【In the basement, after Huang Quan finished his work, he passed by and happened to see Fu Chen and La Dio whispering. Huang Quan walked up to them.】

【”……What are you doing?”】

【The two of them turned around and looked at each other. Fu Chen was stunned.】

【”Um…it’s nothing”】

【”We are communicating about planned changes. Latio said at this moment,”Although I understand the reason for changing the executor of the World Splitting Plan to Fu Chen, you should have informed me in advance, Quan”】

【”Didn’t Fu Chen tell you? Huang Quan spread his hands and said,”This is his own application.””】

【”I know. Latio nodded slightly,”But……”】

【”Everyone needs something to push them forward. You are like this, and so is he. Huang Quan interrupted. Latio was silent for a long time. Huang Quan continued to explain,”Latio, if the world-splitting plan is in your hands, then from a strategic point of view, I think Fu Chen’s analysis is right. We In fact, it is equivalent to losing this choice. I said it wrong���?”】

【”No.”Ladio himself also understood that he really couldn’t do that kind of thing.】

【”Well, from an organizational perspective, I ask you to accept this arrangement”】.


【”I understand your feelings, but after all, we cannot use personal likes and dislikes to measure the value of strategy. The world-splitting plan will only be the worst plan, but as the final guarantee to help civilization escape its fate, it must indeed exist. Even if we sacrifice our most important life, honor and even value”】

Heita:”Did Fu Chen take over this plan of almost mutual destruction? Judging from the opening scene, Fu Chen is indeed the one who can implement this plan without hesitation.”

Doctor Truth:”Exchange the majority for the minority Survival plan… I do hesitate, but in my previous life, I was even more indecisive than me, zero points!”

Screwgum:”Mr. Radio is really not shy about criticizing his previous life.”

【On a date as usual, Huang Quan and Fu Chen were walking on the street】

【”Fu Chen, what do you think of recent events?”】

【Huang Quan asked, and Fu Chen was stunned,”This… what are you referring to?”】

【”Let’s start with this matter, and then I will assign impossible plans to your friends.”】

【”People always have an ideal goal, and they know it is impossible to achieve it. Although it is futile, 12 is better than complete despair.”】

【”So…what about yourself? Unlike them, you have plans that can actually be accomplished”】

【”This is the trust everyone has in me. Of course I will go all out to fulfill my mission”】

【”I’m not asking about this, Fu Chen. When I study Honkai and the fate of mankind, I can at least feel the joy of discovering the truth. But what do you gain from all this? That’s not your intention, right?”】

【”I’m very satisfied if I can see you realize your own value.”】

【”Fu Chen, when you lead your companions, you say that people must always have an ideal goal. In this case, how can your target be just me? Regardless of the intimacy of the relationship, I am a different person than you. Using such things that are in his heart as a goal, at least in my opinion, is just a temporary passion after all.”】


【”Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying this must change from now on. But Fu Chen, you know very well that I do not have the physical conditions to become a fusion warrior, and your life may still be long. One day in the future, you will always have to say goodbye to me and find your own path again. At least then, he should no longer be anyone’s accessory, even if that person is me”】

Gui Naifen:”If you think about it carefully, it’s true… the world in this life seems to be just for hell, right?”

Su Shang:”In the final analysis, Rakshasa people don’t care about collapse or anything like that, they are just for hell..”

Huang Quan:”Well, I’ve never had anyone treat me like this. I don’t know how to express it, but I’m very happy.”

Xing:”I’m a little unhappy.……”

【In a dark space, Fu Chen, with a stern face, was walking here, holding a memory of the past in his hand.】

【This memory really made him linger on】

【Then, Fu Chen loosened it and threw it into the air. Then he began to move towards the next memory that he would never forget.】

【”Quan…but I am so selfish, I never care about Honkai. In the past 50,000 years, I have only been here just for you.”】

Black Swan:”Memories… 50,000 years of memories have passed……”

Black Tower:”Really, you can live longer than some star gods. This ancient beast gene really makes people live longer.”

Screwgum:”From the company’s standpoint, this may be what attracts them to want to carry out ancient research. The reason for the fusion of beast genes.”

Jizi:”Speaking of which, the company studies ancient beasts… is this really feasible? After all, the Amber King was a participant in the Twilight War, and the company, as its followers, attempts to study ancient beasts? Fu

Xuan:”The Amber King looks down on the company. Although the company has a guardian, it does not mean that the Amber King recognizes the company as a follower force.”

Black Tower:”It doesn’t matter, the Amber King generally doesn’t No matter what we humans do, even if it touches its reverse scale, the most it can do is give it a hammer. It depends on whether the company can bear it.”

