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“You… come here anyway.” After seeing the silhouette of the iron mask, a guard tower guarding a corner of the wall moved his lips and sighed.

“He ruined one of my sons, and I can’t let him ruin my other son.” The iron mask said solemnly.

“It’s these people? You are going to die. I can’t help it. Don’t say you have seen me after tonight.” The guard helpedlessly said, opening a small door on the wall, turning and walking away: “Remember to close the door.”

“Let’s go and kill the demon that ruined my son.” The iron mask held the torch and walked in the door, turned around and looked at Chris and the others, looking exceptionally vicissitudes of life under the beating firelight.

“This is our purpose.” Augooding whispered, his tone particularly serious.

Chris didn’t say much. As he stepped into the introduction, with the breathing method, his own rhythm and the surrounding environment were in an unprecedented fit. The surrounding rhythm turned little by little, and Chris’ expression became slightly stiff, and then recovered. normal.

“What’s the matter?” Austen walked in and asked.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that the surrounding rhythm is very ominous. I don’t know how many creatures are buried in this land.” Chris said solemnly, observing the surroundings from the rhythm alone, as if the wailing of life before death was everywhere.

“It’s true, there are resentments everywhere.” The mark on Augooding’s forehead flashed, and he glanced at Chris with a weird look. Through the gift of true knowledge, he felt that there was something wrong with Chris’s words, but he did not lie.

“Go forward to the destination, we have run out of time.” Chris did not go to see Osgoodin, and continued: “Two people in a team, spread a certain distance, proceed cautiously, and use a secret signal to communicate when you find the enemy, my words Go ahead alone.”

“Everyone’s dragon powder is taken. When we meet the alien scales, those dragon powders are our chance to win.” The dragon powder that Chris said is one of the materials supported by the Kingdom of Intkam.

Alien scalers will hesitate about creatures that also have Dragon Qi breath. Even if Dragon Qi breath is strong enough, these alien scalers will give up attacking, otherwise the terrible alien scalers with high movement speed and attack power will not have it. With this weakness, they really don’t necessarily have the confidence to fight directly.

Although there are fewer and fewer things related to dragons, the royal family of Interkami has the bloodline of dragons. The royal family is proud of giant dragons, so many nobles will collect some items related to dragons to show their taste.

These dragon powders are made by some dragon scales keels contributed by Glosk. Although most of them are lesser dragons, they are enough to deal with alien scales.

“Be careful.” Osgoodin didn’t say much, and quickly distributed the team according to the plan negotiated before he came, and the group of two separated a certain distance.

This is also to prevent the offensive of the alien scalers. A group of people stand together, and the unusually fast alien scalers launch a surprise attack. They are really difficult to dodge, and casualties are easy to occur.

If they can, they really hope that this is a fairy tale adventure, defeating the Demon King, and the heroes have survived, with a happy ending.

But reality is not a fairy tale. The ten or five people who entered, by the end of the incident, do not know how many people will survive, or even whether they will win.

In the dim place, the cages and abandoned houses that can be seen everywhere seem to be telling what was going on here ten years ago. Chris picked up a crow feather from a cage and remembered the information he had collected.

When Negary just arrived, Negary had only 2 messengers, that is, only 2 crows. After occupying the Cauchy village, the Cauchy set up a new hunting team, bringing the crows back in batches. There are more and more crows under control.

When the spring of the coming year began, a large number of crows lay eggs and hatched a lot of crows, and the hunting team turned to search for prey as the rations for the crows, and the trade of Rhea started from when.

At first, some merchants came to trade animal skins for food, and then they matched the bridge and became a gathering place for smuggling trade between the two countries.

About 7 years ago, this place was listed as a forbidden area. At that time, the crows had already had a scale. The daily cleaning of the crow’s food wreckage required dozens of Cauchy people.

So simply, this place was listed as a forbidden place. The dense bones no longer needed to be cleaned up, and they were left in place, so there were still some unfinished pits.

Normally, apart from the arakkoa, only the crow food transport team will come here. In addition to the avenue which has several points of popularity, other places are completely deserted.

The priestess and a god, Knight, walked together. They were assigned to a group and walked on the desolate path. In order to sneak in safely, they even extinguished the torch, and moved forward only by the vision of the gift of knowledge of the female priest.

“Be careful, there are traces of biological activity here.” The female priest whispered.

The gift of true knowledge of God’s Grace Religion will form a true knowledge rune on the forehead of the beneficiary. With this rune, the beneficiary can obtain a different vision. In that vision, the world seems to turn into a gray.

The essence of things will show color in that gray, so that the gifted can have the power to break through the darkness and fog, and see many things that naked eye cannot see.

The use of gifts can also develop more advanced abilities, such as Osgoodin. Through the gifts of true knowledge, he has been able to distinguish the good and evil of others. Every thought that everyone turns in front of him will flash in his vision. The color can be used to distinguish the relationship between friend and foe.

So when the Iron Mask led the way, Chris would look towards Osgoodin like a question, fearing that the Iron Mask wanted to lead them into a trap, and after getting a trustworthy answer, he led everyone with him.

“Understood.” The dull voice of God’s grace came from under the helmet. He half pulled out the Knight sword and was alert to the surrounding movement. The sachet of the dragon powder hung on his body trembled slightly, exuding the smell of dragon to prevent being caught. The alien scale was killed at once.

As long as he drags out for a while, other teams will rush over to support. Of course, at some point, he has to make some sacrifices, about the sacrifice of life, in order to attract the attention of the enemies, so that other teams can Reach Negary’s location safely.

“Wait, be careful…” The female priest seemed to have discovered something. Before she waited to tell her, blood spattered and splashed on Knight’s armor.

God’s grace Knight without the slightest hesitation drew out the Knight sword, watched the surrounding movement, did not make any sound, just under the helmet, some liquid unconsciously flowed.

So far, fifteen people attacked the troops, and one was killed.

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