Special Female Soldier

Chapter 515 What are you doing?

Hearing his words, Lin Yanxi was feeling very happy, so why would she continue to talk about the topic just now.

He hurriedly introduced to him, "This is Zamba, I found it at Sol's base, and he helped us a lot along the way."

"Don't think he looks like a child, but he is actually nineteen, and he doesn't look so weak. Otherwise, if you look at so many wounded, he is fine."

Mu Lin looked him up and down, "It's true that he doesn't look like this age, but here is war all the year round, there is no food, it's normal to be thinner, and it's normal to have good skills, otherwise how could he survive until now?"

Lin Yanxi nodded suddenly after hearing this, "You're right, let alone adults who can survive here, even innocent children can't survive without skills."

"It's just...Zamba is too pitiful. Even if I take him back now, what's the point? He's still in Alsa, still in the same chaos, and still has to face these things."

Seeing her disappointed expression, Mu Lin sighed, and patted her lightly, "Don't worry, there will be a solution."

Lin Yanxi didn't say anything more, she lowered her head and continued walking forward.

At this time, she even thought of the densely packed corpses under the mountain. These people might not be the ones she needed to protect, nor were they the people of her country, but it didn't mean she had no sympathy.

Especially after arriving here, Lin Yanxi would occasionally feel that she would rather be a peace dog than a troubled person.

Compared to a country, her ability is too small, and she can do too little. Although she blew up the base and the murderer died, the war is still there, and there will be a second, The third such base.

Lin Yanxi never thought of saving the country, she knew she didn't have that ability, but she wanted to kill some people in Li, at least there would be no more tragic scenes like that.

Mu Lin may have sensed her depression, so Mu Lin reached out and shook her hand vigorously, seeing that she was just silently comforting her, and didn't say anything else.

Although Mu Lin didn't say a word, but with his comfort, with him by his side, he felt much more at ease.

There were no accidents or attacks along the way, and they finally arrived at their original destination.

Plensen looks similar to Sol's base camp, which is completely different from the base they lived in before, but Eric is more cautious than Sol, building the entire city in the mountains, even if it is a luxurious house , is also shaded by trees.

Lin Yanxi didn't know what these means for modern weapons, but Eric can survive to this day, which proves to be useful.

Before entering Plensen, everyone was stopped, and they passed through normally only after Mu Lin stepped forward.

"Xiao En, I'll leave them to you. Those who are injured will be sent to the doctor, and those who are not injured will be given food and rest right away." Mu Lin ordered to Xiao En while walking.

Unexpectedly, Xiao En subconsciously glanced at Lin Yanxi, seeing her nodding with a smile, then hurriedly said, "Don't worry, just leave it to me."

Although he was also injured, the minor injury didn't matter, and he could go to the doctor, so there was no need to worry about him at all.

But after watching them leave, Mu Lin looked at Lin Yanxi with a smile, "You are not bad, you subdued them so quickly, but now you don't even listen to me."

Lin Yanxi couldn't help being a little embarrassed when she heard this, "Now I understand why sometimes high ranks are useless in the army. If you don't take the lead and convince them, you won't really convince you."

"It seems that you have already understood how to lead troops in advance." Mu Lin didn't care about the situation just now, but looked at her wound worriedly, "The doctors here... can't compare with Julia, so your I'll take care of the injury."

Of course, Lin Yanxi would not refuse, and went to an empty room with Mu Lin. The conditions here are much better than the base. Not only are there all kinds of modern things, but even the medicine box is ready.

Seeing Lin Yanxi looking around, Mu Lin explained, "This is actually the room Eric prepared for you, but it's just that you haven't come, it took so many days."

"At that time, when I received the news that you hadn't arrived, I instinctively felt that you had come out, so I immediately led people out of the base. Sure enough, there were signs of a fight on the road, and the car you left behind."

"Fortunately, I was careful at the time and saw the mark you left, otherwise I would have really messed up."

