Su Shang:”I don’t understand. Everyone, can anyone explain to me why this picture is incoherent? I was still a child, but why did I suddenly grow up?”

Gui Naifen:”I usually ask you to read more. Books! We don’t have enough knowledge now!”

Fu Xuan:”Fu Chen’s childhood is Fu Chen’s memory. The timeline on the current screen should be where Fu Chen and the man called Void Manzo are going. Somewhere, on the road, Fu Chen fell into memories.”

Jing Yuan:”To be honest, this person… looks familiar, right? Rakshasa, and… master.”

Rakshasa:” That’s not me, at most it’s me in the previous life, but it’s not the me in the previous life, there’s no way of knowing.”

Dan Heng:”I wonder why it feels a bit similar.……”

Jingliu:”I remember, Rakshasa, you are the paladin who came from the Jingting Pope, right?”

Rakshasa:”That’s right, but unfortunately, that place no longer exists. People are tortured by madness and have become disowned. But the Jingting in the previous life… seemed to be better.”

【”Haha, you really know how to joke, Void Wanzang. Didn’t I just tell Theresa and the others? I voluntarily died, and I died voluntarily. This was just a carnival at the end of the world that was five hundred years late.”】

【”It seems to me that you are just covering up your nervousness and fear in this way”】

【Void Wanzang said indifferently, and Fu Chen chuckled.】

【”Maybe, haha, I am indeed nervous and scared. After all, my life has been long enough. Being able to see the key points of the collision will naturally make people happy.”】

【”Didn’t you expect more?”】

【”Why not? If it is just an expectation, you must also understand that the emptiness is hidden and the truly impossible things are destined to be impossible from the beginning.”】

【”Haha, if you are interested in this, then why not accompany me on a journey deep in memory, old friend”】

Fu Xuan:”Inexplicable, what is the voluntary death? The voluntary death? What happened?”

Jing Yuan:”It seems that this past life memory is like playing riddles, hahaha.”

Gui Naifen:”This It’s such an unpleasant way to whet your appetite! What happened!”

Black Tower:”The future and the past are interspersed? It’s interesting, I’m interested too.”

Screwgum:”Black Tower, this is still This is the first time you are interested in things other than research.”

Heita:”Of course! Since I got the memory of my past life, I know very well what kind of person Fu Chen is. I want to see who is expected to An unattainable great genius, is he also a great genius in this life?”

Xing:”My family, Fu Chen, has always been great!”

March 7:”……”

Dan Heng:”……”

Heita:”You are still so disdainful! I think you are about to be cheated!”

On the train.

Walter took a deep breath.

The memories of reincarnation in this life really gave him a headache.……

“Why did Teresa come out too?……”

Walter rubbed his temples, trying to convince himself that this was just a coincidence.

But first it was Void Manzo, and then Theresa, which really made him a little confused.

“Void Manzo… should be the one who came with me in the previous life, that should be correct… but Theresa… Theresa… Hiss!”

Walter took a breath, blinked his eyes one after another, and exhaled deeply.

“It should be just a coincidence… After all, in this universe, there are Himeko, Bronya and Seele… and even Cocolia, so it doesn’t seem strange that Theresa also has a parallel body… Well, Not surprising, not surprising at all!”

【”Fu Chen…Thank you for sending me here. Don’t worry, no matter whether this battle is won or lost, I will do my best to ensure that everyone can come back alive.”】

【Liu Ying wore a smart nun uniform and secretly clenched her fists. Although she did not know the meaning of this war, as a saint of the Pope, she had to go to the battlefield for the Pope.】

【”No, I have already applied to my father. This time I will go on the expedition with you.”】

【Fu Chen said calmly, Liu Ying was confused for a while】

【”Eh? You have never been on the battlefield, is that really okay?”】

【”Don’t worry, I won’t go to the front line, I’m just an intern as a military doctor, but……”Fu Chen hesitated for a moment,”You know, I want to make my own contribution no matter what.”】

【”do you remember? When we first met when we were children, you told me to wait until we grow up. Then you will take me with you to save the world”】

【”But……”Liuying was a little hesitant, but after thinking about it again, she decided to say it,”Fu Chen, although this sentence may be very inappropriate for someone like me who is about to go on a war, I think war is not an effective means to save the world after all.”】

【”You know that threats to star cores have been coming one after another in recent years. Thanks to Jingting’s ability to penetrate into the governance levels of various countries, disasters like madness can be controlled in time.”】

【”But being deeply involved in things that we shouldn’t be involved in has also caused Jingting as an organization to become distracted.”】

【”Your father used to be very concerned about the suffering of the people. He used to personally check whether the relief materials provided to various places every year were appropriate, but what about now? Palace secrets from all over the world fill his desk, and the time he spends getting close to spies every day also takes away the time for your father and son to communicate.”】

【”These are all wrong and abnormal, aren’t they?”】

【”I…I don’t know. Fu Chen also hesitated,”My only wish is to support you as much as possible. I haven’t thought too much about this.””】

【”Fu Chen, I really lack the confidence to win this war. War is a duel where life is on the line. Being able to bring everyone home safely is my biggest wish at the moment.”】

【”You can definitely do it, Liuying, I believe in you”】

【Fu Chen, who seemed a little dull, seemed to only understand this sentence. 】

Fu Xuan:”It seems that the Jingting Pope in the previous life developed very quickly after learning to use the power of the star core. He was almost wiped out by the anti-matter army, but now he has the energy to deal with others.”

Jing Yuan:”I wish them immediate success, haha.”

Fu Chen:”What if the target is Luofu?”

Jingyuan:”Then I wish them no horses.”

Yanqing:”General, you’d better say less. You are the leader of Luofu.” First of all, how can you let others see the joke?”

Jing Yuan:”Don’t be nervous, Yan Qing, in this space of consciousness, just treat me as an old man walking around, and maintain the airs of a general at all times, how can I Aren’t you tired? Hahaha.”

Fu Xuan:”It’s not that I think too highly of myself. Even if the Jingting Pope can skillfully manipulate the power of the star core, he can hardly be the opponent of the Xianzhou Alliance. Moreover, the Jingting Pope has only developed a lot. How long has it been? How dare you take action against Xianzhou?”

Walter Yang:”Let me guess… If China corresponds to Xianzhou… Destiny corresponds to Jingting… Well… then maybe you really dare, It’s just that you will lose.”

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