Soul of Negary

Chapter 757

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2018年2月5日,到今天2019年4月5号正式完本,十4 个月。

I thought that maybe I could write for a while. For example, Negary went to the rare beast multiverse and could write another volume. But thinking about Negary, this kind of imaginary idea, Xuming has almost described it, and write to the end In the previous chapter of the chapter, Xu Ming felt that it was time to end.

A lot of things happened during the writing of the book, and Xu Ming became very bad because of some bad things.

Book friends all know that Xuming’s mental condition is very poor, and he has been insomnia. For more than a year, part of it is because of bad things, and part of it is because of the bad habits that Xuming has developed.

During this period, Xuming didn’t dare to empty his mind. Once those things were emptied, those things would appear in his mind. Every night I went to bed with either a video or a live broadcast. There was always someone talking in my ear to attract attention. Can lie on the bed peacefully until now.

Perhaps it is that Xuming’s hypocrisy is not mature enough, or the circle of Xuming is so big, those things can occupy most of Xuming’s life.

That’s why Negary is there, and Xuming also wants to become Negary.

After the miserable sale, Xu Ming also promised that he would work hard to adjust his state.

This month Xuming will take care of his personal affairs and open a new book as soon as possible.

I also hope that when the time comes, everyone can continue to support Xuming’s new book. The name of the new book has been tentatively decided. The general idea is already available. You will be notified on the day the new book is released.

Xu Ming’s circle is really small, and book writers and book friends also occupy a large part.

So I need your support.

That’s it, thank you everyone!

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