Special Female Soldier

Chapter 216 Live Ammunition

What he said made Qin Ningjun snort coldly with disdain, "Wild dog, have you lost your mind after staying in the hospital for a long time?"

"Are you talking about what tasks we can't do, but she can do it?"

Chen Dongming wasn't angry either, but smiled indifferently, "Captain, you can't be so dead-on with your words, so you don't get slapped in the face."

Qin Ningjun rolled his eyes at him directly, "If she is really capable, I would rather be slapped in the face."

Maybe Qin Ningjun never thought about it. It didn't take long for his words to become a prophecy.

But don't say they don't believe it at this time, even Lin Yanxi herself doesn't believe it.

Together with Dou Pengpeng, we came to the professional training ground of snipers, which is not actually a professional shooting range, but an area under martial law, where only real snipers are allowed to come.

After all, a professional sniper like Dou Pengpeng is no problem. As long as there is a place and a target, anytime, anywhere can be used as a training ground.

But Lin Yanxi was a novice. Although she had experience in sniping, Dou Pengpeng didn't dare to be careless, so he took her to this place specially prepared by the reconnaissance company for his sniper training.

"The target is on the opposite mountain, find it yourself!" Dou Pengpeng said with a smile as he sat aside and wiped his gun.

Hearing his casual words, Lin Yanxi, who was measuring the wind speed, was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked at him, "You are too casual, it's my first time to shoot live bullets!"

Seeing her expression, Dou Pengpeng shot a bullet, "I've taught you everything I need to teach. Besides, it's not the first time you use a sniper rifle. Do you want me to teach you by hand?"

"You really thought about it, but I dare not. If the lone wolf sees me with my hands, why don't you chop off my hands?"

Lin Yanxi's expression changed when she heard this, and she shouted loudly, "Dou Pengpeng, as I said, I have nothing to do with him."

"Okay, okay, it's okay." Dou Pengpeng said perfunctorily, but couldn't help but said with a smile, "Who will believe it!"

"You?" Lin Yanxi sat up at once.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Dou Pengpeng, "Look, what I said, the sniper should be overwhelmed by Mount Tai and not change his face, but look at you, I just said a word, you just jump up gone."

Lin Yanxi was taken aback for a moment, and looked at herself subconsciously, only then did she realize that she was in a latent state just now, but she was aroused by his words.

He looked at Dou Pengpeng in embarrassment, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Dou Pengpeng sighed helplessly, and looked at her, "Do you know why my character is obviously not suitable for a sniper? Why did Lone Wolf choose me?"

He obviously didn't need Lin Yanxi's answer, so he continued, "Because I can tell when I should do what."

"When playing and making troubles, you can be free, but when you pick up a sniper rifle and lurk here, I am no longer the usual me."

"A lively personality has certain disadvantages for being a sniper, but it also has our advantages. Just like a person with a dull personality, you will definitely think that is more suitable at first, but think about it, a sniper is not just a quiet person. Just lurking."

"Sniper training will make people more and more silent, and the longer you will be able to see the benefits of being active at first, at least you will not be too silent."

"But the advantage is one thing, but you have to learn how to use it, otherwise these are all disadvantages to you."

Lin Yanxi nodded subconsciously, but saw that Dou Pengpeng was also sitting there holding a sniper rifle, cross-handedly putting the gun on his arm, his face turned cold instantly, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation almost at the same time.

With a bang, a flagpole with a yellow flag in the woods fell down.

Lin Yanxi was startled, and hurriedly picked up the binoculars to look at it, and was even more shocked. It was not so easy to hit a pole not much thicker than a finger from a distance of several hundred meters.

Seeing her surprise, Dou Pengpeng took a picture of her, "Don't be surprised, you can do this too."

"Believe it or not, you still want to be a sniper in the Lone Wolf Squad if you don't reach this level?"

Lin Yanxi listened and looked at him, but finally she could only nod her head, "I... try my best!"

"Don't say that, I believe you can do it." After Dou Pengpeng finished speaking, he suddenly laughed, "Didn't you hit the teacher very accurately?"

Seeing him mentioning that matter again, Lin Yanxi rolled her eyes helplessly, but didn't say any more, she lowered her head and looked for the target seriously.

Seeing her like this, Dou Pengpeng smiled slightly, took out a box of ammunition from his backpack, and threw it to her, "There are hundreds of targets of various kinds on the mountain ahead, I don't ask you to find them all, but these Every bullet has to hit a target, and if you miss one, you can run ten kilometers more today."

"Understood." Lin Yanxi did not refute. Dou Pengpeng's request seemed a bit excessive, but after rescuing the hostages that day, Lin Yanxi understood that being a sniper is not a joke.

Especially as a sniper of the Lone Wolf Squad, every shot could be a life.

It is right to be strict in training, and only by treating every shot and bullet in training as actual combat can we truly train excellent snipers.

So when Dou Pengpeng's request was almost harsh, Lin Yanxi did not object, and could even accept it easily.

Maybe she didn't even realize it herself, but after these days she has gotten used to the thinking of the members of the Lone Wolf Squad, and even such training doesn't feel abnormal anymore.

Hearing Lin Yanxi's answer, Dou Pengpeng smiled lightly, sat up and left with the gun in his arms, leaving only Lin Yanxi lying in the grass alone.

Lin Yanxi never thought that the first live ammunition shooting would be her own training alone, which is really inappropriate.

During the training these days, Dou Pengpeng was always by her side, which made her feel a kind of dependence. What's more, she has always regarded herself as an observer, and there are some things that she doesn't need to think about at all.

But now, not only is there no Dou Pengpeng by her side, but she has to complete the sniper training alone. It can be said that she needs to complete the work of two people alone.

Although this is what a professional sniper should have, but after all, it was the first time that he was both a sniper and an observer, and he was still shooting live ammunition, so he felt a little guilty.

To be on the safe side, Lin Yanxi did not choose any difficult shooting moves, and still looked for the target in a prone position.

Although there were more than a hundred targets, there was such a large forest, and the targets had been deliberately hidden. Only then did she realize that the first problem she faced was not shooting, but finding the target.

"The targets of sniper training are all simulating real sniping. Not only are the shooting spots small, but they are also hidden in the woods, so it is difficult to find them. You have to calm down and find them slowly." But at this moment, a voice came Come.

Lin Yanxi subconsciously thought that it was Dou Pengpeng who had come back, but when she heard the voice, something seemed wrong, but when she turned her head, she saw Mu Lin.

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