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Jason sighed, and then released the bow and arrow without the slightest hesitation. Everyone has their own ideas and persistence.

Nora is unwilling to change her own will, so why should he be willing to become herself, if Nora can’t even defeat herself, then it is useless for her to go to the Holy Valley, if she can defeat herself, then she is qualified to go on .

The dragon scales swung the sword and cut off the bow and arrow that had come. Nora jumped off the horse and walked towards Jason. At the same time, she said to the followers around her: “This is my battle. Just wait for me to win.”

“No, now is our opportunity to perform.” Alquez admonished: “Although he doesn’t want the Lord to be a torch, but since the Lord has made up his mind, then what we need to do is to help us wholeheartedly. Lord.”

“There is not much time now. The Lord’s pace shouldn’t be delayed, so I will deal with this person.” Alquez dismounted, drew out the Knight sword, and stopped in front of Nora: “Please come, Lord Focus on going to the Sacred Valley.”

“I understand.” Nara looked at the firm face under Alquez’s helmet with a bright smile, turned on her horse again, and set off in the direction of Sacred Valley: “May the glory be with you!”

Holding the Knight sword in his hand, Alkes charged towards Jason, and said firmly in his mouth: “I am Knight, follow the will of my Lord, emerge victorious in every battle!”

Jason squinted his eyes, unable to see any expressions under the mask. He raised his bow and arrow, and the red rays of light flowed and injected into the bow and arrow, turning into a red streamer, rushing towards the rushing Alquez.

He didn’t want to waste time on these Knights. It was what he should do to prevent Nora from going to the Sacred Valley. That red streamer was the ability he gained from the Sacred Valley, and he believed that he could solve the Knight.

The Sacred Valley is famous for its assassination method. No matter what kind of injuries their members receive outside, they can be healed as long as they return to the Sacred Valley. This is because the Sacred Valley has the best healing method on the mainland: Spring of Life.

The function of Spring of Life is just like its name. The spring water surging is life. Drinking the spring water can heal most injuries and diseases.

The reason why the Sacred Valley Assassin’s assassin ability is strong is that every Sacred Valley Assassin’s body has been exercised to its limit. If ordinary people do not have innate talent and reasonable means, they will only break their own body if they continue to exercise extreme exercises. But Sacred Valley with Spring of Life does not have this problem.

In other words, as long as you have enough willpower and are willing to exercise hard, under the care of Spring of Life, everyone can reach the limit of their own body.

Apart from this, Spring of Life has another function. For example, Jason’s transformation of the Blood Burner, their hearts are transformed, and they have reached a connection with Spring of Life, which can store terrifying life force, so they can use this excess His life force exerts all kinds of incredible power.

Of course, the transformation of the Blood Burner cannot be carried out by anyone. It must have a suitable physique, and the success rate is not high. Jason initially rejected the transformation because he was afraid that the transformation would not succeed and he could not go for revenge.

But afterwards, he fell into the verge of death, and was transformed into a living dead by Smick with the Ceremony Blade. Because there was no cooperation of germs, his body rotted a little, so he had to carry out this transformation.

After the transformation is successful, Jason can burn Life Power and inject it into the weapon, increasing the formidable power of the attack, and the beating red of life, which has a restraining effect on some existences.

“Don’t underestimate me!” Alquez’s mouth and nose continued to breathe regularly, the Knight sword in his hand, shining with metallic luster, shattered the red streamer shot by Jason, turning it into small pieces and falling to the ground. Scorching marks were burnt.

“Before I fall, I will definitely not let you interfere with the actions of my lord.” Alquez raised the Knight sword, and the metal luster began to shine: “Steel-like method, Alquez Rui!”

Jason watched Nora and the others galloping by on horseback, turned his head to look towards Alquez, and lifted the bow and arrow, his hoarse voice looked extra serious: “Blood Burner, Jason Todd.”

Jason took a few arrows, the red rays of light circulated, injected into the arrows, turned into several red streamers, and Alkes carried the Knight sword, constantly waving it, and approached Jason.

The Method of Steel Flow, a Sect in the breathing method, is characterized by its unbreakable defensive power. They will be your most reliable back. As long as there is no death, they will stick to the line of defense.

“The most unbearable thing is this kind of die-hard perseverance. It’s really hard to deal with.” Jason sighed. He knew that people like Alquez, once they have any goals, will continue to give up their lives, because He is such a person himself.

The red streamer flies, Alkes can split it accurately, but after the streamer diffuses, it will turn into scattered rays of light, hitting his armor, the impact is not strong, but the temperature carried is extremely high , Alquez’s armor began to flush.

The sweat turned into steam and spilled out, his skin was burned, and the hands holding the sword were blistered by the temperature of the sword and then squeezed, turning into a piece of erosion.

Alkes rushed in front of Jason, turned the Knight sword in his hand, and slapped Jason with the sword face. The other party’s purpose was to prevent Nora from sending him to death. It was not an enemy, just knocked him down.

“Too naive.” Jason did not evade, throwing his bow and arrow aside, grabbing Alquez’s Knight sword with his flesh and blood, the red of life began to beat, and the hot heat spread from the blade to the hilt, and then stimulated Alquez’s disfigured hands: “Abandon the sword!”

“Never!” The burning smell of barbecue came from Knight’s hands, raised his head, and hit Jason with his head mallet.

“Although your defense is strong, you can’t isolate the temperature. I just happened to be restrained. Stop the attack. If this goes on, your body will not be able to stand it!” Jason headed against Alquez with the least amount of falsehood.

Other blood burners are afraid of burning their bodies, so when they burn life force, they always maintain a limit. But Jason is just a living dead, his burning limit is exceptionally high.

“Following his lord, fighting to defend the lord’s beliefs, those with such glory are the real Knights!” The rays of light on Alquez flowed, using all his strength to attack Jason: ” I am Knight, and I am not afraid to die. May the glory of the Lord always be in my body!”

“This person… there is no way!” Jason gritted his teeth, his heart beating frantically, Life Power gushed out, turning into beating red, the air twisted, and the next moment burst suddenly.

Alquez’s body flew upside down to the ground. Jason dragged his slightly broken body to his side and sighed: “There is still breath, but you can’t just leave it alone.”

“With such a person to follow, Nora, it should be possible to succeed!” Jason said sadly looking at the direction Nora was leaving.

It’s just that no matter whether Nora succeeds or not, isn’t it all that greets her with death?

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