Mrs. Scar-Eye:”……”

Ruan Mei:”Before the situation really develops to that point, the company’s guardian will prevent what happens next.””

【”Fuchen, in your opinion, what is the most wonderful thing about life?”The two were walking side by side on the street, Huang Quan suddenly asked】

【”Well, you want to hear the truth?”】

���Huang Quan smiled after hearing this,”Even if you want to lie, you can only deceive me for three seconds, right? Of course, you are not allowed to say that the answer is to meet me.”】

【”ok let me think……”Fu Chen blinked,”Although it’s a little strange to say this, when we were still in school, we boys would collectively skip class to listen to the Mockingbird concert. The free air at that time was probably the so-called beauty of life..” Fu Chen scratched his head and expressed an innocent idea. Huang Quan smiled lightly.】

【”This kind of method that will not be followed next time is really worthy of you. You should have said so at that time, right? [After all, I am still a high school student. Living more innocently and happily will make me look like me.]”】

【Huang Quan imitated what Fu Chen said to him before, and Fu Chen felt a little emotional about this.】

【”Yes, everyone has changed… No, Quan, you are the only one among us who has never changed, just like the truth you have been pursuing”】

【”If the truth could change like people, maybe the world would be a better place.

Fu Chen, in my opinion, the most wonderful thing about life is that he is obviously a creature of truth, but he can gradually understand and grasp the truth by his own strength.

Although you also know that as long as our understanding is deeper, the cruelty behind this beauty will become more obvious.

Ignorance is bliss, whether it is the illusory beliefs of the past or the recent Twilight Street prophet, they all advocated this.


【”But you are different!”】

【”Of course, this is what is called ambition.

Although from a utilitarian point of view, people will also say that if you don’t advance, you will retreat.

But at least for me, curiosity is the real force that can push people forward, and people must face the truth head-on.

, although the complete truth is actually unknowable at all, the flaws that come from metaphysics are actually discussing things beyond human vision, but do you know? In fact, what is really interesting is that all of this ultimately increases the charm of facing the truth.

At that moment, everyone can feel the trembling from the soul.


【”I’m… not sure if I fully understand it, but am I trying to say that this is like some sports? It is precisely because they can never be truly mastered that they have lasting charm in people’s eyes?”】

【”Of course, I have always believed that thinking is the greatest extreme sport in the universe. So, is your girlfriend crazier than you imagined?”】

【Huang Quan tilted his head slightly, which was in contrast to the way he spoke seriously about the truth just now, looking a little playful and cute.】

【Fu Chen let go of the memory ball in his hand, and his consciousness returned to the dark space again.】

【His blue eyes became cold, as if he had lost all emotion.】

【”After all, our world itself is so crazy……”】

Heita:”This underworld… actually makes sense. If it were in our world, maybe it should be the same.”���Be part of the genius club.”

Screw Gum:”After all, he was the scientist who led the last human beings to resist the Honkai Impact in that era. Esta

:”It seems that there are some similarities with Ms. Black Tower. You should be able to chat with Ms. Black Tower, right?”

Esta:”Oh, by the way, what about the underworld in this world?” Do you have any interest in scientific research? If so, you can come to the Black Tower Space Station.”

Huang Quan:”Sorry, I am not good at this in this world, and I have never been exposed to it.”

Sha Jin:”Haha, if I tell you her true identity, you will be shocked.”

Xing:”I remember you told me, Sand Jin… Huang Quan is… the Messenger of Nothingness?”

Black Swan:” Haha~ Who knows, dear.

Fu Xuan:”The Order of Nothingness?”! Hmm…the contrast is really big.……”

Doctor Truth:”After all, it’s a previous life, so that’s not surprising.”

Walter Young:”Yes… yes… this is a previous life, so the acquaintances I see should only be from their previous lives, or from their parallel worlds.” Past life?”

Void Manzang:”Don’t you think it’s a mouthful to say this?”

