Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 491: Do your best

"I have read the information." Wu Mian stopped his work and said with a smile, "The patient's condition is not very serious. It will be reviewed 3 days after the operation. If there are no special complications, you can go back."

Yuan Wei was slightly confused.

Downstairs, unexpectedly met the Sha boss, suddenly nervous and inexplicable. Coupled with physical exhaustion, he felt a little trance. The young man sitting opposite... is too young, is it really reliable?

This thought flashed in his mind, and suddenly Yuan Wei realized that the murderous master downstairs was willing to be in front of the porter.

"Okay, Doctor Wu." Yuan Wei determined and said sharply and nodded immediately.

From the Li family to Tao Ruo, all the way, until I saw the master who was the concierge, these all proved a lot of things on the side.

Although the teacher Wu looked at the young man a little unreliable, Yuan Wei chose the most correct way to solve the problem.

"Well, let's go back then." Wu Mian smiled slightly and said, "The conditions in the ward are indeed average. If the elderly are afraid of noise..."

After speaking, Wu Mian frowned slightly, thinking of something.

"Does the elderly have Alzheimer's?"

"Yeah." Yuan Wei looked sad and nodded, "Ama didn't remember me 3 years ago. Dr. Wu, how did you know?"

"There are head MRI imaging data in the information you sent." Wu Mian said, "If you are not in a hurry, you can rest for a few days after the operation and transfer to the neurology department."

"Huh?" Yuan Wei didn't understand Wu Mian's meaning, staring at him blankly, eyes full of confusion.

"Oh, I'm studying vegetative wake-up surgery. Similar surgery can also be used for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease." Wu Mian smiled, "There will be results these days. If you want to have surgery, I can give The elderly do it."


It must be because I hadn't rested well and had hallucinations.

However, a man like Yuan Wei who walked out of a sea of ​​blood from the corpse mountain was extremely firm. He realized what was wrong and instantly recovered, recalling what Wu Mian had just said.

Vegetative, Alzheimer's...

The hope in my heart is like a seed buried in the depths. Under the action of some wonderful force, it suddenly accelerates its growth, breaks through the ground, and becomes a towering tree in a flash.

"Ms. Wu, what you said is true?!" Yuan Wei subconsciously began to call Wu Mian a teacher.

"Try it, I can't guarantee. You know, the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, which is Alzheimer's disease, is a problem all over the world." Wu Mian said.

"Are you kidding?"

"Well, no kidding." Wu Mian tilted her head slightly, looking at Yuan Wei in surprise.

Then Wu Mian realized that this was not a doctor in front of him, and he smiled bitterly.

In the past few days, I have been engrossed in researching new programs, which has caused some inattention.

If a top neurologist and several top programmers work together to complete the new program, there will be many difficulties. In addition to the disease, the difficulty lies in the communication and communication between them.

It is difficult for a top neurology doctor to let the programmer understand his intentions in a short time, and even the doctor himself does not know what to do. Many things are inspired by an instant, and even the subconscious mind is at work.

But Wu Mian didn't have this trouble.

Even so, Wu Mian began to pay attention to this surgical method when he carefully cultivated Chu Zhixi. It was not until 2 years ago that GE Healthcare produced a brand-new nuclear magnetic machine, which solved the difficulties from the hardware, and Wu Mian realized that his dream could become a reality. real.

But at that time Wu Mian had a more important thing, so he didn't put any energy into it.

Some time ago, I met an abandoned child by chance at Laoyashan, and Wu Mian was about to give it a try.

Even better than Wu Mian, in the face of vegetative awakening and treatment of Alzheimer's disease, he still worked hard and almost collapsed.

Wu Mian rubbed his eyes, crossed his fingers, and squeezed in opposite directions. There was a crackling noise from the knuckles.

"Mr. Yuan Weiyuan, right?" Wu Mian said lightly and casually, "Sit down."

"Teacher Wu, you are polite."

"The research on the brain in the medical field has a long history. There was once an operation that won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, but it was later proved that the removal of part of the brain has too much influence on the human body and caused people to lose their emotions. So until now, the old guys are still the same. Unwilling to award the Nobel Prize to the doctor."

Yuan Wei sat down silently and listened to Wu Mian's recounting of human brain research.

Originally, he just came to see what kind of doctor it was, but he was so dragged that he took Ama to see the doctor himself, but he didn't come to pick him up. And the arranged ward... turns out to be living with ordinary people.

Even when Yuan Wei saw the ward, he was ready to scare the doctor who didn't know the sky and earth.

But when he saw the gravel, he was completely dumbfounded, and he didn't feel better.

Yuan Wei was able to stretch and bend, and sat down honestly, listening intently to Wu Mian's narration.

"In the 1950s, after the end of World War II, new surgical procedures appeared in the medical field, thalamus resection and globus pallidectomy to improve the symptoms of motor diseases. UU reading but later found...too many complications, this operation The style has been eliminated."

"In 1968, α-methyldopa was found to have a curative effect on Parkinson's disease, so it was widely used in clinical practice. But soon there were countless feedbacks. After the body resists, α-methyldopa is not only unable to Treating the disease can also make Parkinson’s disease worse."

"In the 1960s and 1970s, neurologists used surgical procedures to correct motor diseases and also agreed that tremor could be controlled by implanted electrodes. However, it was not until the 1980s that similar treatments were started."

"In 1987, French neurologist Professor Alim-Louis Benabid and his team at the University of Grenoble implanted a thalamus stimulation system in the patient's brain to control the tremor, and began a series of experimental studies."

"In February 1995, thalamic stimulation therapy was passed in Europe, Canada and Australia to treat essential tremor and Parkinson's disease tremor. In July 1997, the brain pacemaker tremor control therapy was passed in the United States to treat primary tremor. Tremors and Parkinson's disease tremors."

"This is a process of human exploration. You...hehe, there are not many similar researches and treatments in China, but they have started." Wu Mian put his right hand on the table and tapped his fingers gently on the table.

While speaking, he suddenly paused, as if thinking of something, the whole person fell into a stagnant state.

The original smooth narration suddenly stopped, as if a high-speed train suddenly braked, the huge inertia turned into force, pressing in his heart, making Yuan Wei extremely uncomfortable.

After more than ten seconds, Wu Mian picked up the ball pen, staring at the tip of the pen intently, and occasionally wrote something on the A4 paper.

Is this chatting and entering the state? Both Yuan Wei and Gao Boxiang were a little surprised.

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