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Royas’ successive victories made them a bit dizzy.

After all, it was Aldridge’s policy. He continued to oppress the domestic nobles and raised them into hungry wolves. In the Early-Stage of the war, these hungry wolf-like nobles of Royas had a passion for fighting.

After all, they have been plundered enough, and want to change the status quo, unless Aldridge’s rule is overthrown, otherwise they can only be obtained in the war.

Therefore, during the war, the nobles of Royas were extraordinarily brave, and the successive defeats of Intecame’s army, successive victories, have made these nobles of Royas become more and more greedy.

In their view, Intecame is just a lamb to be slaughtered, without any strong resistance, so three days ago, a nobleman who was besieged very aggressively chose to attack and wanted to take Colomier’s Take down the city wall.

As a result, when they were attacking the city, Nora took the supporting troops and detoured to the battlefield. Relying on that strong intuition, she chose the most suitable time and raided the aggressively attacking troops from the rear.

Thanks to Nora’s already established prestige among the supporting troops, those soldiers were willing to take the initiative to attack with her, and that was the case. Under Nora’s leadership, Intecami ushered in a long-lost victory.

During the battle, Saintess Nora, who has been fighting at the forefront, has won the admiration of many people with the hope, bravery, and beautiful appearance. After all, most people are visual animals.

Even Negary, his subordinates are basically human nowadays, so they usually appear in front of most people, and they are all human appearances. This involves a sense of ethnic identity. Otherwise, Negary appears in front of people. There is no need to maintain a human appearance.

Even if many people understand that Negary is not a human being, if he maintains a human appearance, he can still be recognized by them, and it is more convenient for Negary to dominate them. If it is replaced by a tentacle monster, even Negary has that deadly charm, except for some special features. People who are addicted, other people’s acknowledge allegiance will lose a sense of identity with Negary.

It is undeniable that appearance has a great effect in many cases. If Nora is a woman with a bucket waist and a sow face, I am afraid that Marshal Wells will now give up Colomier’s command. Difficult, it will not be as smooth as it is now.

After the first victory, it seemed to give many people confidence. Some of the nobles of Intkami also began to support Kolomier. Although they were unwilling to acknowledge allegiance to the king, they did not want to destroy the Inkami after all. After the queen of Nora came out, coupled with the hope of victory, the domestic forces finally began to slowly integrate.

Now in the fortress of Colomier, the commanding class of Intecame is discussing a battle plan.

Although the command has been in Nora’s hands because of the instructions of King Seth I, Nora’s war literacy is really not too high, so at this time she is more like a mascot.

It was the original military marshal Alan Wells and the various nobles Knight who really assigned the battle plan. Among them, Les Laval, who had many highlights in the battle, also gained a certain right to speak.

“We are now weaker than them, whether it is the number of soldiers or the ordnance.” Alan Wells said solemnly: “After that guy in Qatar suffered a loss, he will definitely be more cautious. I think we still maintain The defense is better, your marshal.”

“Sir Wells’s point is reasonable. Now that there are more and more domestic support forces, only by continuing to defend can we usher in victory.” A Knight said in agreement.

The composition of the army during this period was very complicated. The royal family had its own army, but not too many. The main force came from the Knights supported by the nobles in accordance with the duties of vassals. Another major component was mercenaries.

The marshal has all command power on the bright side, but he still has to be restricted by the noble Knight. According to the fief system, as long as the vassals fulfill their duties, they have great autonomy. This is also the case for those nobles, even if the country is subjugated. One of Ken’s confidence to send soldiers.

“I don’t think it’s right.” On the other side, Les said: “Royas’s army is stronger than us. This is a fact. Because of this, we can’t blindly defend, otherwise we may not be able to defend.”

If Royas is only strong and there are not many Intercampers, then the defense is indeed the correct approach, but in fact, even if the defense is based on the current situation, Royas’s army can quickly capture Colomier, strong too too much.

“So we want to truly seize the chance of victory. We can only find a way to take the initiative to attack, teach Royas’s army a lesson, blow their morale, give them pressure, let them choose to slow down the offensive and get more time. Waiting for support.” Rice said.

“Are you cracking a joke?” The Knight said disdainfully: “We are weak and not defensive. Active offense is just to die.”

“You think it’s impossible, and the people of Royas also think it’s impossible, so we have such a chance.” Rice sighed and said, this kind of action is a great risk, and if it fails, it will usher in destruction.

He is not willing to take risks if he can, but the current situation is that blindly defensive, there will be no chance.

“Then a few elite troops will attack the city at night tonight.” Nora, who had been wandering outside the sky, said suddenly, making everyone present stunned.

“Your Excellency Marshal, are you serious?” Alan Wells stood up in shock and asked.

“Well, it’s so decided. I’m leading the team tonight. Is anyone willing to participate?” Nora was definitely nodded. Her instinct told her that the success rate of this action will be very high. Since it is right, then Just do it.

“This is too risky, your marshal…” Knight said loudly on one side.

“But Intercammy has come to the time when he has to take risks.” Nora lifts the head, looking at the Knight, and said softly.

“But… But, there is no need to let your marshal take the risk, I can also lead the team.” Knight retreated under Nora’s gaze, he lowered his head.

“I am fearless.” Nora’s eyes were bright, and she suddenly said solemnly, “Knight, please tell me your name.”

“Alquez.” Knight stood up straight, holding the Knight sword in his hand, as if receiving a kind of honor: “Alquez Rui, the Inheritor of the steel method.”

“Then you are willing to act with me tonight?” With a smile on her face, Nora asked softly, the proof of the dragon’s hero, that unique charm, is impressive.

Alquez clenched the hilt of the sword, lowered his head and said softly: “Obey your will.”

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