Jiang Tang discovered that the real daughter was also changing his destiny in the end. He kept digging holes in the fake daughter. At first he was defensive, but later he started to fight back!

The second-rate character who set her up failed to succeed!

The plan designed for her to go to the countryside failed!

Instead, the fake daughter got herself into trouble. Although the real daughter's family took the money, her reputation was ruined and she later found someone to marry!

Today, during the college entrance examination a year later, I was admitted to a certain university and sold my job. With some of the money I had saved before, I also donated part of it to the welfare home!

Keeping her living expenses, I also saved a little money from working in the past two years, and then turned around and went to school in style!

Of course, those close blood relatives couldn't tie her up, and even the fake daughter couldn't harm her even if she wanted to!

She went to school, and a few years later, she worked and settled in another city. She only had money to send to the welfare institution occasionally!

Of course she would have looked for the blood-related family, but she didn’t recognize him!

The real daughter graduated a few years later and entered a public service unit. Later, she gained some of the abilities she had dreamed of, and she also became very smart over the years. Not only did she get a university certificate, she also got a graduate certificate. It took others five years, but she was 3. Done in 4 years!

Later, there was a prophet, who quit his job and went to work on his own, and now he has the demeanor of a strong entrepreneurial woman!

The blood-related family remains unchanged, and gradually in the wave of elimination, they become less and less capable.

The fake daughter saw the dazzling real daughter on TV one time, and saw through that she looked like an aunt in figure and face!

I hate that I have the favor of the group, and I get the favor of two families as I wish, but I don’t have the strength of a real daughter!

When Jiang Tang saw this, he could only laugh again. Some people only rely on means and are not strong enough. They also think about other people's things and eat shit!

He found that the fate of two souls had been changed, and the light of merit in him was actually stronger!

It seems that he is looking for a soul in hell that he can help!

At this moment, I saw a poor soul. This was a male soul, an unlucky cannon fodder, a door-to-door son-in-law, it can be said to be an unlucky door-to-door son-in-law!

The reason why it is said to be unlucky is that this guy's life was changed, and then his life was controlled again without his knowing it!

Cannon fodder comes from a fairy tale novel. He was originally born with a golden spoon, but because someone in the family wanted to harm his parents, he couldn't. On the day when he was one month old, he was stolen away!

The son of the young master of the family could be stolen so easily. Of course there must be a thief!

After stealing him, I didn't raise him or kill him, but I put him in a basin, wandered in the river, and washed him down the river. If he died like this, there would be no future!

He was originally a young master from a family who cultivated immortals, but because someone deliberately changed his life, he was left living outside. As for the one-month-old child, what kind of child will be used to replace him?

This unlucky man didn't know until his death that his life replacement, his changing destiny, and his miserable life began after he was replaced!

Jiang Tang saw Xian Xia at a glance. Throughout the whole book, he felt a little pitiful for this soul. After his originally good life was replaced by others, it was the beginning of a change in destiny!

I took pity on him and rescued this soul. The reason why he came here to punish him so miserably and turned into a black man was because he drove the villain to a dead end.

The reason why this soul became a villain is that he was caught in a basin by a woman from a poor family while washing clothes. She couldn't bear to see him and his dish, and fished him to the shore!

The woman was just from a poor village. She had already given birth to three sons. Her husband had no skills and just rented other people's fields for planting!

The family is also quite poor. They rent other people's fields for planting, and there is not enough food left over for the whole family all year round.

Because of this woman's kindness, she was reluctant to give this child away to others. She wanted to raise this child, and the family became gloomy!

My mother-in-law's family originally had a large family. Her mother-in-law gave birth to three sons. She became the third daughter-in-law. She was originally the old scalper of the family, but now she insisted on raising a child!

Although the couple are old scalpers, their kindness is the same. Even if the mother-in-law wants to separate their family, they still have to raise their children!

Maybe it was also a plot written by the author, and it was also because this woman was kind-hearted. At the beginning of the article, the family, which was not rich in the first place, was divided up, and there was not much food when they were divided!

