Soul Painter

Chapter 63

After confirming that the great master of the world of flesh and blood specimens had indeed "subdued" the ancient Bengka tree in an inexplicable way.

Gao Fan started to call the police for backup.

This is also a proof method.

Because of the weird magnetic field covering the entire Bunka Village, it failed.

Gao Fan can make a phone call when he stands in the center of Bengka Village.

That magnetic field may be a kind of biological energy, which comes from the energy of the ancient Bunka tree that has survived for hundreds of years.

The Great Elder has lived for more than three hundred years, but she may not be the first generation of priests, so the age of the Bungka Ancient Tree should be older than this.

A few hours later, the police arrived. It was early in the morning, and they saw a scene that could be called 'horror', with nearly a hundred dead bodies and dozens of tourists who were self-reliant.

After the influence of the ancient Bengka tree was pulled out, the magic power of the mask also disappeared. The tourists woke up on their own and began to recall the terrible Nuo dance. Maintain order.

So the police began to search all over the mountains and plains for the tourists who got into various difficulties because they ran for their lives in a panic-after all, it was late at night, and in this kind of heavy mountains and old forests, they were busy until the night of the day before they nodded everyone's heads together.

At this time, the forensic doctor who came with the team had already given the identification results. Those Bengka villagers, that is, those corpses, had been dead for more than several years. At this moment, the magic power disappeared, and the corpse fell apart immediately, and those who got close were almost broken into a pile.

But the Great Elder is a miracle. She is over 300 years old. She is very weak, but she is still alive. She was soon taken away as a prisoner. She didn't live long either.

Before being taken away by the police on a stretcher, the Great Elder wearing a breathing mask grabbed Gao Fan's clothes with his withered hands like claws, looked at the big Bunka mask in Gao Fan's hand, and said in a hoarse voice : "Use it save humanity..."

Gao Fan smiled at her, ha ha.

Holding this big Bunka mask, Gao Fan could still hear the faint murmur of 'Bengka Bunka...'.

Except for this big Bunka mask, all other Bunka masks have lost their magic power—Gao Fan has identified them one by one. His investigation value of 37 points and mysticism of 9 points can be regarded as a qualified investigator.

That's right, after completing the investigation of the Bengka Village incident, Gao Fan's investigation value increased by 2 points, from 35 to 37.

There is also a systematic 10-point SAN reward.

The 'surrender?' released by the last system Or sacrifice this Masterless Servant' quest, no reward.

This system is very clear, probably think that the ancient collapse card tree itself is already a reward, right?

Gao Fan put on that big collapse card and tried it on, um, he tried to die again, but it didn't work, guess... isn't this the equipment of his profession? Gao Fan felt that this old seal must be useful for other purposes, but it didn't show up at the moment.

Finally, there is an unexpected bonus.

When Gao Fan used a carving knife to cut the ancient Bunga tree, the prompts of 'anatomy+1''anatomy+1''anatomy+1' popped up continuously in the system, and a full 5 points of anatomy were added, obviously in the According to the definition of the system, the ancient Bungka tree is a creature, a mysterious tree-shaped creature. If Gao Fan had time to cut the ancient tree from the beginning to the end, the harvest would definitely be greater.

It's a pity that there was no time at that time, and Gao Fan had to hurry up and sacrifice the ancient tree to the great master of the world of flesh and blood specimens, otherwise he would be torn alive by the walking dead in Bunka Village.

Waiting for the incident to be resolved, Gao Fan took the time to hit the ancient tree that had lost its soul with a scalpel. There was neither blood nor skill points, and the time had passed.

For the police, it is great news to confirm that the Bunka masks have lost their mystery.

Otherwise, they would have to search all over Pengcheng for these masks that could bring disaster, which was not an easy task.

The deputy director held Gao Fan's hand, and praised repeatedly: "Youth is promising! Young and promising! A cancer that endangered the lives of tens of thousands of citizens in Pengcheng was pulled out by the young man! I must ask STK for your credit!" !"

