Ye Xuanlong was rejoicing. Fortunately, he had the jade pendant space given by the fairy. At this moment, except for that formation, there was no way to destroy those ghosts and he could only retreat.

Use those talismans in your hands first, it’s time to leave Wolong Mountain!

At this time, he doesn't need to use the flying magic weapon to transfer, so he uses the jade pendant to transfer in space!

Transfer in the air, leave Wolong Mountain, and go in another direction!

100 miles away, that continuous and dangerous mountain range!

Before entering those mountains, they need to prepare more, like the kind of talisman just now, they need to prepare more!

So he killed another chicken and asked his family to use the chicken's blood to draw more talismans.

The space of the jade pendant has been transferred to the sky somewhere. Looking down from the sky, he only saw thick fog. The fog looked like spiritual energy, but he could feel the murderous aura inside!

I couldn't feel the murderous aura in Wolong Mountain before, and I almost got trapped in it!

There will be and need to be more careful.

Ye Xuanlong did not move the jade pendant space to the ground immediately!

He wanted to use his powerful spiritual consciousness to observe that this was the mountain where the crane fell off the cliff. According to legend, among the mountains here, one peak after another looked like a crane when seen from a distance!

He can't see clearly from high in the sky, and the legends about the mountains below have only been heard!

Wanting to clear up the situation inside, he kept exploring, moving his consciousness down bit by bit, trying to find the mystery through the mist!

But on the top of the mountain, I found a screen. Is this the so-called formation?

Do outsiders have to break the formation to enter?

Ye Xuanlong discovered that this was already the top of the mountain in the middle of Xianhe Mountain!

People like him at the Golden Core stage cannot enter the formation with their spiritual consciousness. The formation inside is so powerful, do they have to break through it to get in?

If he doesn't break the formation and goes in, can his jade pendant be transferred in?

Ye Xuanlong is thinking and studying the formation!

Of course his family members don’t know what the situation is like now. You have been flying the magic weapon, you haven’t gone out, you have been drawing talismans!

During the three meals a day, they would share some cultivation experiences and talk about their current situation!

Occasionally, I also ask about some puzzles that I cannot solve!

Ye Xuanlong is the least one, like a master, but he also relies on his own cultivation ability and experience!

If one person teaches several people, it will actually take up a lot of his time, and it will also take up a lot more time in proportion to his space!

It's not all about talent, it's about the ability he's developed over time!

Ye Xuanlong doesn't think he is smarter than his family members. He has read books and has learned some information. He is better than his family members who live in a mountain village and know nothing!

In the past few years of study, my family has used him as the main support, and now when I travel, my family also allows him to be the main support!

The Ye family has been in seclusion for more than seven years. The former peasant family has practiced cultivation. They also have such a low self-esteem and honest character!

Let them think of harming others or fighting with strong people, and they will be afraid. Those weaker than them will tremble because they have no experience and because they are not confident enough!

They don't have enough money and magic weapons. They are like casual cultivators, relying entirely on themselves to earn their fortune!

Ye Xuanlong said that they are a little better than casual cultivators now, that is, he has the support of immortals. When his ability is not enough, there will be secret books and magic weapons to make, and he is constantly unlocking various secret books and various abilities he needs!

According to some of the formations he has learned now, it is impossible to break the formation and get in. How long will it take?

They can't stay here forever, and renting a house can't be wasted!

Ye Xuanlong seemed to have a voice in his heart that kept urging him, calling him, there is a treasure down there, hurry up and hunt for it!

A treasure has been born!

Ye Xuanlong couldn't believe that they had such good luck and found an opportunity when they came here!

When a treasure is born, there will be many people competing for it. How can he get the treasure in the hands of others?

It's not that easy to get a treasure from someone stronger than him, at least not yet!

After much deliberation, Ye Xuanlong still decided not to show up and escaped in Wolong Mountain because the space treasure hid them!

There are hidden magic weapons and talismans, and even the more powerful ones will find them!

He knew from last night that his spatial function was powerful and could give him a kind of protection when his current abilities were not enough!