Now I have an extra baby. The baby has no milk to eat. I can only ask for some goat milk to raise the baby bigger!

When the children were a few years old, they faced famine again. They rented fields, but there was no harvest. Not only could they not pay taxes, but they also had no food at home. There were many families like theirs, so they had no choice but to go up the mountain to find food!

How can it be so easy to go up the mountain to find food?

Those who don’t know how to hunt can only hunt on the outskirts of the mountain. Even the bark and roots of the trees on the outskirts of the mountain have been scraped off, making it difficult to find food!

Someone went to the mountains for hunting. At that time, his father, as a last resort, went looking for food with others. For the first time, he encountered a vicious wolf coming down from the mountains. Everyone else was fine, but his father injured his leg, and was later rescued. , but paralyzed!

An already poor family has one more patient, making it worse!

He has known since he was a child that he is someone else's child. His parents won't tell, nor will his brothers. Only people in the village will gossip, and people from the cheap grandma's family will also see him sarcastically!

At this time, my father was injured, and others were placing the blame on him, saying that he was the bad guy!

How can a child who is only a few years old be able to take on the important role?

One day, a wealthy family came to pick a child-raised son-in-law, and other families found him instead!

Bought with money!

This rich man also listened to other people's orders and bought him back to be used as a cow or a horse. In the past, he could learn a few words from his brothers and be more free. In order to treat his father, he agreed to sell him to this family as a child. Adopt a son-in-law.

I knew it at a young age and I wanted to repay my parents for their kindness in raising me. I never thought about what would happen in the future!

I think that a wealthy family should be better off than a poor family now!

Of course, the family was reluctant to part with him, and they were unwilling to sell him. They would have nothing to eat, and they would also be in debt.

There was no harvest from the rented fields, so we were in debt, and my father injured his foot and needed money to see a doctor!

Several villages near them also suffered from famine, but they didn't know that it was the hands of certain people that caused famine in several of their villages.

Others are just implicated by them!

Jiang Tang discovered that the whole plot was to buy this soul from a wealthy family and raise him as a cow or horse since he was a child. The one who ate the least and did the most work was still a long-term laborer with no money.

And from the moment he walked in, he knew that the money from this wealthy family was not clean. As for what kind of activities he did to get the money?

Being so young, of course he didn't follow or help. He only knew that the woman he would marry in the future was a fool!

After working as a cow and a horse for several years, he has grown up a bit. Of course he is unwilling to marry this fool as his wife, but he cannot get rid of his current identity!

He is planning secretly, and he also wants to see his original family members, and even more so, he wants to find his biological parents!

I only have one obsession, I want to ask, why did I lose him?

The wealthy household is actually a gangster den. Oh, the gangsters on the mountain secretly communicate with each other!

When the boy went to find the family who raised him, he found that their family and the entire village had been slaughtered!

Just a year ago, the village was massacred by some gangsters, but the news did not reach him!

After he entered the team, he gradually received some information from the outside world!

He was devastated, looking for the murderer, and later found out that it was his group of gangsters who massacred the village!

The young man has never learned the method of cultivating immortals. He has only learned a little boxing and kicking skills in these years, and his ability is not high!

This is something he has hidden, and the master’s family has not yet known about it!

Later, he turned black and tried every means to eliminate these gangsters. He was also killed inexplicably!

But after killing so many people, there was evil energy in his body, he became a ghost, and he didn’t even know who his parents were or who his real enemy was!

Jiang Tang looked at this man's pity, and while punching him with information, he punched a set of exercises, a set of spells, and a set of almighty ability secrets into his mind!

This person can only be reborn. When he is reborn as a child, he will still be replaced by others. After all, such a young child cannot avoid it, and certain things will happen!

Let this soul be reborn at home. When there was no drought, he was only three or four years old. There was a drought about a year ago, a man-made drought!

More than a year is enough time for a child to practice, learn spells, and learn some skills to protect himself!

As for whether you can fight against the enemy?