Hearing his words, Lin Yanxi laughed, "I don't believe it, you're going to mess yourself up?"

"It doesn't matter what the situation is, okay? When I arrived at the scene, there was nothing but a pile of corpses, and you disappeared too. Don't you think I'm scared?" Mu Lin came over with the medicine box while talking, and said casually , "The clothes are off."

Lin Yanxi was taken aback for a moment, but then she started to tease and asked deliberately, "What are you doing?"

Mu Lin was suffocated for a moment, only then did he notice the ambiguity in what he said, his face became hot immediately, and he hurriedly explained, "I...what else can I do, treat your wound, how long do you want to bleed? ?”

"Oh, it's treating the wound, so why are you blushing?" Lin Yanxi nodded suddenly, but she still didn't forget to make a joke of him.

Mu Lin was helpless, but still carefully cut off the red-soaked bandage on her wound, revealing the bloody wound.

Although it was not the first time I watched it, Mu Lin couldn't help but frowned, "You have too many wounds and need to be stitched up. I'll get you some anesthetic."

"No." Lin Yanxi responded instinctively, "I don't need anesthetic."

Just stood up and Mu Lin paused, but immediately realized why she didn't want anesthesia, and hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I'll be by your side, everything will be fine."

"But you will leave at any time, what if Eric transfers you away?" Lin Yanxi didn't wait for him to speak, and immediately said, "Don't say you can't, if he asks you to leave, you have no way to refuse, I have to promise I can be sober when I'm alone."

Mu Lin sat back silently, but he had to admit that there was such a possibility, especially when they had just come back, Eric must see him, and if someone took this opportunity to come to Lin Yanxi, no matter what Whether to interrogate her or sneak attack her, Lin Yanxi who is in a coma is too dangerous.

But even though he understood this, he still couldn't bear to look at Lin Yanxi's injury.

"I'm fine, you can sew normally." Lin Yanxi took a roll of gauze and bit her mouth.

Seeing her like this, Mu Lin had no other choice. He gritted his teeth and sat back again, picked up the suture needle, sterilized and stopped the bleeding, and sewed up.

"Uh..." When the needle pierced into the flesh, there was a burst of pain in her heart, which made her clenched teeth make a sound.

After only a few injections, listening to Lin Yanxi's painful voice, even Mu Lin was sweating profusely, but he also knew that the slower the injection, the more painful it would be for Lin Yanxi, so it's better to end it quickly.

So regardless of Lin Yanxi's pale face, she couldn't help speeding up.

Finally, the suture was finished, and Mu Lin didn't hesitate to put down the needle and thread in his hand, and began to bandage the other side.

After finally treating the wound, he looked at Lin Yanxi again, but saw that Dou Da's sweat was dripping down, his face was pale and bloodless.

Mu Lin looked at her worriedly, "How are you...?"

Lin Yanxi shook her head weakly, "This pain is much more painful than being tortured with the blood blade, why don't you use this trick next time you select someone."

"You think I'm Nanny Rong?" Mu Lin said angrily after hearing this.

Seeing her like this, he no longer wanted to joke around, and suddenly hugged her directly.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Lin Yanxi didn't have the time to react at all, her whole body was already in the air, and she was already hugged, but as long as she moved her shoulders, the pain was severe, so she didn't even dare to struggle.

"Don't move around." Mu Lin said angrily, "Now you don't have to think about anything, just sleep well and leave the rest to me."

While talking, he walked into the bedroom, put her on the bed, and took the bag from the side, "Remember to put this away, Eric still trusts us now, and there will be no extraordinary measures for the time being, but we can't be careless."

This is the information they have already allocated. Although these are not many, they are only a few documents, but they are the most important, so they nodded lightly, "Don't worry, I will keep them well."

Mu Lin smiled, and patted her lightly without saying anything, "Go to sleep."

Lin Yanxi nodded vigorously, said nothing, and closed her eyes in peace.

There was nothing wrong with her worrying, she didn't sleep for a while, Mu Lin was called to see Eric, and Lin Yanxi had to be woken up.

