"I understand." Yan Weiwei doesn't understand the investigation of the case, but some people have this ability, and some people have the ability to find out the murderer with just a little bit of clues.

"Junior sister, please don't tell anyone what happened today, so as not to cause panic. There are still some things that are not confirmed and cannot be spread."

"Senior brother, don't worry, I won't tell anyone else."

"And in the future, except during competitions, never go out alone. The horrific incidents I mentioned are true. You, a female cultivator, are particularly dangerous."

Ye Tian's caring words and eyes made Yan nodded slightly obediently, and Ye Tian was very satisfied with her well-behaved look. Girls are cute like her, but it would be the most troublesome if they were like the princess walking behind them.

Long Feifeng, who was in the palace maid's arms, stared closely at Yan Weiwei's back. The intimate chat between their senior brothers and sisters made Long Feifeng very jealous.

She was very annoyed and had to bow her head because she was restrained. She, as a princess, had actually known for a long time that even her father would not dare to do anything to Ye Tian.

The king who lives in the castle is actually surrounded by many forces. If he is not careful, he may be overthrown and establish a new king.

This is the world of cultivating immortals, not the world of civilians. Many people from big families are more capable than the people in their palaces. If they have the intention to rebel, they will destroy the people in their palaces.

Now that she is a princess, she is actually just a pawn. She doesn't know who her father will marry. Marrying someone from a foreign country to consolidate the security of the country is something she dare not think about.

This is why she should choose her own husband and find someone she likes as her consort instead of going to a foreign country to be a slave.

As soon as they entered the city gate, the soldiers closed the city gate. It was already getting late.

Ye Tian took Yan Weiwei to a shop selling magic equipment. When the waiter saw them, he asked them what they wanted to buy.

Ye Tian exchanged code words with Xiao Er, and then said to Xiao Er:

"I have a magic weapon here that I want to sell to your shop. Please ask your shopkeeper to come out and identify it."

"Sir, our shopkeeper is inviting you to the inner room. Young Master will bring the magic weapon in for the shopkeeper's appraisal."


With a look, Ye Tian entered the room inside the shop with Yan Weiwei and Long Feifeng, who was being held by the palace maid. This was a soundproof room with a magic circle.

"Dong dong dong"

Ye Tian gave a signal to knock on the door. After he knocked on the door, the door opened from the inside. There was a middle-aged man dressed as a shopkeeper. It seemed that his cultivation was only in the foundation building stage. In fact, it was not. The waiter just now was already a golden elixir. During this period, the shopkeeper also had the Golden Elixir Great Perfection.

He concealed his presence and opened a shop here, which also became their patron saint everywhere and the contact point of the office. This time, after receiving the order, all members of the family were dispatched to patrol this place.

"Sir, please bring the magic weapon in. We will give you a suitable price after appraising it."

"Okay, let's go inside and talk."

Yan Weiwei didn't know why they spoke like this, but felt that there was something behind them.

The shopkeeper waited for them to enter and then closed the door.

"Master, please sit down. I have received the order. Master will come here to handle the case."

"Well, there's nothing unusual here, right?"

"Nothing unusual has been found yet. Did Young Master discover something?"

"Well, I caught a suspect.

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