Song Tan Jishi

Chapter 1101 1101 Breaking Inside

Chapter 1101 1101. Get inside

Lu Chuan was also curious.

My cousin Zhang Yanping, who is rich and powerful, seems to have a lot of strength, but his task today is to watch the live broadcast and play on his mobile phone.

Cousin Wu Lei, who has an average figure and good appearance, is working diligently feeding cattle on the river beach.

This configuration doesn't seem to fit Song Tan's personality of "making the best use of everything" at all.

Song Tan really didn't expect Wu Lei to have a true brother. He explained at this moment: "My brother Leilei's major is average. If he works part-time, he can't be high or low. My uncle wants to raise some cattle and sheep next year so that he can My cousin started a business at home, so the whole family learned it in Hetan."

This explanation sounds reasonable at first, but Zhang Chen doesn't believe it at all - whose young people are not struggling outside now? Just counting the surrounding villages, how many young people can farm in their hometowns?

His brother's ability to fall in love with that...anyway, that Juliet proved that he had normal thinking. How could he stay in his hometown?

But he didn't say anything, fearing that if he said something bad, his brother would be put in a bad position. However, Lu Chuan didn't hear the sound, so he asked one more question for him:

"I think he is still very young, is he willing?"

"Then why don't you want to?"

Song Tan said it matter-of-factly: "I will buy calves and lambs from my house in the spring of next year. I will raise them as free-range and take them out for walks and eat every day. When I get out of the circle, I will introduce them to buy them at a high price..."

To the extent that she teaches people how to fish, she is very considerate, okay?

"Besides, my brother Leilei has been working for two years and hasn't saved a dime. My uncle's family has only saved one or two hundred thousand, and now they can't even afford a decent down payment... He is a young man, and he can earn a living every month by working. Money?”

"It's better to try it boldly while you're young."

After thinking about Wu Lei's transformation in the past six months, he praised sincerely: "He is a bit naive, but he is a real person. He raises cattle and sheep without any discount, and he is very attentive - this kind of down-to-earth work is not as good as others." It doesn’t matter what the future is, but breeding is actually very safe.”

I still remember when he was harvesting rice, he was living at home with his luggage and still had to make a decent comment. He had neither EQ nor IQ.

Nowadays, once the cow pen has transformed, although the whole person still has no EQ and IQ, his mentality is more stable.

Why doesn't this count as the credit of their old Song family?

Song Tan was quite proud.

The only disadvantage is that free-range cattle and sheep are slower to slaughter. But this kind of price is higher, and it comes again and again. In addition to the long collection period, the risk of small-scale breeding is also small, so there is nothing to worry about!

Now, let alone Zhang Chen, even Qin Yun was envious——

"You can't wait to put food in your mouth - let me know when the time comes and you can sell me the beef and mutton!"

"Yes, yes, you can also sell us some of your cattle and sheep!"

Even if you can’t get the one from the old Song family, the one from your relatives is still good, right?

Song Tan was also very happy: "Okay! When the time comes, I will inform Lu Chuan and tell him directly how much you want."

At this moment, Qin Yun couldn't help but feel happy when he looked at Lu Chuan, who was riding a tricycle in front of him.

There is someone in the court who can do things easily!

They, these ambitious brothers, could now be considered as inside the Lao Song family’s shopping group!

The tricycle turned from the smooth asphalt road to the cement road, and then slowly descended through twists and turns. The last thing that came into view was the large river beach.

It is already past three o'clock in the afternoon. The river is swaying slightly with the wind, and pieces of bright golden light are pouring on it, twinkling, bright and open.

Large areas of withered yellow reeds along the river are thin and tall, swaying leisurely in the wind. You could still vaguely see wild ducks with black and green fur burrowing around inside, and mixed with the old Song family's ducks. After a while, they plunged into the water, revealing their plump buttocks.


Dabai and Goose Girl were swimming around in a posture, obviously they had taken on the responsibility of herding ducks.

Looking at the entire grassland, in the middle of winter, there is no green anymore. Cattle and sheep are scattered around here, groping on the ground, but they are not in a hurry at all.

On the high and steep hillside in the distance, a few sheep were jumping around, their feet seemed to be equipped with springs, stepping on piles of stones, and occasionally made short sounds, which sounded as happy as children.


Qin Yun slowly stood up from the stopped tricycle and looked at the large flat flat river beach in front of him. His mind went blank except for these two beautiful and all-encompassing exclamations.

Not to mention stunned.

The next second he opened the memo on his mobile phone, and clicked furiously: "Inspiration has come, inspiration has come, I will write down a few outlines first, and I have to write about farming in the next book, starting from grazing cattle by the river..."

Compared with them, Lu Chuan felt even more shocked.

He has been to many places before, from all over the world, and has seen all kinds of scenery. It’s not surprising that you’ll find river beaches like the one in front of you when you go out.

But I don’t know why, but the atmosphere here is quiet, safe, and’s really rare for Feng Shui!

He didn't know that this was the effect of the light spiritual energy slowly covering the water mist that accumulated over time and evaporating, but as sensitive as he was, he could already feel comfortable.

At this moment, he looked at the dry grass stems under his feet and walked to the side freely.

Even he was like this, and a group of people beside him even yelled and turned on their mobile phones immediately!

Firefighter and Wu Jing looked at each other and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Our dog is going to come here to retire. I don't know how comfortable it is... No wonder it looked so good before."

Forget about dogs, people want to come over.

The next moment, Zhu Xin took out a whistle and blew it gently, while the reeds in the distance swayed, and then four dogs quickly rushed out!

The leader, Duoduo, ran vigorously and quickly, his ears flying up and down, and his short golden hair was illuminated by the sun, as if he was covered with a hazy golden gauze!

Looking at it like this, who would believe that it was close to death a few months ago!

And only in this vast river beach can they run freely and freely! This is a spirit that I couldn’t express at all when I was taken there by a tricycle!

Here, they are really free and happy!

"so good……"

Everyone took out their mobile phones and took videos, their voices choked with joy:

"Look! Look at our cocklebur/handsome/ happy she is!"

They filmed the video, slowly squatting down and spreading their arms.

When several dogs rushed over excitedly, everyone staggered, and then without hesitation, they hugged their dogs hard, including Duoduo, who jumped into Zhu Xin's arms.

Dogs bark, geese bray, cattle and sheep chirp, and there is the hearty laughter of young people...

At this moment, the sound echoed heartily between the river beach and the cliff.

The indulgent February is over, March is about to change my mind and be a new person.

Good night.

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