In fact, it's okay for her to rest if she is the only one left, not to mention that she hasn't had a good night's sleep these days. Compared with that, it's considered a safe environment now.

But as soon as Mu Lin left, she couldn't fall asleep anyway, sat up directly, kept the information carefully, avoided the wound to wash, and changed into clean clothes. Finally, she felt more comfortable, and her physical strength seemed to have almost recovered .

But at this time, someone knocked on the door suddenly, and it was not Mulin who was waiting, but Eric's people, asking her to go to see Eric as well.

This was expected, but it was a little unexpected that it would be this way, but he followed him directly to Eric.

Eric's residence was not far from her room, it was actually just an inconspicuous small house next door, but after walking in, he found something strange.

Looking at this luxurious and spacious room, Lin Yanxi smiled disdainfully. These people are really tired every day, whether it is Sol's substitute, or Eric's small house that looks too inconspicuous on the outside , just to live.

But the price of living is the loss of freedom and too many things, and in some respects he is even worse than an ordinary person in China.

Thinking of this while walking, Lin Yanxi suddenly felt a little sympathetic to these people. They were clearly in power, rich and powerful, but they wanted to hide like a dog.

But at this moment, the person leading the way stopped suddenly, "Miss Lin, the commander's room is in front."

Lin Yanxi nodded her head lightly, walked over and knocked on the door, and opened the door when she got a response.

There were only Eric and Mulin in the room, but Eric had those materials and photos in front of him at this moment, and his expression was a little ugly.

Seeing Lin Yanxi approaching, Mu Lin looked up at her, and the first thing he said was to ask, "Does the wound still hurt?"

Lin Yanxi shook her head and sat beside him, "Is something wrong?"

"The commander wants you to explain the situation of the mercenaries in detail. After all, I am not the person involved, and I don't know the details." Mu Lin patiently explained.

Lin Yanxi then looked at Eric, "The commander wants to know what's going on with them?"

"How did they sneak up on you?" Eric asked directly, "Also, are you sure they are cooperating with Sol's people?"

"Of course I'm sure." Lin Yanxi said affirmatively when she opened her mouth, "At that time, those people from Sol attacked us first, and the snipers used their cover to attack us again. They were simply cooperating."

"If you don't believe me, you can go and look at the corpses. You should be able to tell that they are Sol's people."

Eric nodded, "Do they have good snipers?"

Lin Yanxi nodded vigorously, "It's a master, definitely a master who has experienced actual combat. If I didn't bring these people I trained with me, maybe I really wouldn't be able to come back."

"However..." Lin Yanxi looked at him while talking, "It's strange, whether it's Sol's people or the mercenary people, it seems that they knew in advance the time and route of our coming to Plensen. They were lying in wait for us to get into the ambush circle."

"If I hadn't turned to another direction at that time, I don't know how many ambushes there will be."

Hearing her words, Eric's face became even more ugly, but then he pointed to the things on the table, "Then these are all found on them?"

"That's right, the photos of you and me were found on their bodies, and the other materials were found in Sol's home. I thought at the time that since we were already at war, I should at least have more information about them." , so I brought these here.”

In fact, most of the things that Lin Yanxi brought back were useless, after all, Eric knew something inside, but now the top one was the agreement Wu Haiyang signed with Saul privately.

The agreement itself exists, but the original version is not like this. With the two people's counterfeiting skills, they have quietly changed something, and such a little thing looks inconspicuous, but it can bring Wu Haiyang a lot of trouble.

Sure enough, after hearing Lin Yanxi's words, Eric stared closely at the agreement and the photo.

It took a while to ask, "You may not know that I was attacked a few days ago, and I was also a sniper, right?"

Lin Yanxi shook her head, "You only said you were attacked, but you didn't say who it was."

But when he said this, he suddenly paused, "You mean...the one who attacked you and the one who attacked me were a group of people, or were they commissioned by the same person?"

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