Jiang Tang looked at such a powerful ancestor of the Invincible Sect, the so-called great power in this immortal world, dying like a wisp of dust!

I don't feel it's a pity, but I feel sad. Practitioners are just like human beings. One wrong step will cause harm to their lives. In this life, they may do many wrong things, harming others and themselves!

Just like when people are born, they are kind-hearted, but due to external circumstances, good people turn into bad people. Some people have a chance to change their ways, but some people never regret it. This person is already extremely bad!

Jiang Tang didn't go near the first Invincible Sect ancestor before, and after his death, he sent the annoying Sakura Country to deal with them!

This time, he protected the innocent lives of the people and innocent lives that the Invincible Sect ancestor had implicated.

I just discovered that although this is a small island, about the same size as the previous one in Sakura Pavilion, their attire is similar to that of Xia Guo.

It's just that their island has a different name. It belongs to another small country, a small affiliated country of Xia Kingdom. The people there look similar to the people of Xia Kingdom, and maybe their bloodline is similar!

Maybe it is because it is close to other small countries. This small country is very prosperous. Although it is a small country, speaking of prosperity, it may be even better than Xia Country!

The Xia Kingdom has a lot of land, a lot of mountains, and a lot of people. There are many ravines and valleys where no one lives, and transportation is inconvenient, unless it is a wealthy person or a place to cultivate immortality.

The mortal area is extremely poor. Jiang Tang had traveled with a flying magic weapon before, so it was a little clear!

This small country is different. It doesn’t have many big mountains, a few hills, some land, and not a large population!

However, the people here are very diligent. Maybe because the place is not big and it is a small island with sufficient water resources, they have used the hills to open up wasteland. People can make a living by fishing and planting on the seashore.

Maybe it’s because the sea area is convenient, but of course there are many people doing business in this area!

Those who do business are rich, and those with power are also rich. Those powerful people in small countries are even more wealthy!

However, the people here are not like the Xia Kingdom, where there is a world of cultivators, and there are more people and warriors here.

Jiang Tang concluded that this conclusion was well-founded. They stayed here for a few breaths, and the power was controlled by them. When they resisted, some people were implicated!

However, no powerful person appeared at high altitude to investigate this aspect of information!

There was no powerful spiritual consciousness to scan over to see what was happening!

After the incident happened, those warriors were also affected. They might not be as scared as ordinary people, but they were also cautious and wanted to find out what happened!

It's just that their abilities are not strong enough and they can only see into the distance from a high place. According to their abilities, how can they find out what is happening!

Jiang Tang, take a look, what are the specialties here? Or it may be a mine source. It is discovered that it is just a small country and does not have many good things. Without more mountains, there is no spiritual grass suitable for them to borrow for cultivating immortals!

He didn't find anything good, so he stopped staying. He still had important tasks to do. He was an Invincible Ancestor, but he only killed two, not to mention that there was also an Invincible Sect leader who escaped.

Beat the snake to size, so that it will never turn over. This is considered a small person's escape, but it will not be able to make a bigger wave!

The two flying magic weapons of Jiang and Tang, and the Invincible Sect ancestor were cunning. They did not escape to the same place. They all escaped in this sea area, escaping in all directions, but they all fled to some small countries.

According to the information he sent back from the golden and moonstone spirits, an Invincible Sect ancestor had fled into a small country and was hiding in that small country, and then seemed to be going to another place in the teleportation array!

If he hadn't been followed by pets, this Invincible Sect ancestor would have run away like this!

Of course, Jiang Tang would not let the evil spirit go just like that, and he would have to expose any conspiracy and conspiracy.

"Jiang Tang, where are you going?"

Ye Tian was very excited to watch it just now. Everyone was excited to find that the evil demon was punishing him, especially the righteous ones.

Feeling that the strong kills the strong, it's so easy to capture them!

Ye Tian knew that it would not be that easy if it were her. After all, she was not as capable as the other party, and there was still a big step to go. The other party was an evil spirit, and he had no way to restrain the evil spirit's methods!

Ask yourself, he is not as good as Jiang Tang in this aspect.

Others say that men can't say no, it's very embarrassing to say no!

