Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 647: Pretending to be a fool

"No matter how good that side is, it’s not home. And now it’s different from the past, so I can’t go back." Wu Mian continued, "The so-called gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. come back."

"Ms. Wu, are you too pessimistic in your judgment? As far as I know, the Chinese Exclusion Act is a special history..." Zhuang Yongzhi asked.

"Don't talk about it." Wu Mian smiled, waved his hand and said, "Dr. Wei, what do you think of the Sanatorium and Hospital?"


"to be honest."

"It is a hundred times better than our Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, and the hospitals in the provincial capital are not comparable. Jianxie Hospital...I don't know, but the decoration inside should be better than here." Wei Dabao said honestly.

Wu Mian seemed to think of something, and smiled a little cheerfully.

"Brother, what do you think?" Chu Zhixi understood Wu Mian and asked with a smile.

"Naturally, I want to pretend that Dr. Wei Dabaowei will come out in the future."

Wei Dabao's heart moved, and he instantly felt his sinus rhythm turned into atrial fibrillation heart rhythm, throbbing thumping, the brain also has symptoms of ischemia, and there is a flower in front of him.

"Hey, why not you."

"Who doesn't have eyes, pretend to be forced in front of me." Wu Mian said in a daze. "Actually, I just remembered a story in the 40th volume of "Sui Shi Guang Ji" written by Chen Yuanliang in the Song Dynasty. "

When Zhuang Yongzhi heard Wu Mian talk about such a remote book, his interest suddenly increased, and he asked, "Doctor Wu, you are really knowledgeable. What's the story?"

"At the beginning of Tang Zhenguan, the world was safe, and the people were rich. It was New Year's Eve, Taizong was decorated with palace tuck, and lanterns were set up. The rooms in the hall were beautiful. Songs and music were played in full, which was viewed after Yanxiao..."

Wu Mian said, seeing Wei Dabao look blank, he smiled and said, "I'm speaking in the vernacular."

"Li Shimin, you know Doctor Wei."

"I know, Tang Taizong." Wei Dabao didn't dare to say storytelling, but simply replied.

"In the four years of Zhenguan, Li Jing took advantage of the Turkic civil strife and captured the Turkic Khan to welcome back the Emperor Xiao Xiao of Sui Yang. After that, the so-called "rule of Zhenguan" kicked off. Li Jing, hey, hey."

"At that time, there was a custom of burning the courtyard, which was to light a bonfire in the yard to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. On New Year's Eve, the big guys put on brocade clothes and decorated the palace with gorgeous silk, and candles and oil lamps were lit everywhere.

A large number of singers and musicians were recruited to perform and then lit a bonfire under the steps to illuminate the palace as bright as the day.

This is the prosperous age of Zhenguan, and Li Shimin also feels that he is worthy of the Khan, he is proud and energetic. "

Zhuang Yongzhi listened to it with a funny smile and said, "It must be so in the prosperous age of Zhenguan."

"Everyone had a good time. Li Shimin asked Empress Xiao how this scene compares to that of Emperor Sui Yang."

This is pretending! Zhuang Yongzhi thought to himself.

"The Empress Dowager Xiao is also very embarrassed to say that Emperor Yang is just the king of subjugation. Your Majesty, you are an entrepreneur. The standard of extravagance and simplicity cannot be compared." Wu Mian said with a smile, "Li Shimin was naturally disappointed that he did not get the answer he wanted. How can you be satisfied if you don't look at the staring horrified face of the other person."

"Hey, brother, are you saving a gentleman's belly with a villain?" Chu Zhixi smiled.

"Emperors, generals, and ministers are also human beings, and Li Shimin's generation of heroes is also inevitable." Wu Mian said.

"It's like a Jin doctor walking at night." Chuang Jiaqi thought about it, and gave an evaluation.

"So Li Shimin asked, what about the Sui Lord? When she spoke implicitly, Empress Xiao didn't answer, she wanted to shirk her past, naturally she was thinking about her homeland. Li Shimin didn't rub the sand in his eyes, and wanted to pretend to be forced to the end." Wu Mian continued with a smile.

"What happened later?" Lin Daoshi also listened with gusto, the little uncle's storytelling was really nice.

"Later, Empress Xiao had to say that when she saw her, she could only say that when she was the queen, a bonfire was lit in the palace and all agarwood was burned."

"Li Shimin was dumbfounded. Empress Xiao continued to say that agarwood can burn two hundred cars in one night, the fragrance spreads for dozens of miles, and dozens of bonfires are lit together, all using agarwood. Your Majesty, you only light a bunch of bonfires. , I still use ordinary firewood..."

"Moreover, if the fire was dimmed at that time, you would throw in the saccharum made of ambergris, conch, musk, yellow wax, etc., to support the combustion, and the saccharum would burn 200 shi in one night."

"Of course, Empress Xiao is not a fool, and she will definitely not directly attack Li Shimin. She said that the Sui Lord has enjoyed the country for more than ten years, and her concubines often serve as servants. Every night, the mountain burns agarwood for several cars, and when the fire is dark, it will be fried with armour, and the flame will rise for several feet. The incense of agarwood armour is fried for dozens of miles, and the agarwood can be used for more than two hundred times in one night. Fried two hundred stones."

"Hahaha, Dabao, do you look like it?" Wu Mian Dabao was overjoyed. Section Chief Wu finally called himself Dabao instead of the words of Dr. Wei who were not close. The degree of intimacy among them can be felt by anyone.

"Section Chief Wu, like." Wei Dabao wagged his tail, no matter what Wu Mian said, he just agreed.

"Little Master, you are too blunt." Lin Daoshi laughed and said, "But I didn't expect Li Shimin to have the experience of pretending not to be a fool. It was Tang Zong."

"Hey." Wu Mian smiled, "Old Lin, look at Dabao, how fast he grows."

"Little Master, are you trying to support Wei Dabao, or is his analysis true?" Lin Daoshi asked suspiciously.

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who casually talks about my illness in order to support someone?" Wu Mian replied disdainfully.

"No, you are definitely not." Lin Daoshi said with certainty.

How could Xiao Shishu be such a smart person who would be willing to take out his famous name to endorse Wei Dabao.

But the more so, the less he understands why Wei Dabao, a doctor in a township hospital, is better than the Sanatorium.

"No one of them looks at the patient's stool at all." Wu Mian said, "Do you treat the disease? If it is a common disease, it's fine. Intractable diseases, but still so careless, let me say something."

"Does it take a look..." Lin Daoshi said, "it seems to be enough to have a nurse to measure."

"Where is enough." Wu Mian shook his head, "I think so, so no one cares at all. But the essence of medical treatment is to see, hear and listen, not to see with your own eyes, to grasp all the conditions, and some intractable diseases want to be cured. ?"

After speaking, Wu Mian sneered.

"I will give you an example."

Lin Daoshi thinks that the little uncle is very talkative today, but this kind of little uncle is more kind and he likes it better.

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