【”I bet that human will can create instant miracles and make the [Laws] of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers confused and subdued in that short moment.”】

【”I bet my last hope on resurrecting the flying fireflies… and the facts have proven that I did win the bet.……”】

【”You are the most perfect star core container, so perfect that there is no other work of art in the universe. Only you can suppress the most powerful star core that most represents collapse.”】

【”In this way, it allows the wedge from five hundred years ago, the origin point I carefully selected, to take this opportunity to branch off from the branch and extend another branch.……”】

【”This is something I can’t do no matter what when I hold the power but am a slave.……”】

【”That is to say…from the beginning, there was no such thing as time retrieval? But to divide that time into a new world? And in order to achieve this, you must transcend reality, become part of the imaginary number space, and become a slave of the imaginary number tree? Kafka put his hand on his chin and thought for a moment.】

【”And in order to change that person’s fate, you have to exile yourself from it? The result of doing this in time is… you will die, and even your existence will completely come to an end.”】

【”Of course, don’t you think this would make everyone happy?”Fu Chen chuckled,”Just like Prometheus stole the fire from the sky, in that miraculous moment, I was able to bring the power beyond reality on the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers] to the [Wedge of the World]]”】

【”It not only creates a wrong path in history, but also makes me no longer need to destroy the world you love. Haha…although the latter is not important to me haha”】

Fu Chen revealed all his intentions, and everyone who witnessed everything seemed to wake up.

He looks like a villain, but he believes in the power of justice.

In the end, he committed all kinds of evil and pushed justice to the extreme, but only to promote his own death…

Heita:”Actually… is this actually the case? Taking the time when Liuying was still alive as a bifurcation, another branch was extended. Timeline? This not only preserves the [present], but also continues the future for Liuying?!”

Screwgum:”From the beginning, what he has to do is… die in the hands of everyone, so that he can fulfill his long-cherished wish……”

Fu Xuan:”The reincarnation in this life is full of contradictions. It is really difficult for us who come after us to evaluate it. Although he may have posed a bad threat to the people at that time, it has added hope for us to fight against Honkai.”

Three Yue Qi:”Fu Chen himself was the Hope Star God in his previous life.”

Heita:”Although I am treated like a fool by this Fu Chen in this life… But I have to accept it. Even if I can reverse time or something, I There is also such a person who is obsessed with it, and it is difficult to do such a thing……”

【”but……”Fu Chen sighed softly, and his frivolous words before his death became serious,”Thank you for allowing me to witness the miracle that only belongs to me and her at the last moment of my life.””】

【”……I will eventually die with all my sins, and for those of you who still choose to move forward… The ladder to conquer the collapse of the sky has now revealed to you the first stone steps. The road is winding and winding, and it is almost impossible to walk – But at the end of it, there is indeed light”】

【”Farewell heroes”】

【”Um… By the way… Teresa, I’m sorry… your grandfather can’t attend your coronation ceremony.……”】

【The man’s breath completely disappeared from the front of the girls.】

【Under their gaze, his soul drifted into the distance, towards nothingness, and towards his final destiny. ]

Fu Xuan:”Is this the end? But I feel like he went somewhere as he wished.……”

Hanabi:”It’s really… not fun at all.……”

Topa:”The end of a big shot is always so sad.”

Silver Wolf:”Really, I wanted to see how powerful the false god who holds the power of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers really is, but he was let go all the way! Still! Teach the other person step by step to defeat themselves……”

Doctor Truth:”I can’t understand how to exchange my own existence for an existence that has long since disappeared. Under his obsession, maybe I am indeed a real fool.”

Ji Zi:”I directed and acted on my own. A scene ended with his own death. He had done good things and bad things, but in the end it was just to satisfy the moment.”

Xing:”Well… is it over?”

At the same time, he was originally caught in a thick The black screen slowly lit up again at this moment.

This made everyone in the consciousness space think that the reincarnation had been completely annihilated, and everyone was a little stunned by this.

Obviously the reincarnators have disappeared, but the real reincarnators seem to have arrived in an unknown place?

