Soul of Negary

Chapter 752

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After the life world has completed the Yin Sector, the world of the two origins is joined together, resulting in a special phenomenon. This phenomenon is like a beacon and a key, more like a threshold.

After Negary took away this phenomenon, he found that this phenomenon is very similar to the old book, which is essentially an information body based on the rules of the other world, but unlike the old book, there is a force to support this information. It can also play a role in this World.

In addition to the final disaster of the future contained in the old book of Grayrigus, it needs to be transformed into the rule basis of this World in order to be effective.

This kind of power is weird, it feels very illusory, but it is real. It is different from most of the forces of the Greater Multiverse, but can play a role in the Multiverse.

As for where life is, this thing has already given information.

The Sound of Origin, which resounds throughout the entire multiverse, has stopped for the first time since it sounded.

Countless people who can listen to Sound of Origin and regard Negary as their own Forerunner Teacher are immediately aware of the existence.

They originally thought that the war between Negary and Greyriguez would last a long time, just like white light and dark abyss.

After all, their nascent multiverse has only reached the fourth scale.

The string of death truth that has recently emerged is nothing but an effort to push the fourth scale toward the fifth scale.

In some worlds that have a slow flow rate, it is only a few hundred years in the past.

Compared to other great beings, Negary and Greyriguez were born not too long.

However, the first stop of Sound of Origin made everyone understand that the war might end sooner than everyone thought.

On the strings of truth that countless ordinary lives long to touch.

Countless kinds of truth strings stretch their branches and spread throughout the entire multiverse universe.

Negary Yongning Township stretched out, stopped plucking the strings of truth, and looked towards the core area of ​​countless strings of truth.

That is the place where the great multiverse begins, and it is also the place where this great multiverse restarts its era. If it is in the great multiverse, then this is where the divine corpse of their creation is located and the place where the blueprint for the great multiverse is placed.

Any upstream person can watch here, and the plucker is a frequent visitor here, and they can observe the direction of the entire multiverse from here.

But in the depths of this place, no one has ever entered. That is the place that will be opened during the reincarnation of the era.

The phenomenon that Negary acquires from the life world can simulate the phenomenon of epoch restart and enter it.

Of course, the phenomenon of restarting the era is also effective because of that force.

Entering the root cause, it went smoothly. When you stepped into it, you saw a huge vortex here, vomiting Heaven and Earth, countless strings of truth are all over the vortex, and many of them are hidden in the outside world.

In other words, as long as life enters here and chooses a string of truth in an obscured state, it can take advantage of others to become a plucker.

And on a string of truth called life, stood a dove.

He was holding a water cup with wings, and from time to time he lowered his head to drink 2 sips, then cleaned his wings with his beak, and then continued to stare at the maelstrom as if he was watching something interesting.

“Come on, wait a minute, I’ll finish watching the story of the rare beast multiverse first. To be honest, the dispute over their origins is quite exciting.”

Negary also turned his gaze to the Maelstrom, but he saw nothing. He thought about it, and the power he had studied from the disaster in the future was acting on him, and only then did he see something in the Maelstrom.

However, the information is too complex, and like the old books, in their large multiverse, they lack the support of World Rule and need to be improved before they can be used in this large multiverse.

“Where is the big rare beast multiverse?” Negary asked. Compared with the old books, the information of this big rare beast multiverse has not been sorted out. The large and small is extraordinarily complex, that is, the Negary as a plucker. Here, or if you change to an upstream here, you may be hit hard and sleep a few ticks.

“That’s right!” Life Pigeon took another sip while holding the water cup and said: “If you are in the past, based on the calculation of the circle theory, it is estimated that they are just in time for the beginning of their era, and the teenager is interested in becoming the beginning of the era there. God of it?”

“I’m afraid, this also needs an infinite key.” Negary is sober. The function of this maelstrom is similar to the old book, similar to a bridge, but to pass this bridge requires an infinite key.

“Didn’t you get it already?” The pigeon turned his head and looked at Negary’s body in the future disaster: “Of course it’s a little worse in comparison, but you can also make it up.”

Negary also found the aggressive string of truth and sat on it, and stared at the dove’s crimson eyes.

“Okay, just say what you want to ask now.” The pigeon is very calm, even kind to Negary.

“Are you detached?” Negary was not polite, and asked directly, one of the essence of Creation God 3, the predecessor of the Blueprint Multiverse, should have gone beyond the white light and dark abyss. In theory, he should have been detached. .

“Not at all, in fact, the probability of my detachment is not as high as that of white light and dark abyss.” The pigeon said honestly: “I’m just special.”

“So is the creation god detached?” Negary knows that the pigeon is also a part of the creation god, but the pigeon is not detached, it does not mean that the creation god who left at the beginning has not.

“I’m sorry, neither did he. His detachment may even be much lower than mine.”

The pigeon’s answer made Negary frowned, which was a bit beyond Negary’s expectation. Maybe the pigeon answered not knowing, it would be better than this answer.

“Is the 10000 elephant detached?” Negary asked for the third time.

“Are you referring to Gresta or Gretas?” To this question, the pigeon called out the names of 10000 elephants that Negary didn’t know, but it seemed vague and inaccurate.

“I don’t know this, I can only say that I hope he is detached.” The pigeon said afterwards.

“The last question, what is the ring theory?” Negary keenly noticed what the pigeon said before, and an unfamiliar term was mentioned in the words.

“This is a very good answer.” The pigeon flapped its wings and said, “It’s like a blueprint, the big multiverse has a bridge to the big multiverse where you are. For the time being, it will be named after the burning soul.”

“The Burning Soul Multiverse also has a bridge to this large rare beast multiverse.”

“A large multiverse generally has two upper and lower bridges, leading to the upper and lower two large multiverses!”

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