Ye Tian might be arrogant when others are not as good as him. How can he be arrogant in front of capable people?

I can only envy you, and you can only learn from other people’s experiences and methods!

"Didn't four evil spirits escape just now? I only killed two, and now I'm tracking the other two. As for the one who used the teleportation array to escape before, that person's ability is not as good as these, so I'll kill that one last! "

Jiang Tang explained frankly that killing a powerful person is as easy as killing a sparrow!

He is the only one like this!

Ye Tian... was speechless. This man was extremely powerful. This is how things are in the world. People are more likely to die than others. If you are escaping from such a powerful person, let alone chasing him, you won't even know how to track him if he escapes!

"Does that invincible master leave it to me to practice?"

Jiang Tang glanced at Ye Tian, ​​maybe he had been staying in the flying magic weapon, maybe he was too bored, it would be good to let him practice his skills, so he nodded "Yeah"!

"Jiang Tang, are you using those elves for tracking? I heard that you gave these elves to others. Can you give one or two to me? Also let me keep pets. They are a good weapon for tracking enemies. , maybe it will help me a lot in the future!"

Ye Tian thought about his profession. At this moment, he was lazy and went out to travel. He would have to go back eventually. It was his responsibility there. The general who was the patron saint of the ancient Xia Kingdom also had to have a divine weapon. Otherwise, how could he punish the bad guys?

Jiang Tang thought of this. No one was happy to give away his things. The golden elves and moonstone elves reproduced very quickly. Their functions were similar. They were indeed good artifacts for tracking enemies!

In addition to tracking, surveillance is also very good. Whether in the world of immortality or in some places they travel, wherever they go now, they have not found any high-tech trackers or monitors!

Like the world of immortality, or like this planet, they don't have such artifacts to monitor bad guys, let alone tracking functions. If bad guys escape, they don't know who did it!

You can give items to others, and of course you can also give them to Ye Tian. I hope that giving him some pets to protect himself will enable him to protect himself and the people.

Another selfish motive is that he wants Ye Tian to be able to protect his senior sister Yan Weiwei!

"Okay" Jiang Tang agreed to Ye Tian, ​​and in the prehistoric treasure spiritual field space, he personally found the male and female of the golden elves and moonstone elves' insect willows and gave them to Ye Tian!

If it were someone else, it would be difficult to tell the male and female insect birds. As the owner, even though the unborn insect eggs have not yet recognized their owner.

He has a way of understanding this aspect. Of course, the elves who have been born and recognized their masters help him pick them out in one thought!

"This is the golden elf, the egg of the moonstone elf. There are male and female eggs, and they can be reproduced. As long as you raise them well, and then recognize the owner when the eggs are born, you will have as many pets as you breed. I hope you can Use it for yourself, cherish it, help more victims, and fight against the bad guys!"

After hearing this, Ye Tian was very happy and in a good mood. He nodded to Jiang Tang and even said: "Thank you, that's great. With this pet, will I be able to face people with higher abilities than me?" Can I handle it?"

As he said this, he put this, which would be his pet, into a storage bag for breeding spiritual pets. He looked like he cherished it. Then he thought about it and felt that in order for the eggs to hatch quickly, he decided to recognize the owner as soon as possible. Shouldn't I ask Jiang Tang for advice?

After all, he has experience in raising these pets and can give them faster and higher upgrade space!

"Jiang Tang, what does this pet eat? How do you raise it? Give me some strength!"

Jiang Tang nodded, knowing that Ye Tian did not have space, and might have some resources. He also gave some resources. It was not like he had the prehistoric treasure spiritual field space. He could use this spiritual pet directly. Where they were born, there was resources for their growth.

For example, Jin Cancan was born from the golden energy in the sun. What they absorbed was golden energy, and they could also absorb nutrients from the spiritual plants planted in the prehistoric treasure spiritual field space.

Moonstone elves are directly on the moon, and moonstone is their nourishment!

If it was raised specially, the energy from the sun and moon must be given to Ye Tian and kept as a pet for him!

Jiang Tang also gave others gold energy and moonstone energy before. I don’t know if others have used this energy to practice!

