Star Cockroach

Chapter 500: Red walnut

Metal element capabilities are also divided into many types, metal strengthening, metal control, and metal alienation belong to the three basic metal capabilities.

The seed of the iron gall queen chestnut **** is a comprehensive metal fortification. Among the elemental **** foods, they are of superior quality, and the single price can be up to one million rough.

Intuitively, after eating King Rat and White Bamboo, the claws will be harder and sharper. Accordingly, the ability to cut and dig rocks is greatly improved.

The root wreckage was transported back to Li Zhufeng, and the nutrient soil was allocated for the first time for the iron gall chestnut. The effect is particularly remarkable. In just one year, it recovered to the level of the second transformation and evolution, and the height of the tree exceeded 100 meters.

As a result of almost 30 years of rest in the middle, the soul of Tiedan Shuling's soul is completely restored as before, and it will only grow faster and faster when it grows up.

The excavation plan is simple:

King Rat and White Bamboo reach the main level of L4. They are about to be promoted to Lord L2, and the difference is not far away.

Chiwu Mountain also has a magical force food that produces enhanced metal abilities. Exchange 2 servings for them.

The Horned Clan also has the Goddess Huangguanli Divine Seed which strengthens the ability of earth and stone. Exchange 2 servings and give them food.

With multiple enhancements and strength enhancement, it should be relatively easy to dig up.

Babu himself also needs to be promoted to the King of Kings. At that time, she was strong enough to dig to the center of the ruins and also be able to cope with some unexpected dangers.


Lord of L8.

It's not far away from the King of Kings.

In recent years, Babu has reduced the cost of his own force food, slightly suppressing growth, so this time the molting evolution has been separated by 20 years.

Waking up to sleep, the first time, Bai Zhu, who was standing outside the cave, noticed that he got in, helped to open the drawer and fetch food, and said:

"Banbu, the fellow of the Sword-Mantis tribe called the Lord of Cypress County waited at the Mountain Exchange Square and said there was something important."

"Champion County Lord? Not Red Bean County Lord?"

"The Red Bean County Master also followed."

"That should be important."

Lizhu County has grown stronger, and cooperation with the Sword-Mantis Kingdom has increased year by year, and both sides have benefited. The Lord of Sabina County is not low in the Swordman Kingdom and cannot be taken lightly.

The spotted grass eats, and it returns to its physical strength and descends.

"Master of Cypress County! Master of Red Bean County!"

"Banbu County Lord!"

The two sides met and greeted each other warmly. After a brief greeting, Banbu asked: "Master of the Cypress County, should you come here in person, should there be something important?"

"Yes, and it's very urgent." The prefecture of Cypress County said: "Yinshan County Lord was promoted to King of Silver Fir last year. This year's harvest season of Silver Fir and Pine Nuts. . "

"Furthermore, the name of Spruce County was restored to its original 'Ginsu County'."

It is inevitable that the Spruce Mantis abdicated to abdicate his honor. It should be waiting for Yinshan to be promoted to the Mantis, so it was a little later than Banbu expected.

You can feel the sadness in the emotions of Juniper and Red Bean.

With respect for the race, the old praying king who propped up the world of the race towards the end of the evening is not a good thing for the race.

"I have received the news, and the troubled Lord of Juniper County will take a trip in person." Banbu shook the tentacles and greeted, "You have two days of rest at Li Zhufeng, and I will arrange firethorn to prepare food for you."

"Don't bother," the main Cypress County said: "We have to go to the Feiyu tribe to announce the matter. It is also troublesome for the Zhanbei chief to relay the news to the other mountains and counties of the Chihu tribe."

According to the rules of the Kingdom of the Mainland, an important tribal clan, the abdication of the old insect king, the succession of the new insect king, and the name change of the county are all major events. It is necessary to inform the clans of the nearby kingdom that it is a witness.

In the past few decades, Li Zhufeng has received many similar news directly or indirectly.


As soon as the two lords of Juniper and Red Beans left, their fragrant feet hurried down.

The development of Xiangfeng Peak is not satisfactory, and Banbu simply dispatched it, responsible for passing information between Li Zhufeng and Chiwu Mountain.

"Spotted, good news."

Citron also carried a spider's silk bag, landed, and hurriedly opened it, containing various kinds of walnuts.

The spotted spirit was swept away and immediately confirmed that there were 4 walnut varieties in total.

"Walnut? Found a tribal territory?"

"Yes, Guanli Continent found a large tribal territory specializing in walnut trees. It is very large and has the momentum of Chiwu Mountain."

"anything else?"

"The wreckage of the god-approved seeds is a walnut tree, two, carefully checked, there is a tree heart, but unfortunately, they are all dead."


This is the best news I've heard in recent years!

The spotted tentacles swing, took the spider silk bag, inspected them one by one, and the walnut fruit alone could not recognize what kind it was.

There are 31 varieties of walnut trees in heritage memory.

In fact, Bianbu lived for more than a hundred years, and has only seen two walnut varieties: the northern hemisphere, a large number of pecans, and the southern hemisphere, a particularly large number of black walnuts.

Except for these two varieties, the others are rare and rare.

Citron pressed down his mind and reminded: "Banbu, top tree species, soaked walnuts, brought back four high-quality derivatives. There are 19 other walnut tree species, all of which have collected seeds, and I have no energy to carry.

Xiang Xiang returned from Chiwu Mountain. There must be something. The news spread. Red rice, belly bamboo, crown pear, and firethorn all came quickly.

Hearing the news, cheers and joy.

Banbu immediately made arrangements.

Pyracantha went to Chijian County to inform the King of Chijian and organize a transportation team to move the wreckage to Chiwu Mountain next fall.

Take the red rice belt with the big bear and the rat king, and head west to the mountain peak 15 kilometers away from Qiongzhu Peak, inspect a circle, discuss and plan to develop the mountain peak first.

Among the seeds of the god-approved walnut found was a fire-enhancing ability. Correspondingly, there should be a bubble-walnut derivative with a fire element-enhancing ability, and it was named "red bubble walnut." Correspondingly, the mountain peaks opened to grow walnut trees in the future will also be named "Red Bubble Peaks."

There are already two fighters who like walnut trees in Lizhu County ~ ~ But they have settled in Zhuhai for a long time, so it is not easy to move. Nursery and selection can be left to them. Collect seeds from Guanli continent, send them to nurseries in their territories for cultivation, select high-quality seedlings, and then plant red bubble peaks.

The next little warrior who likes the walnut tree, the name was decided in advance, called "red bubble", to settle in the red bubble peak in the future.


Wild pecan species are not very good, and other native species are difficult to find, so few clans specialize in operating walnut trees.

Bubble walnut is the top plant in the walnut tree. There are enough four high-quality derivatives. Babu intends to use this as the core to promote the walnut tree throughout the Red Clan tribe.

Planting walnuts is considered to have some characteristics and can be regarded as the iconic plant of the tribe.

Trees are cultivated, the cycle is too long, it is preferred from generation to generation, and the probability that the germplasm change will trigger the gods is too low. Large-scale sowing of high-quality tree species to obtain naturally-born god-giving species is relatively more reliable.

Birth of the walnut tree god-given seed, the wreckage brought back can immediately play a role.

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