To find treasures, you must rely on the current jade pendant space!

Ye Xuanlong made up his mind. The idea was that no one in the family could show up from outside, and no one else could find the treasure if they got it!

Because if you can't find the breath and people, you can't find them, so they will be safe wherever they stay!

Ye Xuanlong's mind space began to shift. As he slowly fell, he could feel that the mist was actually filled with evil spirits. This was a different evil spirit from the one he felt yesterday.

This may be a designed formation. Flaws will not appear in the mist, which will be harmful to the body. Without the disintegration of the medicine, the body will also change!

When Ye Xuanlong's jade pendant magic weapon broke through the formation of the Crane Mountain, others took out the flying magic weapon. In the jade pendant space, his spiritual consciousness looked outside.

The jade pendant space is being transferred again. His family members have been in that warehouse. The flying magic weapon is in the warehouse. They don't know that Ye Xuanlong is in a certain room of the flying magic weapon and has gone outside!

He didn't leave the space either. Thinking of the secret treasure hunt, he wouldn't appear outside!

On the mountain peak, you can feel a lot of auras. The monsters are powerful, and some human auras are also here!

They were on the peaks one after another, and the pre-allocated space was transferred to one of the crane peaks!

Ye Xuanlong came here according to what he thought, and he would definitely not miss many things!

Look for the monsters he wants to contract with, or catch those low-energy monsters!

All of this must be done quietly!

There are space magic weapons. In fact, in certain places covered by spiritual consciousness, the sudden disappearance of objects will also make people alert!

Ye Xuanlong knew that this would be the case, and he did not dare to take risks. When he encountered scarce medicines and medicines that were not available in the space, he not only planted some of them of higher vintages or lower vintages into the jade pendant space!

Maybe it’s because I’ve learned various herbal abilities, but before I see a flower or plant, the name and function of that flower and plant appear in my mind!

Each monster will appear in his mind, and he will be taught how to train it!

Ye Xuanlong has already felt such high-intensity monsters as level three, level four, and level five.

Among them are tigers, lions, wolves, and other monsters.

Some relatively rare species appear in this mountain, such as dinosaurs, and some monsters that have never been heard of. Qiu Wei appears in this mountain!

He doesn’t know why these monster names and instructions appear in his mind!

Ye Xuanlong deliberately avoided level three, level four, and level five demons. These demons were relatively powerful and would be more difficult for him to catch and train!

How much effort, time, and resources are needed to train a weak waist!

What Ye Xuanlong wants is not the already powerful monster, he wants that kind of cub, a cub that can develop intelligence!

Who doesn’t want a contracted beast?

It is so difficult to contract a divine beast here!

The voice that appeared in Ye Xuanlong's mind kept calling him. At first he was confused, but then he thought it was a trap!

If you don’t believe this calling voice, there is definitely a trap in it!

Later, I thought that since I came here, I should first browse other places, and then go to the place where the sound appeared!

He wants to find a way out, but also has to watch how many people enter this mountain?

How many monsters are there in the mountains?

When Ye Xuanlong was exploring, from morning to noon, and then to sunset!

He was not in the jade pendant space all the time. During meal time, he would enter the flying magic weapon and then come out in his room.

Don't let the family suspect that he is out!

I don’t do this to deceive my family and get good things without telling them!

The jade pendant planting space is still his secret for the time being. He can't tell this information to his family despite crisis after crisis!

It’s not that I don’t trust my family, I always feel that people’s hearts will change!

The jade pendant space was a gift from others, and it was also something that saved his life. If his family knew about it, it would also put them in a more dangerous position. One less person would know the secret, which actually protects them!

Ye Xuanlong has heard about powerful ability users. When they want to find clues, no matter the opponent's ability is low, searching for souls will hurt the opponent's head. For their own benefit, they will also mutilate and hurt others!

After all, in the scenes he had seen in his dreams, some people harmed others for their own benefit. In the past few years, he had used those animals to take revenge!

Although the beast takes revenge, it is actually related to the cause and effect in the dream!