Jiang Tang also gave it to Ye Tian as a gift. These two energies can be used to refine weapons.

"Here you go, these two kinds of pets are raised with these two kinds of energy. They don't need much else! After they are born, they can absorb the spiritual energy from the outside, so they don't need to be raised with these two kinds of energy. However, Pets are based on their owner’s abilities, and they become stronger.”

Ye Tian, ​​a smart man, understood Jiang Tang's explanation as soon as he heard it. It turned out that she had given so much golden energy and white energy to many people before, and even the base of his own Holy Sect was illuminated by these two energies. .

His current abilities are not as good as Jiang Tang's, and his pets are incomparable to the other party's pets!

Ye Tian encouraged himself. One day, when she becomes so strong, she won't have so many worries!

He happily put what little he had left into the storage bag!

Then he realized something again, and looked at Jiang Tang expectantly. If you can give away pets, you can also give away energy, right?

Jiang Tang received Ye Tian's look and had no choice but to give him two more energies.

These two kinds of energy are inexhaustible. The sun and moon in the prehistoric treasure spiritual field space will be born if their energy is harvested!

When he first put those two kinds of energy into the space inside his own body, when the space inside his body became a small world, there was also the sun and the moon!

He also went to observe and found that these two energies also exist in the sun and moon!

Maybe he has stored some immortal energy in space, the space of this small world in his body, and the energy on the sun and moon has such a little color!

It's that kind of colorful color, the color is just faint!

Jiang Tang discovered that the flying magic weapon passed through a small country. This is a small country in Asia. It is a small island in the sea not far from Xia Kingdom. This small island is as small as some small countries he has seen before!

This place belongs to different ethnic groups, their clothes, their culture and language are all different!

Jiang Tang discovered that this was a kimchi country. Their faces and bodies were similar to those of the Xia people, just because they might be Asians.

It’s just the difference in language and culture that makes the difference!

Their clothes are different. Of course, there is a kingdom here. Take a look, there are many who are learning martial arts, there are also nobles who are rich, and the poor are also very pitiful!

This was none of his business. He didn't find any evil spirits or anything like that, so he didn't care about it!

As for what kind of resources are available here?

It didn't attract his attention, even though the evil demon was walking through the teleportation array here. After observing the teleportation array and destroying it, the place where the teleportation array was located was the courtyard of a residence!

There is also an aura of evil spirits in this house, perhaps left by the Invincible Sect ancestor. There are also people in this house, and their abilities are not very high. Jiang Tang conveniently disabled their abilities!

The flying magic weapon did not stop. No one in the flying magic weapon knew what Jiang Tang did when he passed through this small country?

The flying magic weapon quickly tracked in the direction of the message in the sky!

After passing this small country, there are also oceans leading to other places. Perhaps using the teleportation array method, we arrived at another country. The countries were not very close, but we arrived quickly.

Jiang Tang already knew from the information fed back by pets that the name of that small country was the United States. This country had the same name as the country he heard in the civilized world. Maybe it was a balanced world!

He would like to see if those people in arrogant countries are equally arrogant in a balanced world? Shameless and insidious!

When Jiang Tang thought about it, he wanted to see that country. If there was anything he didn't like, he would just blow it up.

When he arrived at that small country, there might be other small countries nearby. He thought it would be a good idea to travel around and pick up some bargains and some good stuff!

He doesn't need it, he can sell it or give it to people in his hometown.

During this trip around different planets, you must bring back the resources you picked up. It would also be good to give them as gifts or sell them!

Jiang Tang's dark thoughts flickered in his eyes, and Ye Tian beside him suddenly seemed to feel it!

"Jiang Tang, are you holding back any bad ideas?"

Ye Tian realized that speaking frankly was a bit pity for those who were targeted by Jiang Tang. What could he do wrong? He must be stared at by the devil Jiang Tang!

Jiang Tang, the devil's pet Eryao Kuairen, said quickly: "Hey, my master can't stand those people! Hahaha!"

Er Yao's gloating laughter inspired Qing Niu to smile too!

Ye Tian..., of the same kind, has whatever kind of pet it has as its owner!

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