Immediately afterwards, a patch of red sand appeared on the screen

【The church fell here and turned into broken stone debris. On the crimson desert, Fu Chen staggered and walked extremely weakly towards a dreamlike, tree-like object at the front, as if every step was his last strength.】

【”Ah…hum, life is really a fragile thing.”】

【”When I was a child, my sister died in battle and they told me that her soul was immortal and that her spirit would ascend to heaven. Ah”】

【”Generations of human beings are always willing to deceive themselves with such lies, believing in the so-called afterlife and the eternity of consciousness.”】

【”They disguise the world as if death does not exist… until death suddenly invades their lives and falls (ajbh) on the people they love.”】

【”Even at this time, they will deceive themselves even more, believing that love can transcend all things, and firmly believe that love can last forever.”】

【”Oh, indeed, love, and even broader emotions, can cause miracles, but the creators of miracles can only be those who are still alive at that moment.”】

【”As an ordinary person who has been deceived by them, I have also imagined that human souls exist in higher dimensions.”】

【”I dream that one day my loved one can return to the world with a new body and live in a better future.”】

【”Unfortunately…the rules of the world are not like this…Death is indeed the dissipation of consciousness and the end of everything……”】

【”Huh…we can’t pick up the lost starlight unless…we reverse time. Awaken the island of silent graves, and re-inject the evergreen water of life into the past that buries everything.”】

【”The dichotomous road will unfold again there, and the choice of life and death will form two worlds from now on, and the price is only one person’s death, one person’s destruction, and the one who originally wanted to cause us to collapse from the ground.”】

【”Huh… It’s a pity that by the time he understood this truth, Fu Chen was already a world-famous villain, and he was already completely hated by the power he needed most. But that’s okay… she did prove that anger born of love can have the same power as love. And behind such a hero……”】

【”Theresa, haha, my dear granddaughter, you are growing into a great leader”】

【”Over time, you will eventually make people forget your grandfather, and let his good and bad deeds be lost in history and disappear in conversation.”】

【”Just… eat some fruits and vegetables other than bitter melon occasionally. Ah, you always stay up late, your body should be supplemented with more diverse nutrients.”】

【”do you know? For tomorrow’s coronation ceremony, grandpa has hand-sewed the archbishop’s scapular for you. If you don’t mind it, then use it to start your own era. Wash away those stains that grandpa left there, Teresa”】

【”……My old friends, Marshal Hua, pioneers, they are truly good people and will definitely help you find your own path.”】

【”And Kafka, you already know that Elio is just a name, not a specific person, and I am one of them. I have manipulated your life and planned your destiny, while cultivating you. True love, but at the same time, I treat you as a pawn to take whatever I want. do you know? Everything I showed you in the last few years was just so that someone could build a wordless monument for me after being extinguished like this.”】

【”I don’t need anyone to judge me. After all, these long and short five hundred years are nothing more than what a man can give for what he loves.”】

【”Haha… He has now reached the end of his journey. What he wants to accomplish, what he wants to witness, and what he wants to redeem have already taken root and sprouted in the tree of imaginary numbers, just waiting for the lost messenger to bring the final news to everything. Delivered before end”】

【”That moment will not be too early or too late, it will become a requiem that transcends death.���He will be a hymn for miracles to come”】

【”The world will turn only for one person at that moment, let the imposed sin disappear, and let the ended will continue to move forward.”】

【”Despicableness will be taken to the grave by me, and the light will reach into the future because of you…”】

【”……I have fooled my friends, I have fooled my loved ones, I have fooled the world and His sovereign rules. Just to give the only real you a second life”】

【”I’m back… Liuying”】

The screen gradually went down, and Fu Chen had already reached the branches that reached the sky.

But this road, which is less than a hundred steps, is obviously not much easier than the road that has been walked for five hundred years…

At this moment, everyone in the consciousness space involuntarily held their breath.

Luofu Immortal Boat, in front of Tiance Mansion.

Jing Yuan put his hands behind his back and looked at the Jade Realm Gate in the distance, but he didn’t know where his eyes fell. He listened carefully to this person who made the universe tremble in his previous life! Make living creatures hate it! The man who makes all sins look grand! now!

But… like a dead tree, lonely and helpless, just to face no one around, leaving the most pitiful soliloquy.

He was lucky in his life. During his miserable childhood, he met the girl…who he fell in love with all his life.

His life was tragic. With overflowing hope, he personally murdered… that girl’s hope.

In Belloberg’s Clipper Castle, Bronya and Seele turned to look out the window, slowly closing their eyes, and using Belloberg’s highest etiquette, they paid their last respects to the poor man who had got his wish.

They knew that they could not forgive the sins committed by the Fuchen in the previous life on behalf of those who had sacrificed their lives in the previous life. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And their respect is limited to this moment, the last journey Fu Chen takes for Liu Ying.

On the Black Tower Space Station.

The clerks who were busy and tired of their work also stopped at almost the same time…looking at the same direction.

