StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 203: Barbarot's strategy

"The strongest commander of the stars (

The Babawi Empire No. 11917 is a small trading hub.

After three hours of careful searching, the 900,000 Babawi empire finally made a discovery.

"Master Barbarot, we found an unusual fragment of a battleship wreck. Based on our deep scan of it, we found that the wreck should be camouflaged, and there are other things inside!"

"Huh? Salvage it immediately and let the technician study!"


"Wait, don't get the flagship, take it to other warships, and send the technicians over!"

Thinking of something, Barbarot immediately stopped the adjutant who was about to deliver the order, and said coldly.

"Yes, Commander Barbarot!"

Soon, a warship went to the vicinity of the abnormal wreckage and dragged the fragments of the wreckage into the warship. Immediately, a group of technicians also took the shuttle to the warship.

However, as if to confirm Barbarot's previous concerns, a few minutes later, the warship suddenly turned into a ball of fire without warning.

Seeing this scene, Barbarot was also relieved.

After all, Barbarea said before that this is a level 5 civilization technology, so how could the other party leave this thing here? Don't you be afraid to pick it up and study it yourself?

It was precisely because of this level that Barbarot temporarily changed his order and asked the adjutant to order other warships to deal with the wreckage. In the end, it really confirmed his worries, and the entire warship was directly destroyed.

Inside the flagship bridge, everyone who saw this scene was secretly grateful, but fortunately, his commander temporarily changed the order and did not transport the wreckage to the flagship.

"Quickly, arrange a battleship to test and see if it can make the jump!"

"Yes, Commander Barbarot!"

According to Barbarot's orders, a battleship soon started the jump engine and made a short jump!

As the void shrank for a while, this battleship disappeared in place!

"Master Barbarot, the jump engine has been restored and it can be jumped normally!"

"Okay, order the fleet to immediately jump to the small trading hub No. 11827!"

"Yes, Commander Barbarot!"

This time, there was no problem, all three legions successfully entered the transition and headed towards the small trading hub No. 11827!

At this moment, the fleet led by Lin Fan is resting in the small trading hub No. 11827.

"Commander-in-Chief, the self-destructive jump blocking device previously deployed has sent back a self-destruct signal!"

"Well, order everyone to return to the battleship!"


A day later, the three legions led by Barbarot jumped to the small trading hub No. 11827.

But at the same time they arrived, Lin Fan led the fleet to start the leap.

"These **** from the Lehman Empire immediately calculate where they are jumping this time!"

"Yes, Commander Barbarot...According to calculations, the opponent's target this time should be the small trading hub No. 11768, 28 light-years away!"

"Okay, go now!"


Three legions, the 900,000 army, in accordance with Barbarot's orders, made another leap forward, pursuing the "Lehman Empire Fleet"!

However, this time Babarot was tricked by Lin Fan again.

Lin Fan did make a leap towards the small trading hub No. 11768, but the problem is that Lin Fan only took a 0.1 light-year distance and then withdrew from the transition state, and then moved to the small trading hub No. 11829, which is 3 light-years away. The hub jumped away.

One day later, Barbarot, who was on his way to the small trading hub No. 11768, received news that the small trading hub No. 11829 was attacked by the Lehman Empire fleet.

Where did Barbarot not understand, he was fooled again!

I was in the small trading hub No. 11827 before, obviously waiting for me to come over, and then let me see the direction of its transition, and then changed the route halfway!

This is no way to continue. You can only follow the opponent forever. Even if you catch it, the opponent can jump and leave directly, and you can't catch it at all.

Barbarot believes that he must find a way, otherwise, even if he pursues for another ten years, he will not be able to achieve results.

It has to be said that in a war with a pure four-level civilization, it is completely opposite to the three-level civilization, and the defender is definitely weak.

After all, the attacker can play anywhere, but the defender can't!

At the same time, if the attacker hits a certain star system of yours, the defender cannot withdraw at will like the attacker does. After all, once the attacker evacuates, the star system will definitely be slaughtered.

This situation will not be reversed again until the fifth level of civilization.

Fortunately, this time the opponent has 100,000 warships. In this case, Barbarot can still contain the opponent.

But the three legions that he brought were not enough, and more troops were needed.

After many considerations, Barbarot made up his mind, took out the communicator and contacted Barbara!

"Your Majesty Barbarea!"

"Barbarot, how is the Lehman Empire fleet on the front line? Has it been resolved?"

Barbarea thought that Barbarot was here to report the results, so he asked directly.

"Your Majesty Barbarea, this time I'm here to report the battle to you..."

Soon, Barbarot gave an introduction to the frontline situation.

This made Barbarea's face very unsightly. After a long time, this guy was not here to report the results, but to cry for the less powerful.

However, Barbarea did not have an attack either. After all, he is a veteran leader of the fourth-level civilization. As for the war between the fourth-level civilizations, it is clear to others that he is not clear. This is indeed not entirely to blame Barbarot. .

It’s just that the Babawi Empire hasn’t fought the fourth-level civilization for thousands of These issues have long been selectively forgotten, so he only ordered Babarot to go out with three legions. Up!

But now that Barbarot said so, he remembered the detailed explanation of the war between the four levels of civilization that had been passed down from the generations of the royal family that he had seen before.

"Barbarot, I allow you to mobilize 7 more fleets from the 012 large-scale trading hub, and at the same time temporarily grant you the authority to mobilize all three levels of civilization within the jurisdiction of the 012 large-scale trading hub."

"In this way, your strength should be enough, and I will completely eliminate the opponent!"

"Yes, Your Majesty Barbarea!"

After cutting off the communication, Babarot was obviously more confident. Although the local army was still not large, plus seven legions, there were only ten legions of 3 million warships, which is still a drop in the bucket.

However, within the jurisdiction of the 012 large-scale trading hub, the mobilization authority of all three levels of civilization is awesome.

You know, within this range, there are a total of 12 third-level civilizations, and these third-level civilizations can easily move a large number of legions to neighboring trade hubs.

After all, the so-called trade hub is not the territory of Babawi, but is organized in the form of a grid in the entire main arm area.

Therefore, some trade hubs may be on the borders of several civilizations, and some seemingly hubs may be built directly within the boundaries of a certain civilization.

"Immediately let all Level 3 civilizations under the jurisdiction of the 012 large trading hubs deploy legions to all trade hubs nearby, and at least 1 legion for each small trading hub! I want the Lehman Empire no matter where it attacks Facing at least 300,000 warships, even if it's just a third-class civilized warship!"

"Yes, Commander Barbarot!"

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