【Fu Chen once again walked into a memory, and this memory seemed to sting him.】

【Huang Quan used the star core that could release lava to create a big sword for Fu Chen】

【And the raging star core energy in this big sword makes it impossible for anyone except Fu Chen, who has a body of ice, to get close to think.】

【And not long after, thousands of star cores were dropped together, and countless worlds were poisoned!】

【Fu Chen protected Huang Quan to reach the final shelter, and then researched the exoskeleton armor that could finally allow people to control the energy of the star core.】

【However, thousands of star cores, consciously hosting thousands of humans, launched a general attack on this sanctuary.】

【Humanity was almost pushed to a desperate situation in this war】

【Fu Chen held a flaming sword and killed 300 star core bodies in one breath.】

【At the last moment, Huang Quan finally succeeded in her research. She put on the exoskeleton armor and fought against the star core host with Fu Chen.】

【Fu Chen worriedly protected her behind him】

【”Fuchen! If you just wanted to protect me, you would have done that now, but now, we have to protect humans!”】

【Huang Quan took the flaming sword from Fu Chen’s hand and used the greatest power to eliminate the remaining more than 700 star core bodies!】

【But… Huang Quan is just an ordinary person after all, not a fusion warrior. Even if she wears an exoskeleton armor that allows people to control the star core energy, the erosion of the star core energy on her is still irreversible.……】

【”Huang Quan……”Fu Chen didn’t dare to look directly at this memory any longer.】

【He couldn’t hug her because of his health, but… from this time on, Huang Quan’s health began to get worse and worse.】

【How can ordinary humans resist the erosion of Honkai?】

【”If at that time, I didn’t just want to protect you, you probably wouldn’t have to do this. Then we…maybe we could be together for a long time.……”��

Ruan Mei:”In the previous life of Ms. Huang Quan, she actually developed armor that allows people to control star core energy? From this point of view… I am not as good as her.”

Heita:”Don’t talk about you, I worked hard. We just sealed a star core, and Huang Quan actually developed an exoskeleton that can control the star core. Based on this alone, we geniuses are really inferior.”

Screw Gumu:”What we know so far The energy of the star core is almost unlimited, but it is not completely indestructible. If the star core can be used instead… it will greatly improve the energy utilization rate. After all, with 437 shots fired at this angle, the star core is equivalent to the nuclear front. The nuclear energy of civilization.”

Fu Xuan:”But this exoskeleton armor made by Huang Quan in the previous life can only provide ordinary people with star core energy for a short time, and I think…she should not live long.”

【After passing through the birth patterns of multiple star cores, mankind finally located the true location of Honkai Will behind the star cores!】

【Fu Chen set off with nine fusion warriors to start the final decisive battle with Honkai Impact】

【One minute after the battle started, the first fusion warrior died.】

【Ten minutes after the battle started, the third fusion warrior died.】

【Half an hour after the war started, only Fu Chen was left struggling to hold on.】

【Fu Chen strikes with all his strength and has a final confrontation with Honkai Will!】

【This blow ensured the complete demise of mankind and extended its life for twelve hours. 】

Bai Lu:”I feel like I’ve seen this scene before!”

Jackdaw:”It’s… Mr. Fu Chen’s first turn.���At that time, it was here that he defeated the collapse and extended the life of that world for countless years.”

Heita:”Fu Chen in that reincarnation was the Star God! And with the blessing of destiny weapons, Honkai at that time was equivalent to fighting nineteen star gods! But in the end, it just dissipated the energy accumulated by the collapse for hundreds of millions of years.”

Screw Gum:” Logic: One side has nineteen star gods fighting against the Honkai Will, and the other side only relies on the genes of the Dusk Ancient Beast and star nuclear weapons to fight against it. The former has continued the life of the universe for almost a reincarnation, while the latter It only lasted twelve hours, but it was also a miracle among miracles.”

Hanabi:”So what, it seems that this reincarnation is coming to an end. It is really nothingness after all~”

Himeko:”Is nothingness… really irreversible? Fu Chen’s three previous lives were almost all dealing with Honkai…the first life extended the life of the universe for hundreds of millions of years, the second life left valuable experience for the universe, and the third life…could it be just twelve hours? ? I don’t understand… how on earth we can avoid the baptism of Honkai Impact.”

Doctor of Truth:”Fu Chen has been at the forefront of the world for three generations, and we still don’t know. How can we find a way to solve it?”

【”Hell! Fu Chen is still alive!”In the laboratory, Latio ran over panting.】

【At this moment, Huang Quan, who had been eroded by the star core energy and could not stand up, could only show a faint smile.】

【”Very good! He is still alive… He is the only hope for mankind now. As long as he is still alive, our civilization will not disappear… It’s a pity… I can’t see him again.”】

【Ladio trembled all over】

【”Huang Quan, could it be said that…your illness is………”】

【”My body seems to have reached its limit… Now I can’t even see you clearly… Just now, for a period of time, I could barely maintain my consciousness, and now… my mind is suddenly clearer again , I’m afraid it’s…the so-called reflection of light.”】

【”Thank you, Latio, thanks to your medicine, I can survive until now and have time to leave my final plan.……”】.

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