The abilities of those enemies are much higher than him. A child is in the mortal area. It is difficult to find fairy grass here, and there are no pills to improve his abilities. There are exercises and secrets. The spiritual energy is relatively weak, and he can't practice so quickly!

Jiang Tang thought for a while and kindly gave this soul a light. This light was a small jade pendant space. It was a space jade pendant he refined with some special materials!

You can't plant things in it, but you can put things in it. I kindly put some spiritual herbs for low-level elixirs so that he can practice when he learns almighty in the future. I prepared some low-energy elixirs, a spiritual-boosting elixir, and a marrow-cleansing elixir, each costing 100. grain! 100 grains.

He also gave him ten soul-nourishing pills and ten vitality pills, famous for their effects and how to use them!

I also gave this person a section about his biological parents, the people who harmed him, and the fact that he must practice in a low-key manner when facing hidden enemies!

If he wants to take a family to practice, then he must be stronger himself before taking the family with him, and he must also test whether the family can be trusted!

This is this person. After learning the secrets he gave you, you can go to certain sects as apprentices. His enemies are too powerful and will always find him.

If he doesn't want his family to get in trouble with him, or if he is practicing silently, then he must take his family and practice silently somewhere until his ability improves!

Jiang Tang then thought about helping people to the end and giving him space. If he couldn't plant, he might face some dangers that were unavoidable!

When thinking this way, it is very easy to upgrade this person's space. After all, he is an immortal now. It is very easy to upgrade a storage space. This storage space was made before he became an immortal!

Now that the space has been upgraded, it can be planted, living animals can be placed, and people can live in it!

After he promoted this space, he transplanted some of the spiritual herbs and various fruit trees in the Prehistoric Treasure Spirit Field space, as well as some daily vegetables and fruits, spiritual rice and the like.

After this soul is reborn, when encountering a disaster, he can take his family to take refuge there. With other things, he can live a good life!

Jiang Tang waved his hand and hit him with some fragments and memories from the book, as well as various secrets, and sent him back!

This soul originally carried certain memories and was originally darkened, but with a wave of Jiang Tang's hand, those evil spirits were washed away, and it returned to more than three or four years old!

At this moment, he woke up from his dream and found that his adoptive parents had been kicked out and took their brothers to live in another thatched house. They lived there for several years!

There were several brothers beside him, the eldest was only ten, and the youngest was only one year older than him!

After he opened his eyes, it seemed like a lifetime had passed. The information in his mind made him clear. He realized that he had space and understood the content of entering the space!

Silently entering the space, he discovered that the immortal in the dream had given him fruits, various plants, and a wooden house in this space. He looked at the fruit trees, all kinds of fruit trees, with a sweet smell!

He picked an apple. This was a fruit he had never seen before, but he had seen it in his memory. It was from the dream, to the family after she was sold. He had the opportunity to eat the fruit only after he grew up!

Thinking of a famine a year later, it was actually man-made!

His being sold was also arranged by others, arranged by his enemies. He thought of his biological parents and raised a white-eyed wolf, the one who harmed him!

Looking for his biological parents, keep it for now. The enemy probably hasn’t found him yet!

How to convince the family to leave this place together?

To the immortal's residence?

He felt that he should practice the skills first, and after his abilities improved, he would bring his family in, and then go to some sect and become a disciple there!

With this in mind, I visited the wooden house. The wooden house is divided into upper and lower floors. There are several rooms, and there are beds in several rooms. The wooden house has a kitchen, and there are many things in the kitchen, and there is also a study room!

There are some secrets inside!

And there is a warehouse in this space. In the warehouse are spiritual rice, some harvested crops are placed in it, and a warehouse for medicines!

This may be the spiritual grass grown outside and harvested here!

The ratio of time between space and outside, one hour inside the space is one day outside!

It was still dark when he came in, so there was enough time for him to practice!

He ate a bone marrow cleansing pill. He felt warm after eating the apple just now. He came to the bed in the wooden house and recited the exercises silently!

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