Those people had hurt many people. He killed those people, but entered hell. In his dream, he was hurt deeply in hell, and the punishment he received was terrifying!

He didn't dare to sleep because he was afraid that information would be transmitted to his mind as soon as he went to sleep. Those messages were terrifying. The information in the dream appeared in his mind over and over again!

He doesn't want the past or what hasn't happened yet, which has changed the trajectory of his life. He uses reborn people or dreams to make his life better!

Although Ye Xuanlong was eating with his family or returning to his room after eating, even at night, he was in the flying magic weapon again!

The jade pendant moves in space. When he encounters something good, he just needs a thought to put the things on the mountain into the space!

There were trees and spiritual grasses. He saw these mountains and looked for many kinds of fruit trees, some of which he did not have!

In the world of immortality, there are many fruit trees that can bear fruit for longevity. If you eat them, you will have spiritual energy in your mouth. This will improve your body at this age!

What he wanted was not to dig into the whole tree and see if there were any seedlings?

You can also have seedling seeds!

If there are no seeds or seedlings, he will cut a branch and just insert the branch into the soil in the space and it will grow!

Some of the trees Ye Xuanlong discovered were not used to make medicinal materials or to eat juice. They were good materials that could be used to make furniture and build houses!

When he saw this material, he conveyed a message in his mind. A coffin made of this material can prevent human body from decaying!

The body can be as good as life all year round!

This kind of coffin where a dead person lived can, after many years, grow a soul from the body, as if he is not dead!

The body will be reborn in a certain year and month. After the incomplete body is restored to life, no matter what was missing before death, it will grow back into a normal person after it is restored to life!

Ye Xuanlong thought it was very fantasy. Would there be such magical trees in the leisure world?

He didn't believe it, but he took down some branches and planted this kind of tree among the trees!

Now the areas for planting in his space are separated, and the planting aspects have been classified!

In one day, Ye Xuanlong found a lot of rare medicinal materials in the Crane Mountain. These were not old enough and had not grown enough to be harvested, so he transplanted those medicinal materials into the space for planting!

The purpose is to conduct various searches and collect all the medicinal materials in the single recipes in his medicine books!

This way he won't be able to use up the medicinal materials, so he doesn't need to spend money to buy them!

As long as he puts his effort into making items, he can sell them for money. He can use some medicines for himself. Going out to buy medicinal materials or elixirs is very valuable...!

Ye Xuanlong has lived in the countryside for several years, and has been frugal with his adoptive parents for many years. He has to be careful about everything!

The next day, his family asked him during breakfast where they were now.

Have you killed that ghost?

"Our current ability is not up to the task of destroying ghosts, so we have to give up and not trap us in it!"

The family members nodded. They just wanted to be safe. If they didn’t have the ability, they had time to make up!

Now they need to hide from many powerful people and encounter powerful souls!

If they don't have enough power now, they can't deal with powerful monsters!

"You should keep drawing talismans here, making elixirs, and killing that soul. We can't do it for the time being. Let's save our lives first. As for the place where there are more powerful monsters, we can't fight forcefully with our abilities.

And I have discovered that people who are stronger than us are looking for items there. Others found us before we showed up and robbed us. The money and items were gone, just for fear that they would kill us! "

Father Ye spoke:

"Then let's wait. We'd better pay attention to safety and hide here first!"

The first backbone of the family is Ye Xuanlong. He has said so, and the second backbone has already spoken!

They didn't dare to take the risk, since they had already said that, they couldn't even kill the ghost!

During the battle in the previous two days, they had already felt the trembling from their hearts with that giant and powerful hand, the fear before facing death!

Everyone is afraid of death, right?

After working hard for several years, no one wants to die just to be killed like this!

Their road to immortality is bright, so why take the risk?

Wait, they have plenty of time. The stronger their ability, the longer their lifespan, and they are not afraid of waiting!

Ye Xuanlong convinced his family that he is not in a hurry to go to the place where the sound came from, nor will he go out. He is looking at that place from a distance. Maybe some people have sensed that there are many cultivators in that place!

He was watching from another mountain!

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