Soul of Negary

Chapter 654

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The surrounding dream space vibrates again, and everything is totally disintegrate.

It’s like the bubble dream of an ordinary person. Once he wakes up, the bubble dream will burst.

The same is true of today’s deep dreams. Negary is waking up from deep sleep. He can choose to maintain this dream, and he can even consolidate the virtual into reality step by step, making this a real world.

But Negary not at all does this, creating and deriving a multiverse. You can wait until he becomes a plucker and then slowly do it. Now even if you successfully create a world, it will not help him much, it is tasteless. It’s a shame to discard it.

In the seal, the sky full of sparks is rapidly condensing, and the originally huge and planetary town of Yongning is slowly recovering.

A little fire star derives from it, transforming into the appearance of Dragon of Eternal Sin.

3 The dragon’s wings flapped, and the eyes on the scales slowly opened.

The form of Dragon of Eternal Sin has become stronger now. It symbolizes the path of progress that deviates from the mainstream, that is, the progress of a few people. Therefore, the Dragon of Eternal Sin today is called the erroneous.

For example, when video games were used as electronic drugs to become professional players, participating in e-sports was regarded as social waste of excessive attention to details prevents one from making progress ignorant and incompetent. Isn’t the aggressiveness gained by their hard training not aggressive?

“How about the seal?” The giant dragon raised his head and asked, with three tails wagging behind him, perceiving all the places with Negary will through the string of truth and the few enterprising ones.

He can sense the hesitation and determination of those people’s hearts. These few people want to stick to their own path and go forward. They need more courage and perseverance.

Dragon of Eternal Sin is now condensed from this progressive phenomenon.

During these 1000 years of sleep, Negary has slowly digested the gains of being an enterprising truth leader.

In the upper reaches of the truth, he can perceive all the aggressive behaviors of the entire multiverse. In the vagueness, he also has a certain impression of the entire multiverse.

The entire large multiverse is still in rapid expansion. Negary has led to the emergence of an enterprising path to further accelerate this expansion.

As for what is outside the big multiverse, Negary is not clear. Maybe it’s another big multiverse, or maybe it has nothing.

However, the book by Greyriguez gave Negary a certain guess about it, but it was only a guess.

This kind of conjecture is useless before seeing the real content of the book.

“The seal has begun to loosen, and Greigs didn’t seem to spend too much effort to stabilize this seal.” At this moment, Noah once again increased the construction of the road to 99%, as long as he got rid of the interference of this Land of Sealing. Can try again to condense the road.

He originally planned to integrate with World Tree to achieve the link road, but finally failed under the interference of Greigs.

This time Noah became the way of communication.

World 10000 Things are in motion, and the information in them will interact between motions. This behavior is called communication.

Noah’s first superpower was Lingyan. Through special language and world communication, he gained all kinds of magical abilities.

At that time, this kind of ability was first achieved with the help of Divine Race’s special status in Flame World, and later with the help of Negary.

As the righteous man of Negary, Noah is the person who knows Negary’s knowledge best.

Understanding is the prerequisite for communication. Noah is mature and stable, and can often see the essence of things.

Over the years, he has not been asleep, but stayed outside the seal, studying the changes of the seal.

“Puchi puchi!”

A black shadow that obscured the sky passed by, and then slowly shrunk, turning into a black crow staying on the shoulder of Dragon of Eternal Sin.

“Congratulations on the return of Lord Negary!” Yayu leaned against Dragon of Eternal Sin extremely excited.

On the other side, what is rare is not transformed into a human form, but into a purple mist.

After Negary killed the god of micro-organisms, the shackles of depression were completely lifted. She studied more life structures, and her form gradually transformed into a purple mist.

It’s just that after waking up, she will act in the image of a human being, but this time is a rare phenomenon.

However, it is not surprising to see Negary displayed in front of them in the form of Dragon of Eternal Sin.

“Welcome to wake up, my master!” The purple mist filled the surroundings, as if hugging Negary.

She was a little unexpected about the construction of the sports road.

She believes that the aggressive phenomenon has three stages, denying the lack of self, recognizing the true direction, and then striding forward. This is the trajectory of aggressive movement.

In this process, change has always been accompanied by progress.

She has gradually completed the sublimation of her life form. This purple mist is called the fog of indefiniteness, or the indeterminate thing.

It is slowly developing towards a phenomenon.

Her image has changed with the change of Negary’s image, just as Negary said to her.

If she sees that flower, like Negary sees Shan Shan, she is willing to be the flower in Negary’s hands, and will always be with Negary.

Therefore, when a person has an enterprising spirit and ignites Flames of Soul Burning, his body will also have indeterminate things, which will change with the enterprising.

And as a person progresses and loses, the uncertainties that accompany progress will also disappear.

Gradually in the town of Yongning, more and more people woke up from their deep sleep and came to Negary.

As Negary woke up, Negary’s dream collapsed completely.

In the dream, Lin Zheng held a lightning riot and strikes on Zhu Ping’s body.

The naked eye of Zhu Ping’s body began to collapse, and his skin and limbs turned into coke with lightning, and then collapsed into fly ash.

Before the painful wailing was spit out from his mouth, his mouth turned into fly ash.

Then the dream collapsed completely.

Before Lin Zheng could confirm Zhu Ping’s life and death, he fell out of his dream.

In the broken dream, Zhu Ping’s body quickly collapsed, and the last bit of life was like a flash of light in the cold wind, as if it was going to be extinguished in the blink of an eye.

At the last moment of life, Zhu Ping and Ou Cheng in his consciousness had different reactions.

Zhu Pingyuan thought he would remember something, but found that he didn’t seem to have anything particularly worthy of nostalgia before his death.

At this moment, Zhu Ping’s last point of consciousness was taken aback, and some emotions arose. If these emotions are reflected in the emotional Battle Qi, they must be pale red, and that emotion is called shame.

“I think of people last, how could it be him!”

The scarlet color flashed by, followed by the extremely muffled white.

Zhu Ping only felt a slight pain in his consciousness, and he had no sense at all.

I don’t know how long it took before Zhu Ping woke up quietly, and he found himself in a beam of light.

And the body feels extremely strange.

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