the Swiss disinfection water.

The masks and protective clothing produced by 3m's factory in Germany are all seized for personal use.

Wu Mian also admired Aunt Mo. Compared with Aunt Mo, other countries can really say that 140,000 people were disarmed, and no one was a man.

Although Wu Mian does not think that the German measures are right.

According to Roymanderson of Imperial College London, who published a paper in The Lancet, the main purpose is to "reduce the peak morbidity and mortality rate and make the epidemic curve more stable."

As the tide receded, it was clear at a glance who didn't wear swimming trunks.

Both are old-school industrial countries. The mortality rate in Spain and Italy has soared to more than 10%, and the United Kingdom is the first to propose the anti-human "method" of herd immunity.

And all the data in Germany looks good, at least it looks like it now.

Two completely different approaches are presented to the world.

The first is China...not to mention China, Singapore has paid out 50 years of surplus financial funds, and it has also hardly curbed the spread of the virus.

The characteristic of this model is to use methods such as active detection, rigorous tracking, compulsory isolation, and closure of cities and roads and borders to try to completely block the chain of community infection, eliminate the virus, or block the virus outside the country.

The European and American model puts the bet on after the disease is cured, and most people have no sequelae. It is hoped that by the end of the second and third rounds of counterattacks, the whole people will have formed antibodies.

Wu Mian didn't know who gave them the courage.

It's definitely not Liang Jingru.

But seeing the ugly appearance of each other snatching anti-epidemic supplies, Wu Mian really wanted to block his eyes. The old Europeans shouting fraternity while showing selfishness in the world made Wu Mian feel in a trance.

In any case, Germany is really strong.

The death rate in Britain is catching up with Spain and Italy, but Germany is abruptly suppressed. This time I really saw the strength of Germany. No wonder San Dezi challenged the world twice. People really have that capital.

But Wu Mian knew that it was only temporarily resisted. As for the flattening of the curve, it was more like a joke.

From the very beginning, the unified view of professionals is that this is an extremely powerful virus, Genesis level.

Want to flatten the curve? It's okay to deceive ordinary people. I really don't know what those so-called professionals are thinking when they are talking nonsense.

Just like Dr. Anthony.

Every time I think of Dr. Anthony, Wu Mian's mood is very complicated.

The matter is over. After the arduous fight against the epidemic, China has stepped out of the quagmire, and Europe and the United States have all fallen.

The virus is really powerful, and their attitude towards funerals is even more powerful.

On March 23, Boeing announced on Monday that it would suspend production at a plant in Washington State due to the **** outbreak. The aviation giant said it plans to suspend production in the Puget Sound area starting Wednesday for a period of two weeks.

The company produced the Boeing 777 at its factory here, but it has now stopped production due to the epidemic.

On this day, the Federal Reserve announced an unlimited qe.

History has proved time and time again that unlimited printing of money will lead to collapse. Wu Mian does not believe that various so-called economic experts are correct to say that the United States is okay.

He doesn't understand economics, but history has proven time and time again that things will never change because of the strength of the United States.

No matter how powerful the United States is, it has not yet changed the law of cause and effect.

They lifted the rock, but smashed their own foot fiercely, making the lighthouse dim. As long as 20 years, as short as 10 years, there will inevitably be floods.

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And there is the Genesis virus as a catalyst, everything is very interesting.

Some people on the Internet say that they have done nothing this year and just witnessed the history. More history will be witnessed in the next 10 and 20 years.

The United Kingdom talks about herd immunity, but the United States does not talk about it but only uses actions to express it.

However, the performance of the United States is still very strong. With the exception of New York, which is densely populated, the advantages of large areas and sparsely populated areas and sufficient medical resources have been brought into play.

The New York medical system collapsed, and the early situation in Tianhe City emerged.

According to forecasts, New York will need 12,000 ICU beds and 9,400 ventilators at its peak, which is 16 times the current actual ICU beds.

The vultures above New York have been circling for some days, and they are even gradually forgotten.

Wu Mian was worried about the spread of vultures carrying the virus. If the virus turns on the skills of birds, insects, and rats spreading, things will become more and more But now that China has a strategic advantage, Wu Mian is not very worried.

Except for imported cases of foreign sources, there will no longer be patients with new pneumonia in the country within a month. This undoubtedly makes China stand on the shore and watch them die by themselves.

As for the future, no one can predict what happens on the fly.

While Europe and the United States were going all the way on the road to death, all kinds of extreme operations made Wu Mian start to doubt life.

For example, Craig Smith, an attending physician at the New York Presbyterian Church and Columbia University Medical Center, previously sent an email to Wu Mian.

The email said that the medical team composed of anesthesiologists and intensive care personnel here is working "around the clock", trying to let two patients share a ventilator. Try sharing a ventilator.

It's hard to imagine that a place like New York, a global economic center and high-grade private hospitals everywhere, would try to share a ventilator with two people.

But this was just the beginning. Within 48 hours, Wu Mian saw a picture-a ventilator connected to 7 pipes to maintain the lives of 7 different patients.

Faced with this situation, Wu Mian couldn't even rejoice in the misfortune. Everything that Tianhe City had just experienced deepened his level and repeated itself all over the world.

They just don’t have 346 medical teams

There are no 42,600 medical staff

No 965 public health personnel rushed to the line of fire.

There is no counterpart assistance from 19 provinces

There is no national 10% intensive care unit assembled

There is no 25% ecmo concentration

All in all there is nothing.

The main thing is that they do not have a great country and 1.4 billion great people.

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