Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 420: Mr. Fei’s shortcomings~ (2)

Although everyone was more enthusiastic about Zhao Huaisheng and Shen Yugui, none of them did practical work.

After all, the format of the company is unknown, and Liu Jiyi's Yu Wei is still there.

Zhao Huaisheng quickly accepted Liu Jiyi's job, and then he had to call the customers one by one to inform them that the marketing department had changed people, have a meal together, and cultivate relationships.

Seeing that Zhao Huaisheng was so busy, Shen Yugui consciously helped him start calling and familiarized himself with customers.

Liu Jiyi deserves to have been doing this for so many years. Many customers only give him face, but there are also some customers who will be easier to talk and agree to have a meal together.

Shen Yugui made a few calls, some refused and some accepted. She arranged for Zhao Huaisheng one by one, and then planned to make the last call before going to lunch.

The last call was made. The other party was a marketing staff member from Mega Company.

Meijia has not had any substantial cooperation with the company in recent years, but looking at the records, it seems that they have to meet for a meal every year to maintain the relationship.

When they answered the phone, Zhang Yu, their sales manager, was very enthusiastic. He just said: "My schedule is very full recently. I don't have time. I will contact you when I have time!"

Shen Yugui's smile was sweet, and his voice was as gentle as possible: "Okay. Then you can contact us when you are free."


After hanging up the phone, she talked to Zhao Huaiyi and saw the message from Fei Nancheng on WeChat: [I'm here. 】

She immediately cleaned up, walked to the elevator, and replied a message to him: [Get down now. 】

Standing at the elevator entrance, her mobile phone rang suddenly, it was Liu Daiyu.

She immediately answered the phone with a smile, and Liu Daiyu's voice sounded a little low: "Little girl, I saw the news of the Fischer Group's engagement. Are you really going to be engaged to your cousin?"

Shen Yugui waited for the elevator, and answered: "Yes~"

"I really envy you." Liu Daiyu sighed, "I suddenly lost interest in love."

Shen Yugui raised his eyebrows, it's really rare!

She opened her mouth: "You may be that the frequency of love is too high, so there is not much interest."

Liu Daiyu was in a low mood, "No, I just think that every boy has shortcomings. Why didn't I meet a perfect man?"

Shen Yugui explained, "Miss Sister, where is there a perfect person in this world!"

"Yes, my cousin is fine. I really envy you!"

If someone else said this, Shen Yugui would definitely think that the other party was interesting to Feinan City, but the person who said this was Liu Daiyu, and she knew that the other party was purely complimenting.

Feinan City is really nice to his friends.

Shen Yugui laughed, feeling sweet in his heart, even happier than the other party praising her.

But she was still symbolically humble, "Where there are, Mr. Fei also has many shortcomings."

"Is there any shortcomings? Tell me, it makes me feel better."

Shen Yugui had no idea that the other party had dug a pit for her. There was a window at one end of the elevator. She simply took the phone and walked to the bed, shook her fingers and said to the other person: "Mr. Fei said too little! Now! In this society, everyone still likes warm guys, who can talk love and flirt, but he is too serious. Every time I face him, I feel like looking at my boss..."

She was saying this when she heard a cough suddenly behind her.

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