StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 276: The system wants Lin Fan to rebel

Time has come to the 100th year of the federal calendar.

Through space transmission technology, the Federation can project troops very quickly.

In just one year, all the territories of the Babawi Empire and other loyal civilizations have been surrendered, and the unity of the entire Orion arm has been completed.

At this moment, the cold voice of the system rang in Lin Fan's mind again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the ultimate assessment task of the novice period (final stage): helping the human federation become the overlord of the Orion arm!"

"Ding, because the host only used less than half of the prescribed time to complete the task, I hereby award an extra 5 million points."

"Ding, the system is starting to upgrade. The upgrade time is 24 hours, please wait patiently for the host!"

I haven't heard this sound for decades, Lin Fan is also infinitely moved, and he doesn't know what changes will happen after the system upgrade.

For Lin Fan, what he most hopes for at present is more powerful technology. In the current situation of the Milky Way galaxy, only a thorough breakthrough in science and technology can mankind have a way out.

Otherwise, you really can only hide from the satellite galaxies and live forever.

As for the war on the first main spiral arm, to put it awkwardly, after learning about the Zerg intelligence, Lin Fan was not optimistic about the four major alliances.

One of the most intuitive questions is that the space crack is still in Germany and it does not mean to disappear at all. How do you know that all the Zerg came over?

At the beginning, the Zerg came to the Milky Way galaxy through the space crack only more than 10,000 ant mounds.

According to the development speed of the Zerg, Lin Fan didn't think that more than 10,000 ant mounds were all of the Zerg's base camp.

Lin Fan even suspected that the Zerg who came to the galaxy might be just a small part of it, or even just a reconnaissance team.

Therefore, Lin Fan believes that the key to victory in this war is not whether the Zerg on the first main spiral arm can be eliminated, but whether it can find a way to close the gap in space!

If you can't close that space crack, no matter how you hit it, it will be for nothing!

However, the four major alliances obviously did not realize this problem, so Lin Fan was not optimistic about them. In the end, he had to rely on human beings.

In this matter, Lin Fan's thoughts are somewhat different from Lin Zhen's.

In Lin Zhen's logic, this is a war of all civilizations in the galaxy, and humans should do their utmost to participate in it.

Of course, this is also because Lin Zhen has no confidence, thinking that if the first main spiral arm is lost, then the Orion arm will linger for a few more years, but Lin Fan is different!

For Lin Fan, this zerg must be eliminated, the space rift must be closed, and at the same time humans must control the entire galaxy!

With the Milky Way as its base camp and the twelve satellite galaxies around it as outposts, it spreads out to the entire galaxy group!

This is the early goal that Lin Fan has set for himself, um, it's just the early stage.

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye it is the next day.

Mars battle star, in the command center.

At this moment, Lin Fan was sitting in his commander position, with his eyes closed, as if he was closing his eyes to calm his mind.

No one noticed that Lin Fan was talking to himself slightly.


"Ding, the system upgrade has been completed, and the strongest commander system (official version) is here for you!"

The system's voice was no longer cold, but turned into a nice female voice, which made Lin Fan very satisfied!

"What is the difference between the system and the official version, let's briefly introduce it!"

"Ding, okay, host!"

"Ding, to put it simply, the previous novice version only cultivated the host's basic abilities, while the official version is for the host to dominate the entire universe!"

"Ding, in the official version, the host will be able to exchange everything it needs to dominate the road in the system."

"Ding, of course, these are not free, but you have to exchange points for them!"

After a brief introduction, Lin Fan understood what has changed in the official version.

Just like what the system says, the novice version is purely for cultivating one's basic abilities, and when the basic abilities reach the standard, the system will issue a novice assessment task!

Only after passing this assessment task can you obtain the real system, which is the official version!

And this official version of the system is no longer like the novice version. Only after completing tasks can you get technology, but can be purchased through points, and not only technology, but also various other things.

This is compared to the novice version, but it's not a bit more powerful.

But there is a problem, I still need to consult the system.

"System, can you tell me how to get points?"

"Ding, yes, there are three main ways to get points!"

"Ding, the first is through resource exchange. For example, every 1 million tons of steel can be exchanged for 1 point, and other types of resources can also be exchanged, but the ratio of different resources for points is different!"

"Ding, the second is through the host or the soldiers under the host, obtained in the war! From now on, whether it is the host or the generals under the host, the system will give an evaluation after each war, and the system will be based on This evaluation will give corresponding reward points!"

"Ding, the third is to complete the tasks that the system releases from time to time. According to the evaluation of the completion of the tasks, the system will also issue corresponding points."

Hearing this, Lin Fan was relieved. As far as the current environment is concerned, except that the first method is not suitable for Lin Fan, there is no problem with the other two methods.

Now that the channel for obtaining points is stable, development is not a problem.

At this point, Lin Fan just wants to know the value of the 5 million points awarded by the system after completing the novice assessment on

Think about it, it shouldn't be too bad, but it won't be too good either!

After all, 10,000 tons of steel can be exchanged for 1 point, and 5 million points is actually 5 megatons of steel!

Although 5 megatons of steel is terrifying, don't think too much about it. After all, from the perspective of the universe, 5 megatons of steel is really not worth mentioning.

"Ding, now release a system task to the host!"

"Ding, in order to be able to use this system better, the host needs a more free environment! Please the host acquire a fully autonomous base camp within thirty years, and its level is at least galaxy level!"

Lin Fan was also taken aback by the sudden task of the system.

Good guy, just now I was thinking that the first way to get points is not suitable for me!

Unexpectedly, the system would immediately complete such a task!

However, what should I do with this task? After all, I am a senior general of the Federation, and from the current system of the Federation, it is absolutely forbidden for a general to have absolute autonomy!

This is an act of rebellion, and it still wants to create a rebellion against the old man. Is there anything more ridiculous than this?

The most important thing is that what the system mission says is to have a base camp of at least the galaxy level!

What is the concept of a galaxy?

The Milky Way is a galaxy... In other words, the system requires a celestial body at the same level as the Milky Way!

Wait, the satellite galaxy project to be launched soon, among which twelve satellite galaxies, although much smaller than the Milky Way, are also galaxies!

Suddenly, Lin Fan thought of something, and suddenly got an idea!

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