At this moment, the whole universe seemed to stop for him, listening to the whisper of the end.

At the same time, a consciousness that quietly and gradually condensed gathered in every corner of the universe.……[]

A pair of bright eyes also looked at the colors on the screen.

It took a long time before she could say a word


But at this moment, on the screen, everything seemed to have really returned to the day when Liu Ying walked to the gallows.

【”When a person really wants to change the world, he will realize how small his personal power is. The saint gave everything for the people, but what she got in return were ruthless shackles and nooses”】

【Fu Chen panted hard, leaving step-by-step footprints on the red sand. In front of him, under the red sand, obstacles emerged one after another.】

【”The world is so chaotic, it is neither fair nor reasonable… He persecutes heroes and nourishes villains. Ugliness everywhere, beauty gone… haha……”】

【”There are evil people in the world… Come and cut them off”】

【Fu Chen opened his palms, and the golden squares that were now in their original form gradually gathered together, condensing into a golden flame spear.】

【The flames of the flame gun became even more intense. With a wave in the air, Fu Chen launched the final charge.】

【He risked his last strength and headed towards the humanoid shapes condensed by the malice of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.】

【Leap high! The flame spear comes down! Violent flames exploded from this center!】

【Cover a large area! But after killing everyone, a group of people emerged from under the red sand again】

【”This is the distance between the world and her. This was the world’s ruthless counterattack against her, but his heart… would never give up because of this!”】

【Fu Chen’s whole body was steaming with heat, and he suddenly raised his head and swung away!】

【Facing the malicious intent once again, the Void Manzang in Fu Chen’s hand kept changing its appearance.】

【Xing’s Flame Spear, Li Sushang’s Xuanyuan Sword, Kafka’s Tai Dao, and that… the Star Core Cross that Fu Chen once made for Liu Ying】

【As the knife fell from his hand, he faced the counterattack with difficulty】

【However, the next moment, all the malice rushed together, forming a towering mountain.】

【In an instant, a monster that looks like”something heading toward death” rises from the ground! Its figure completely enveloped the dust of the house. 】

Fu Xuan:”What is this…Fu Chen…how many hardships do he have to go through in order to resurrect Liu Ying! This is enough!”

Jing Yuan:”Everyone says that becoming a star god is as difficult as casting without wings. Cliff, but he is fighting against the entire Tree of Imaginary Numbers… Evil has always been a big mountain.”

Black Swan:”This must be… the malice coming from the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, but also from everyone… towards him At this moment, all the evil he has done in the past have become difficulties and obstacles in the present.”

Screwgum:”And this huge monster that looks like something heading towards death must… be his malice towards himself.”

Xing. :”That is… Fu Chen once released monsters to kill people to divert attention in order to save Liu Ying, but he became… the murderer of Liu Ying? Is this the greatest malice for Fu Chen?”

Ji Zi:”What he has to do now is actually to defeat himself.……”

【With the sharp sword feathers stabbing down! A puff of red sand rises】

【Golden chains shot up into the sky, binding him tightly! Fu Chen gritted his teeth and rushed up along the chain, smashing the monster’s head with a huge cross.】

【Fu Chen also fell on the red sand in embarrassment.】

【And in front of us, the branches of the tree of imaginary numbers… we can look up and see】

【Fu Chen raised his hand feebly, wanting to grab it, want to touch it, want to be within reach……】

【But there was a puff! A long black tube penetrated his chest】

【The next moment, dense branches stabbed at the broken neck of the fallen monster!】

【The white archbishop’s scapular was stained bright red by the blood holes all over his body at this moment.】

【Fu Chen’s eyes were blurred……】

【Everything seems to be coming to a head at this moment】

【But in the haze, he seemed to see】


【There is a figure of a girl climbing over the wall……】

【A saint turns around and smiles……】

【There was a moment when he was closest to her……】





【A voice sounded slowly, and Fu Chen didn’t know if it was an illusion. He only saw a blond man wearing a white bishop’s scapular, handing Void Manzang in front of him.】

【Fu Chen gritted his teeth and his extinguished eyes condensed again!】

【He broke off the spear inserted into his body and held Void Manzo tightly in his hand.】

【The monstrous flames engulfed the monster behind him! He finally surrenders the shackles of past evil】

【Fu Chen was no longer able to grab the golden feedback monster in his hand. He was so weak that he could hardly open his eyes. With his arms weak, he staggered towards the Tree of Imaginary Numbers.】

【The phantom of the blond man ran counter to it.…】

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