Lai Jianlin is preparing to go to the county seat later to buy some better fabrics and add these prey as gifts!

Of course some pastries will be added too!

With the flying magic weapon here, they decided to identify all the relatives of the Ding family today.

Ding Ling recognized her relatives this time, and the gifts she prepared were too common in the world of immortality, but in their county, wealthy people might not be willing to get a pig when visiting relatives, not to mention other gifts.

Ding Ling took his family with him to Lai Jianlin's flying cabin. Not only did he not have to stay in the flying magic weapon, monks like them had many storage bags, rings, etc., and the space was so big that these gifts were placed One bag, no hindrance at all!

The two brothers from the Lai family are also together. After all, they are a group and play a protective role!

Although no more advanced monks have come to this county yet, their mission is to protect the young master. Where is the young master going? They follow wherever they go.

Lai Jianlin has never done such a visit to relatives before. Young elites from a big family, like them, only have others come to visit. Even if they participate in some competitions with family members, it is only based on dates!

A close relative like the family would go with his parents when he was a child. When he gets older, he will be immune!

Occasionally, there are distinguished guests coming to the family. As the young master of the family, I will meet him for a while, but I will not accompany him all the time!

Today, he deliberately accompanied Ding Ling as his boyfriend to recognize his relatives. In doing so, he also believed that these relatives would be his relatives in the future!

As for whether there will be intersections in the future, it depends on whether Ding Ling is free and whether it is necessary?

The first stop they took to recognize their relatives was their grandparents' house five miles away. When they landed from high altitude, such a special way caused a sensation and attracted onlookers!

Ding Ling's grandparents have three uncles, and all three uncles have several children. The three aunts also went to their parents' house yesterday and are back today. As for the younger generation, they are also at home. It is indeed a coincidence. They were just about to go find someone else. When relatives of the Ding family discovered the arrival of the Ding family, all visiting relatives moved back!

Ding Ling’s mother’s maiden name is Zhou, and the Zhou family entertained her very warmly!

The return of Immortal Ding Ling made the Zhou family feel quite proud and honored.

The Zhou family welcomed guests into their home, and the young woman entertained Ding Ling warmly.

As for the rest of the Ding family, introduce Lai Jianlin and this group of people!

Ding Ling wants to put the gift on the table, and as for the pig, release it in the yard at the door.

The monks were amazed by this huge gift. This was a living wild boar!

The tied wild boar saw the light and started to scream "Woo!"

The Zhou family also got ready and called people from the village to help them kill pigs and cook a feast!

Their village is not very big, with only more than 20 households. This is a pig slaughter, and some rabbits and pheasants. Taking advantage of this busy time, Ding Ling and Lai Jianlin, along with other members of the Ding family, People, fly to other relatives’ homes!

We went to the relatives of Ding Ling’s seventh aunt and eighth aunt, Grandma Ding’s natal home, and finally Ding Zining’s daughter-in-law’s natal home!

They all left after leaving the gifts. They had lunch at Ding Zining's wife's family's house. Their daughter was already anxious since she had not been able to conceive and have a child for a year after her marriage.

But they were still young, and it was a good choice to choose this young man. The family conditions were pretty good, and most importantly, this family had a daughter who became an immortal!

Unexpectedly, the son-in-law brought an immortal to the house today to make his family look good.

The son-in-law came to the house with such a rich supply of prey, and they were not stingy. They wanted to invite the villagers to kill the prey and treat the whole village to a meal!

Ding Zining and his wife stayed at her parents' house for one night and would pick them up tomorrow!

After all, they may leave their hometown and not come back for a year or many years!

The time in the day is limited, and they will finally return to the Zhou family for dinner!

Ding's mother also stayed at her parents' house for one night and had a heart-to-heart talk with her mother.

Ding Ling did not leave the exercises to strengthen his body to other relatives, but he left the exercises to strengthen his body. As for other relatives, he only left a few sets of exercises to strengthen his body to Ding Zining. Of course this is a photocopy. As for who he gave these exercises to?

It's up to him, not everyone likes to practice martial arts!

Before going to pick up their relatives the next day, their family settled the affairs of the Ding family. They even met with other people and left behind some exercises to strengthen their body!

