Spiritual Energy: I Just Want To Farm Peacefully

Chapter 390 Population is Resource

"Okay, okay, don't fight. Since there are these five people, there must be more humans in that world. It's pointless to fight for this population."

"Yes, let them continue to explore. In addition, after all, this is a joint action of everyone. Naturally, we can no longer be obsessed with the issue of belonging to the people. No matter who belongs to the people, as long as there is something to gain, it is everyone's public."

Several other gods hurriedly came out to smooth things over. If they hadn't invaded yet, and they had a conflict first, it would be meaningless.

Several gods reiterated the rules set at the beginning, and the two gods who were about to fight had no choice but to let go of their grievances for the time being.

But these five people still have to be snatched back.

These gods, although they are all superior and capable, in fact, their strength is closely related to the power of belief. The more people believe in them, the stronger their strength will be.

Once no one believes in a god, no matter how powerful the god is, it will dissipate in this world.

Most of the beliefs in the realm of the gods come from the barbarians, and the barbarians who have shown wisdom since childhood are the best source of belief.

But in the Realm of the Gods, there are many gods. Due to the problems of fertility and food, the number of barbarians is only so many. There are more wolves and less meat. Only powerful gods can have a large number of barbarians as subjects.

The relatively weaker ones can only pick up some soup and water to drink. Under such constraints, the five new intelligent beings are really a great temptation.

The oracles of the gods came one after another, and the barbarian elders who had been sent to Blue Star respectfully accepted the oracles, quickly issued orders one by one, and then proceeded to the area where humans were discovered.

This process seems to be a long one, but in fact, less than three minutes have passed. Bruce and the young master are still immersed in the joy of the party at this moment, and have not noticed the danger at all.

As a bodyguard, he was supposed to strictly guard his post at such a time to protect the safety of his employers, but as soon as the rich young master invited him, Bruce immediately joined in. After all, these three beauties are really very good-looking.

But even if Bruce is dedicated to his duties, it is useless. In front of experienced barbarian warriors, he is a guy who has been promoted through drugs, and he is of no use at all.

Soon, the barbarian elders arrived.

"good very good!"

He looked at the five naked humans in front of him, his eyes glowed, and he shouted hello in barbarian language.


The barbarian elder didn't hide his voice, so the strange language and excited voice woke up the five people on the ground from the joyful situation in an instant.

"Kidnap away, don't kill any of them!"

There is a language barrier, and the barbarian elders can't understand what these five people are saying, but it doesn't matter, and they can be adjusted slowly in the future.

At the order of the barbarian elders, a group of ten barbarians moved forward quickly, and at the same time, a fine net tanned with special materials enveloped the five people.

As soon as the five people woke up, they saw a few strong men with primitive clothes and twisted muscles coming out of the nearby grass. These strong men were an average of 1.9 meters tall. The bloody aura that came out shocked the five people who had been living in a peaceful area in place.

Seeing so many people, the three beauties thought of something bad, and screamed in horror, and the rich young master also screamed loudly: "Bruce, stop them!"

Hearing this, even though Bruce was naked, he clenched his fists, ready to rush up and fight.

But they were not given this chance at all, a net engulfed all five of them, no matter how hard they struggled in it, they couldn't break free easily.

A barbarian warrior easily lifted the fine net containing five people, ignored the five people's terrified shouts, and carried them to the temporary station.

As expected by the gods, these five people were really just appetizers.

With the continuous exploration of the barbarian warriors, more and more humans were discovered, and about 50 or 60 people had been collected in the temporary station.

But what makes the barbarians and the gods behind them even happier is yet to come.

The next day, a barbarian team discovered a city built by humans more than 20 kilometers away from the passage.

Low city walls, tall buildings, and densely packed human beings living in it like ants.

This brought a great psychological impact to the barbarians, who had always been a primitive tribal structure.

This is the impact of the high on the low, and the impact of civilization on the primitive. If in an era without extraordinary power, this impact will be transformed into fatal lethality to the low-level groups, and the low-level groups will fall into a situation of extinction.

But in the era of extraordinary power, this situation has turned 180 degrees.

"A lot of humans!"

"Even the largest tribe in the realm of the gods doesn't have such a magnificent scene."

"Those long-looking things on the city wall bring me a strong sense of danger, and they are likely to be defensive weapons."

The barbarians hid in the distance and observed the situation of the city from a distance.

After the wilderness became more and more dangerous, almost all countries chose the same approach as Huaguo, that is, to gather the scattered population and save the defense force to the greatest extent.

The result of this approach is the large-scale expansion of urban areas and the disappearance of rural areas.

To another extent, the goal of 100% urbanization has been achieved.

A large amount of cultivated land is abandoned, and the population density inside the city has reached an unprecedented height. If it weren't for the emergence and popularization of spiritual plants, human beings might be dragged down by the food problem before the beasts came.

The spiritual rice that was originally planned to be used by practitioners is more effective for ordinary people. Just a few grains of spiritual rice that contain spiritual energy can meet the energy needs of normal people for half a day.

The same is true for low-level practitioners, as long as the energy in the spiritualized rice is not refined, it is more than enough to maintain life.

Huaguo, the spiritual plant, has never voluntarily leaked it, and even strengthened border supervision, but after so long, these countries have obtained the seeds of the spiritual plant through various means.

Although the progress of cultivating spiritual plants is a bit slower than that of Huaguo, it can still be managed barely.

At the same time, the gods in the realm of the gods also looked dumbfounded.

"People, a lot of people!"

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect such a world to exist. This is simply a world specially created for us gods!"

"So many people, what do they live on? How should the production problem be solved?"

A lot of chatter.

To make these gods, who have been reticent all year round, speak so much at once like ordinary people, it can be seen how happy they are.

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