"What should be done, just ask for credit." Gao Fan said.

Gao Fan went down the mountain with the police and tourists. Before going down the mountain, Bengka Village was designated as a restricted area. Then there were other people to deal with the ancient tree and the remains of Bunka Village. Since then, The Bengka Nuo Dance will disappear in this world as a cultural masterpiece.

Ding Dang stopped Gao Fan before he drove his SUV again to the unknown journey.

"Where are you going? My savior." Ding Dang asked. Ren Youran had told her about what happened just now. It was the boy in front of him who defeated the villains and rescued them through some wonderful method.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Gao Fan replied honestly.

Meow~ God, lying on Gao Fan's shoulder, let out a cry.

"Take Xiaoyou on the road together, she said she likes you." Ding Dang suddenly pushed Ren Youran out from behind.

"What are you talking about! Damn girl!" Ren Youran jumped up as if a firecracker had been stuffed under her feet, her face was as red as a ripe peach.

The two quarreled for a while, and Ren Youran stood in front of Gao Fan blushing and at a loss, but her tone was firm: "Thank you, please leave a phone call, after all, it is fate to meet each other, and we can make an appointment for dinner when we pass through Pengcheng in the future."

"No." Gao Fan shook his head, "We've already known each other, it would be better to live in each other's memories."

Ren Youran felt a little disappointed for a moment.

Gao Fan sat back in the car, looked out of the car, looked at the corner of the mountain, against the background of flashing police cars and people walking around, Ren Youran was wearing a white dress, standing alone, the lights, the crowd, the distant mountains, the whole world Speeding up, only she was standing alone, at this moment, Gao Fan's inspiration was touched.

He picked up the drawing board.

After the anatomy was increased by 5 points, it not only unlocked the channel to continue to improve, but also made the "+" sign appear behind the skill.

It also directly raised Gao Fan's lines to a skill value of 84.

It is only 6 points away from the 90 'Master Entry'.

Therefore, at this moment, the lines drawn by Gao Fan seem to come to life, with only a few strokes, the distant mountains and twilight, the nearby people's scenes, and Ren Youran with everything as the background are depicted...

Just a few minutes.

Ren Youran and Ding Dang looked at Gao Fan in the car and didn't start the SUV, so they didn't know what he was doing.

"Are you regretting it? You don't even know what to ask for such a lively and beautiful beauty. You must be thinking about how to get back." Ding Dang said.

Ren Youran twisted the little girl with her hands, saying "send it to your door" or "go with him if you like him", Ren Youran just wanted to leave a call, according to what Ding Dang said, it seemed like she was in a hurry to get married.


Finally, the SUV launched.

Then the car stopped beside the two of them.

Looking at Gao Fan's sharp-edged face in the car window, Ren Youran made eye contact with him, and inevitably felt a little bit of anticipation in her heart.

"Give it to you as a souvenir." Gao Fan handed out a painting.

Ren Youran took it, and saw that the SUV had already sped away. Holding the painting, she looked at the car in the distance, feeling a little helpless in her heart.

"Send the painting, what's there... I'll go! This painting is awesome!" Ding Dang burst into a foul language.

Ren Youran was surprised, and looked down at the painting, and saw that in the painting, the distant mountains and the nearby scenes are thick and realistic, with a lot of blacking out, only the figure of the woman nearby, leaving blank everywhere, with only a few strokes on the face, and the clothes and skirts It is even more light and delicate, but the elegant and independent elegance that has been left behind has already appeared vividly on the paper.

Even people who don't understand painting should be able to tell that this is a masterpiece full of inspiration and emotion.

In the lower right corner of the painting, there is a small word 'Fan', which is a signature.

Seeing the shadow of the SUV going away on the road, Ding Dang suddenly had doubts: "Isn't he going to leave Pengcheng? Why did he go back?"

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