Lai Jianlin then took Ding Ling to pick him up, and the other Ding family members who were at relatives' homes were preparing to return to the north!

They chose to go back to the north. The Ding family may not be able to do tasks in the northern area, but they can indeed study in her magic weapon cabin!

There may be dangers around them, but they can also teach you. More importantly, experience is very important!

It's not impossible to put the Ding family in one place and be taught by others, but they can't meet often!

Lai Jianlin took away Ding Ling and his two brothers, but it did not affect those who were doing tasks in the north!

Moreover, they chose to travel only for a few days. This was a reasonable arrangement. Everyone else had also made arrangements. During this mortal Spring Festival, everyone took turns to rest!

Focus on patrols to prevent enemies from sneaking up on you again and spies from causing trouble!

People who have doubts continue to collect, they don't think so many lounges here are safe!

After all, there are so many people and it’s a mixed bag!

Luo Yaxuan responded to this peripheral task, but they also had Yun Duoduo. Of course, with her help, tracking and arresting would be much easier!

Luo Yaxuan thought of her brother Lai Jianlin and brought her mother-in-law and the others. Although her junior sister and her family were all there and the master didn't mention their hometown, they still took the time to cultivate their relationship!

Liu Jiaojiao likes days like this the most. She can spend time with her senior brother every day. Whether she is learning exercises or skills, she is always accompanied by her senior brother. She feels so sweet in her heart!

With the help of her senior brother, it will be much easier for her to learn things!

She is not stupid, but she is a bit younger, and her abilities may not be as talented as Luo Yaxuan, just a little bit behind!

Luo Yaxuan doesn't care at all about Liu Jiaojiao's poor abilities. After all, it's fate to find someone you like in life!

There are no excessive demands or strictness on junior sister, as long as she can make progress!

The demons in the west are still surging. After the demon king is caught, another demon king is still promoted. The formation has not been broken yet. For the time being, it is just to consolidate the formation and occasionally destroy those demons!

The monks have a charter, and they don't find it difficult at all to complete tasks. They also use those Western monsters as their magic training, and they kill them with pleasure, with many rewards and benefits.

Jiang Tang and Ye Tian were carrying two pets, and they were killing everyone on another planet. The United States sent magicians, troops, and warriors.

They were all beaten miserably by the magic power of Er Yao and Qing Niu. They thought it was a magic spell created by the ancestor of the Invincible Sect who was transparent in mid-air.

Staring at the Invincible Sect Ancestor in mid-air, his eyes were even more sinister. How could such an old Easterner be so shameless despite his age?

When you come to other people's countries, you are still so arrogant. No wonder they hate the Orientals and kill them all. They want to expel them from this country!

The contempt and roaring of these people will only cause Er Yao to be hit even harder!

The thunder, lightning, and golden light made it impossible for the magicians to resist. Those ordinary warriors and soldiers were directly struck by lightning and fainted!

Er Yao shook his head directly, thinking that they were very tough and could not help but beat them. How could they howl like mad dogs?

I despise this kind of people the most. They are not very capable but are very arrogant. They think they are great. They look down on other countries and behave in a domineering manner. It would be nice to teach such people a lesson!

Qingniu didn't have a good impression of these people. He was disgusted with people who often ate steak and beef.

It feels like some ordinary cow souls are surrounding these people!

No wonder the evil spirit is so strong. In addition to the fact that these people have had human lives on their hands, more importantly, they enjoy killing people. The souls of those cows may not be around warriors like them.

Just because they like to kill, they kill the cattle they breed with their own hands. As for the slaughter, although there are other people, the souls of the cattle will still gather on the person who kills the cattle!

Those who have been slaughtering are generally more evil-spirited, and those holding magic wands, for example, seem to have a lot of lives on their hands!

The magic used by the magic wands in their hands had a blue-black luster. It should have been blue, but the luster turned into blue-black again. It was her magic wand tool that had mutated and was too murderous!

The magician used the tool in his hand to resist the thunder and lightning in the sky. For a while, he only felt hot, uncomfortable, and slightly injured, but they were not as miserable as those ordinary warriors!

I just feel my face burning, and the other person seems to be ignoring me, thinking they are transparent!

But he was able to use such magical power to beat them to a pulp!

The ancestor of the Invincible Sect was also very anxious in the formation. He didn't know that his transparent body was believed by people in this country to be a spell created by him that took credit for other people's abilities.

It has been almost a day since the ancestor of the Invincible Sect was in the killing formation. It has been two or three days since the previous formation was solved, and it has been two or three days since the current formation. I don’t know why the enemy is so patient!

But he knew that if he didn't hurry up, he would only lose more ability!

Breaking formations was not his strong point. It felt like her hair was about to turn completely white and she was about to become bald.

The appearance of the Immortal Wind Daoist before was very embarrassing in this decisive formation!

I feel pain in the injured part of my body, and it hurts again after recovery!

In the decisive formation, he kept using his abilities, trying to break the formation with his abilities, but he discovered again that the greater the ability to attack, the more powerful the ability to counterattack!

There were illusions among them, which made him hard to guard against. At this time, he could no longer think about that much. Was his companion killed?

Have all the people in the sect been killed?

At this time, he just wanted to survive. He didn't see any trace of the enemy, but he was trapped here for a few days. The opponent was so strong. He was like a cockroach. Facing powerful humans, he was so small!

The ancestor of the Invincible Sect was lamenting about life as he was being tortured. If his clothes were not fairy clothes, they would have been in tatters!

Jiang Tang has been watching the show, and it is not his turn to take action at this time. He has not yet encountered a more powerful opponent!

Another reason why he didn't take action was that those magicians were taking action. If he appeared, he would take away all the magic of those magicians, so how would they play?

Always give clowns a little bounce to make them remember. They are not omnipotent, and arrogance is just a clown’s self-confidence!

Jiang Tang has no hatred against the people of this country, but he just can't stand their arrogant looks and looks down on the mean faces of the Orientals!

Er Yao, Qing Niu went to treat them, and he was even more excited to watch the show!

Oh, there are no computers, no mobile phones, and no Internet here. If you want to see the excitement, you have to go and do it yourself!

Jiang Tang just can't stand these people on this planet. If the people in this country are compared with the people in Sakura Country, he looks down on the people in Sakura Country even more!

He is now powerful and can punish many people with just a few clicks of his fingers, but only those who provoke him.

The country also has people with arrogant authority and bad intentions, as well as kind people, but they are just righteous. Sometimes these people have a harder time living than the villains!

In the end, Jiang Tang saw nothing but punished those magicians who were arrogant and killed too much and let them go to see God!

As for those who were stunned, soldiers and those with force value, let them shed their skin even if they don't die!

Later, this country sent some strong men, thinking that the enemy was going to destroy the country for them, so they tried their best to fight with their own strength!

Jiang Tang just waved his hand, and those so-called strong men were like ants, absorbing the magic power in them and turning them into ordinary people!

As for those army soldiers, just punish them by fainting!

It is also time to deal with this Invincible Sect ancestor. In Invincible, the ancestor has not broken the formation yet and has been banned in the second formation for several days.

Jiang Tang waved his hand and fired out a spell, and the formation created by the elf was broken.

The old master in Invincible felt that the formation was broken, and his body relaxed. Just when he was about to escape, he only felt a heavy pressure, covering his head and face. His body was like a ball of fire burning, and he couldn't wave it away. Get rid of this feeling.

It is very real, the body is burning on the outside and on the inside.

Jiang Tang used fire spells for the Invincible Sect Ancestor. He rarely used fire spells. Recently, he had two fire spirits. Every time he did a task, he would send them out!

He personally wielded the fire spell. Of course, he contracted the fire spirit. The fire spell was perfect, and he had the ability to transform into a god. How could the ancestor of the Invincible Sect bear the challenge of an ability user one level higher than him? He takes action.

The ancestor of the Invincible Sect is like an ant, unable to resist the opponent's magic power. He allows the opponent to fiddle with it. In less than a breath, he really cannot resist the heat. Even if he uses aperture to resist, there is still a burning smell.

At this moment, he clearly felt that death was coming, and death was approaching. At this moment, he felt a little regretful. Before he died, he felt a little regretful. Why did he choose this immortal sect back then?

Why do you just kill innocent people and become pirates?

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